
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:へこたれました /東京


(Mainichi Japan) May 29, 2011
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: What we can learn from the troubles of a famous novelist
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:へこたれました /東京

I recently read the news that a letter from famous novelist Ryunosuke Akutagawa to poet Kyukin Susukida was discovered.

According to the news, both men were employees of the Osaka Mainichi Newspapers at the time, with Susukida being managing editor of the cultural news department.

I was surprised. "Had Akutagawa been a newspaper reporter?" I wondered.
Apparently, however, Akutagawa didn't come into the office, working from home instead.

We might feel envious of Akutagawa, being able to work from home, but it seems Akutagawa himself was far from a happy man.

This can particularly be gathered from a postcard he sent from Yugawara, Kanagawa Prefecture, where he was receiving medical treatment.

"I can't seem to recover from my nervous breakdown," he wrote. "My will is broken."

Akutagawa is said to have suffered from insomnia, strong anxiety and depression, and six years after sending the postcard, he took his own life at the age of 35.

It is clear that Akutagawa was gripped by one or more psychological disorders, although experts are divided on which ones.

There are also some who say Akutagawa's exposure to his dark side is what allowed him to write what he did.
Here, however, I would like to look at Akutagawa in a different way: even people of his stature have worries and expose their weaker selves to others.

Looking at a list of his accomplishments makes Akutagawa's life sound wonderful.

While a student at Tokyo University, he released the famous short story "Rashomon." He established himself as a famous writer while still young, married and was blessed with three boys.

He conducted observations overseas and became an instructor at Bunka Gakuin, a college in Tokyo.
The overall feeling is that he was advancing rapidly on the path to becoming a part of the literary elite.

And yet, even as he led this bright life, Akutagawa was constantly trapped by dark feelings.

Of course, he could not truly reveal those dark feelings to us, the general public.

However, looking at Akutagawa's life story, I believe we can carry some lessons away for ourselves: No matter how famous or successful a person is, they worry and suffer;

it is only natural that people sometimes feel down;

and it's not good to think too much about things.

Maybe we should try to just enjoy each day.

And, there is one more important thing:

when we have problems, we can do as Akutagawa did and show weakness to those around us.

Next time I feel down, I think I will copy Akutagawa and say, "My will is broken."

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)

毎日新聞 2011年5月24日 地方版