
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


携帯ゲーム規制 健全性を重視したビジネスに

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 30, 2012)Social networking games must be responsible携帯ゲーム規制 健全性を重視したビジネスに(5月29日付・読売社説)It is after all an improper business model to earn profits by exploiting child psychology and sti…

海底資源開発 政府主導で戦略を構築せよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 29, 2012)Govt must establish strategy to develop seafloor resources海底資源開発 政府主導で戦略を構築せよ(5月28日付・読売社説)Abundant natural resources are sleeping under the seafloor in Japan's exclusive econom…

島サミット 米と連携し中国進出に対処を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 28, 2012)Strengthen intl ties in Pacific to deal with China's assertiveness島サミット 米と連携し中国進出に対処を(5月27日付・読売社説)Japan's efforts to support development of the island countries that dot the Pa…

特許の国際戦略 「知財大国」中国への対策急げ


温暖化ガス削減 「25%」は撤回し現実的目標を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 25, 2012)Set new, realistic target for greenhouse gas reductions温暖化ガス削減 「25%」は撤回し現実的目標を(5月24日付・読売社説)The government should immediately withdraw Japan's target of cutting greenhouse g…

中比対立激化 尖閣諸島でも警戒が必要だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 25, 2012)China-Philippine confrontation a warning for Senkakus中比対立激化 尖閣諸島でも警戒が必要だ(5月24日付・読売社説)A confrontation between China--which has been building up its military in recent years--and…

NATO会議 長期的アフガン支援が必要だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 24, 2012)Long-term assistance key to achieving Afghan peaceNATO会議 長期的アフガン支援が必要だ(5月23日付・読売社説)Leaders from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ended their meeting in Chicago on Monday…

電力全面自由化 効果と副作用を冷静に考えよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 23, 2012)Think carefully before liberalizing power business電力全面自由化 効果と副作用を冷静に考えよ(5月22日付・読売社説)The intended effects and the possible side effects that would be brought about through ful…



東京スカイツリー 世界一の塔が日本を元気に

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 22, 2012)World's tallest tower will invigorate Japan東京スカイツリー 世界一の塔が日本を元気に(5月21日付・読売社説)At long last, Tokyo Skytree will officially open on Tuesday. いよいよ、あす22日、「東京スカイツ…

あす金環日食 天空のドラマを堪能したい

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 21, 2012)Let's enjoy a rare astronomical spectacle!あす金環日食 天空のドラマを堪能したい(5月20日付・読売社説)An annular solar eclipse, a phenomenon in which the moon blocks out most of the sun, leaving a ring of…

H2A成功 宇宙産業の地歩を築く一歩に

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 20, 2012)Japan's space industry shoud build on H-2A rocket successH2A成功 宇宙産業の地歩を築く一歩に(5月19日付・読売社説)The 21st H-2A rocket was successfully launched Friday with four satellites aboard. One …

GDP高成長 景気の本格回復につなげたい

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 19, 2012)Devise effective strategy for robust economic recoveryGDP高成長 景気の本格回復につなげたい(5月18日付・読売社説)The nation's economy has finally begun to recover on the back of robust consumer spendin…

混迷ギリシャ 独仏は協調し危機封じ込めを

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 18, 2012)Hollande, Merkel should bridge gap to contain Greek crisis混迷ギリシャ 独仏は協調し危機封じ込めを(5月17日付・読売社説)The political turmoil in Greece has deepened after negotiations to form a coalition …

混迷ギリシャ 独仏は協調し危機封じ込めを

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 18, 2012)Hollande, Merkel should bridge gap to contain Greek crisis混迷ギリシャ 独仏は協調し危機封じ込めを(5月17日付・読売社説)The political turmoil in Greece has deepened after negotiations to form a coalition …

温首相尖閣発言 「核心的利益」は穏やかでない

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 17, 2012)Wen's 'core interests' remark over Senkakus a cause for concern温首相尖閣発言 「核心的利益」は穏やかでない(5月16日付・読売社説)China is reinforcing its hard-line stance over the Senkaku Islands in Okina…

沖縄復帰40年 経済と安保を両立させたい

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 16, 2012)Okinawa economic development, national security both important沖縄復帰40年 経済と安保を両立させたい(5月15日付・読売社説)Okinawa Prefecture celebrates the 40th anniversary of its reversion to Japanese …

日中韓首脳会談 FTAと「北」で具体的成果を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 15, 2012)Japan, China, South Korea cooperation promising日中韓首脳会談 FTAと「北」で具体的成果を(5月14日付・読売社説)It is hoped that broad cooperation between Japan, China and South Korea will result in subs…

外資の森林買収 水源地保全のルール作り急げ


社説:プーチン新体制 関係深めて突破口探れ

May 11, 2012(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Japan should work with Russia to solve territorial dispute as Putin becomes president社説:プーチン新体制 関係深めて突破口探れJapan should seek a breakthrough in its deadlocked territorial dispute with…

フリー画像 、無料写真素材ならデジタル@備忘録

今朝は、フリー画像 、無料写真素材を提供するデジタル@備忘録サイトをご紹介いたします。このサイトは便利ですね。手元に適当な写真が無い場合でも気軽に検索して記事にフィットする素敵な画像(写真)を瞬時にDLできる仕組みなのです。膨大な無料写真素材…

生活保護見直し 自立を促し不正許さぬ制度に

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 12, 2012)Reform welfare system to help those helping themselves生活保護見直し 自立を促し不正許さぬ制度に(5月11日付・読売社説)As the economic situation continues to deteriorate, the number of people receiving wel…

プーチン大統領 見定めたいアジア重視戦略

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 11, 2012)Putin's diplomatic strategies require careful scrutinyプーチン大統領 見定めたいアジア重視戦略(5月10日付・読売社説)After an interval of four years, Vladimir Putin has returned to the post of Russian pres…

一体改革法案 与野党協議へ「建設的対案」を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 10, 2012)Realistic counterproposals needed from LDP一体改革法案 与野党協議へ「建設的対案」を(5月9日付・読売社説)Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has declared it is "no exaggeration to say" he is staking his politic…

社説:超高齢社会 「肩車型」の常識を疑え

May 05, 2012(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Aging society does not necessarily spell doom社説:超高齢社会 「肩車型」の常識を疑えLongevity is something to be celebrated, but when it comes to the aging of Japanese society, it is often discussed in…

米中戦略対話 人権で摩擦の火種を残した

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 8, 2012)Human rights issue causes friction between U.S., China米中戦略対話 人権で摩擦の火種を残した(5月6日付・読売社説)The fourth round of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, held in Beijing, recentl…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:甘え?若年ホームレス /東京

May 06, 2012(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Problem of young homeless not just a lack of drive香山リカのココロの万華鏡:甘え?若年ホームレス /東京The Big Issue, a project which supports homeless people by having them sell its ma…

「原発ゼロ」社会:下 市民の熟議で信頼構築を

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 6EDITORIAL: New system needed to ensure public input on nuclear power「原発ゼロ」社会:下 市民の熟議で信頼構築をThe devastating accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant last year has evoked serious publi…

憲法記念日 改正論議で国家観が問われる

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 4, 2012)Vision of the state questioned in top law revision debate憲法記念日 改正論議で国家観が問われる(5月3日付・読売社説) ◆高まる緊急事態法制の必要性Japan is currently facing many pending issues at home and abr…

再生エネ発電 買い取り制には課題が多い

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 2, 2012)Problems surround govt plan for renewable energy purchases再生エネ発電 買い取り制には課題が多い(5月1日付・読売社説)A feed-in tariff system for electricity from renewable energy sources such as solar and …