
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


(Mainichi Japan) May 30, 2011
Falling confidence in 'Japan brand' more than just a domestic problem

The nuclear power plant in Fukushima has completely tarnished the "Japan brand," which enjoyed a reputation around the world as being safe, clean, and high tech. All of that has been wiped away now by the black cloud of radioactive contamination.

Along with the "Japan brand," the popularity of Japanese food -- whose "health food" reputation had until recently attracted fans around the world -- has plummeted.

In an attempt to bring back customers, one overseas conveyor-belt sushi restaurant has gone as far as to post a sign saying that none of its ingredients are imported from Japan.

Efforts to help rebuild the reputation of Japanese food have begun, however, in Hong Kong, where there are an estimated 600 to 800 Japanese restaurants.

The ramen noodle industry there got the ball rolling with the campaign slogan: "Let's all eat ramen."
まずラーメン業界が口火を切り「万人 食 拉麺(ラーメン)」(みんなで食べよう、ラーメン)キャンペーンを始めた

While Japanese ramen is of Chinese origin, Chinese people consider it Japanese food.

Therefore, as Japan's reputation has plunged from the ongoing nuclear crisis, Hong Kong locals' appetite for ramen has waned, dealing a blow to the Hong Kong ramen industry.

Other Japanese restaurants and Japanese-style pubs have followed suit with "Love Japanese Food" campaigns of their own.
▲日本料理店や居酒屋などの業界も「愛 日本料理」運動で続いた。

Although most of the ingredients for Japanese food served in Hong Kong are imported from the Kyushu region, it's all the same Japan to local consumers, who do not differentiate between the southwestern island of Kyushu and the Tohoku region where the Fukushima plant is located.

To dispel concerns over the safety of Japanese food and to make its way back into consumers' good graces, the industry in Hong Kong has held sushi-tasting events and given discounts to diners.

In addition, local authorities are planning to implement a preferential financing system for small- and medium-sized businesses to support them.

Meanwhile, in Deauville, France, where the 50th anniversary ceremony of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the G8 Summit were being held, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan stated that Japan was aiming to draw lessons from the ongoing nuclear crisis and achieve "the highest standard of nuclear safety."

His declaration may be explicit, but unless he delivers results, the "Japan brand" will not be able to regain the trust it has lost -- which, as we have already seen, has repercussions beyond Japan's borders.

("Yoroku," a front-page column in the Mainichi Shimbun)
毎日新聞 2011年5月30日 0時02分