
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


追加金融緩和 政府と日銀は脱デフレを急げ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 1, 2012)Govt, BOJ must expedite efforts to arrest deflation追加金融緩和 政府と日銀は脱デフレを急げ(4月30日付・読売社説)If the Bank of Japan simply continues taking monetary-easing measures in dribs and drabs, th…

高速バス事故 再発防止に安全運行の徹底を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 2, 2012)Safety must be paramount when operating buses高速バス事故 再発防止に安全運行の徹底を(5月1日付・読売社説)Sunday's expressway bus accident seems to suggest that safety concerns have been put on the back bu…

東電事業計画 再稼働と値上げをどうする

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 29, 2012)Govt takes on heavy burden in nationalizing TEPCO東電事業計画 再稼働と値上げをどうする(4月28日付・読売社説)The nationalization of Tokyo Electric Power Co. means that the government will be required to s…

消費税法案 軽減税率で低所得者層に配慮を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 30, 2012)Help low-income earners with reduced tax rates for necessities消費税法案 軽減税率で低所得者層に配慮を(4月29日付・読売社説) ◆参考にしたい欧州の先行事例Comprehensive reform of the social security and tax …