
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


民主党大会 新党も選択肢

毎日新聞ですが比較的平易な英文で書かれていますので、直接英文で意味はくみ取れるでしょう。日本語の関連記事を同時に掲載します。January 30, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Main opposition DPJ holds convention, may merge to form new party民主党大会 新党も…

日銀 2%目標へ強い意志…マイナス金利導入

January 29, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)BOJ shows strong will to achieve 2% inflation target日銀 2%目標へ強い意志…マイナス金利導入The Bank of Japan (BOJ) on Jan. 29 announced plans to introduce a negative interest rate to demonstrate its strong…

18歳選挙権 参院選の投票機会を広げたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunExpand voting opportunities for youths in upper house election this summer18歳選挙権 参院選の投票機会を広げたいThe central and local governments, as well as political parties, must cooperate to create an environment in…

代表質問 不平等克服へ政策競え

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 27EDITORIAL: Parties should focus on correcting social disparities, not election(社説)代表質問 不平等克服へ政策競えHow can we overcome social disparities that have become too commonplace today? 私たちの社会で日…

中国の人権弾圧 身勝手な力の統治が目に余る

The Yomiuri ShimbunChina must desist from its hardline moves to suppress human rights中国の人権弾圧 身勝手な力の統治が目に余るChinese President Xi Jinping has apparently been further escalating his rule with force. 中国の習近平国家主席が、…

廃棄食品問題 問われる日本の「食」

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 24EDITORIAL: Waste resale scandal puts safety of Japan’s food industry into question(社説)廃棄食品問題 問われる日本の「食」Industrial food waste, which should have been properly disposed of, has been found to be…

科学技術計画 次代の暮らしに役立つ開発を

The Yomiuri ShimbunPursue scientific advancements that will facilitate life for future generations科学技術計画 次代の暮らしに役立つ開発をEfforts should be expedited to create and improve a structure in which the strength of Japan’s long-cu…

甘利氏献金報道 疑惑解明へ説明から逃げるな

The Yomiuri ShimbunAmari must not avoid explaining about scandal involving political funds甘利氏献金報道 疑惑解明へ説明から逃げるなA politics-and-money scandal involving Akira Amari, state minister in charge of economic revitalization — wh…

ジャカルタテロ 「イスラム国」の脅威アジアに

The Yomiuri ShimbunJakarta terrorist attacks show threat posed by ISIL has reached Asiaジャカルタテロ 「イスラム国」の脅威アジアにIt has become clear that the threat of terrorism, influenced by radical ideology, has spread from the Middle …

甘利氏疑惑 「記憶あいまい。きちんと整理し説明したい」


中国GDP減速 安定成長へ構造改革が急務だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunChina needs structural reforms to achieve stable economic growth中国GDP減速 安定成長へ構造改革が急務だHow can China’s economy shift onto a track of stable growth, while preventing itself from stalling? 景気の腰折れを…

イラン制裁解除 合意履行を中東安定へ生かせ

The Yomiuri ShimbunUse implementation of Iran N-deal to build stability in Middle Eastイラン制裁解除 合意履行を中東安定へ生かせHow to draw Iran into the world community and bring stability to the Middle East, which has been thrown into an …

株安と安倍政権 経済政策に「百年の計」を

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 16EDITORIAL: A heavy price to pay for Abe's short-sighted economic policy(社説)株安と安倍政権 経済政策に「百年の計」をThe Japanese stock market has been in serious turmoil since the start of the year. The benchm…

台湾総統選 対中急接近が生んだ蔡新政権

The Yomiuri ShimbunRapid rapprochement with China led to new administration in Taiwan台湾総統選 対中急接近が生んだ蔡新政権The people of Taiwan have applied the brakes to rapid rapprochement with China. 中国への急接近に台湾住民がブレーキを…

金融市場大荒れ 中国発の不安連鎖を断ち切れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunBreak chain of anxiety triggered by China causing turmoil in global markets金融市場大荒れ 中国発の不安連鎖を断ち切れTurmoil in the global financial markets, caused by uncertainty regarding the Chinese economy, has been c…

