
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


アジア投資銀 過剰な中国主導で大丈夫か

The Yomiuri ShimbunWhat does China’s plan for a new infrastructure bank portend for Asia?アジア投資銀 過剰な中国主導で大丈夫かThe Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a new international financial organization led by China, will be…

「イスラム国」 過激派の勧誘に惑わされるな

The Yomiuri ShimbunDon’t be fooled by Islamic State propaganda; united front needed「イスラム国」 過激派の勧誘に惑わされるなPropaganda by extremist groups justifying terrorism could generate new terrorist outrages in industrially advanced …