日韓慰安婦問題 合意履行に朴氏の責任は重い

The Yomiuri ShimbunPark bears heavy responsibility to implement ‘comfort women’ deal日韓慰安婦問題 合意履行に朴氏の責任は重いAt a time when North Korea’s latest nuclear test has threatened the stability of the region, improving Japan’s rel…

オバマ演説 指導力回復へ全力尽くす時だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunUnited States must do everything possible to regain global leadershipオバマ演説 指導力回復へ全力尽くす時だIt is hard to say that the United States is sufficiently exercising its leadership in dealing with North Korea’s n…

朝鮮半島緊張 北のさらなる挑発を許さない

The Yomiuri ShimbunWorld must refuse to tolerate further provocation by North Korea朝鮮半島緊張 北のさらなる挑発を許さないTriggered by North Korea’s latest nuclear test, tensions are running high on the Korean Peninsula. Further military p…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡: 脳科学と人の心 /東京

January 10, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Brain science and the human spirit香山リカのココロの万華鏡: 脳科学と人の心 /東京I wonder what kind of year this is going to be. 今年はどんな年になるのだろう。As a psychiatrist, t…

中東と日本 傍観者でいられない

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 10EDITORIAL: Japan should not be passive bystander as tensions rise in Middle East(社説)中東と日本 傍観者でいられないTensions are rising in the Middle East as Saudi Arabia and Iran are at loggerheads with each o…

北朝鮮核問題 問われる中国の行動

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 9EDITORIAL: China crucial to moves to rein in North Korea(社説)北朝鮮核問題 問われる中国の行動In response to Pyongyang’s fourth nuclear test, the U.N. Security Council will soon start discussions on a new resolu…

DELL from U.S.A

中国ロケット軍 米への挑戦示した核部隊強化

The Yomiuri ShimbunChina’s conspicuous nuclear unit build-up poses challenge to U.S.中国ロケット軍 米への挑戦示した核部隊強化The hard-line stance of China, which is trying to drive the United States out of the Asian order and establish its…

サウジVSイラン 断交は中東の混迷深めないか

The Yomiuri ShimbunMiddle East troubles deepen as rift between Saudi Arabia, Iran growsサウジVSイラン 断交は中東の混迷深めないかThe action poured cold water on the efforts of the international community to end the Syrian civil war. シリ…

北朝鮮核実験 脅威の深刻化に迅速対応せよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunIntl community must address N. Korea nuclear threat swiftly / Regime’s unpredictable moves fuel instability北朝鮮核実験 脅威の深刻化に迅速対応せよ◆包囲網強化へ国際社会は結束を◆The nuclear threat posed by North Korea has …

サウジとイラン 中東安定に向け和解を

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 6EDITORIAL: Saudi Arabia-Iran reconciliation needed to prevent further Mideast turmoil(社説)サウジとイラン 中東安定に向け和解をThis year also began with chaos in the Middle East dominating international news. Co…

通常国会開幕 「戦後の岐路」問う論戦を

--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 5EDITORIAL: Lawmakers can't be allowed to obscure issues on Japan’s future course(社説)通常国会開幕 「戦後の岐路」問う論戦をThis year’s ordinary Diet session convened on Jan. 4, immediately after the traditional…

分断される世界 連帯の再生に向き合う年

-- The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 1EDITORIAL: We must heal dangerous divisions in the world(社説)分断される世界 連帯の再生に向き合う年A new year has arrived, with the world remaining to be plagued by deep and dangerous divisions. 地球が、傷だら…

脅威増す世界 対「イスラム国」で結束強めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunInternational community must solidify its unity against ISIL脅威増す世界 対「イスラム国」で結束強めよ ◆米主導の秩序をどう維持するか◆The threat of terrorism stemming from extremism is shaking the U.S.-led international or…

