
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


一票の不平等 いつまで放置するのか

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 26EDITORIAL: Vote-value disparity a gross inequality that cannot continue(社説)一票の不平等 いつまで放置するのかThe Supreme Court’s latest ruling on the issue of vote-value disparity has left us wondering how lo…

五輪基本方針 テロ対策にも万全を期したい

The Yomiuri ShimbunTake every possible antiterror step in preparation for 2020 Tokyo Games五輪基本方針 テロ対策にも万全を期したいPreparations for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games stumbled significantly due to the withdrawal of p…

露軍機撃墜 非難合戦を続けている場合か

The Yomiuri ShimbunIt’s not the time for lobbing criticism over downing of Russian warplane露軍機撃墜 非難合戦を続けている場合かThis situation has poured cold water on the opportunity for cooperation between Russia, the United States and E…

日米首脳会談 中国の海洋進出に連携対処を

The Yomiuri ShimbunDeepen Japan-U.S. cooperation to handle China’s maritime advances日米首脳会談 中国の海洋進出に連携対処をJapan and the United States must work closely together and play a leading role in both the political and economic fi…

APEC 自由貿易拡大はTPPを軸に

The Yomiuri ShimbunExpansion of free trade framework must center around TPP pactAPEC 自由貿易拡大はTPPを軸にBroadening high-level trade liberalization based on the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement is indispensable to t…

行革公開検証 もんじゅが焦点だ

--The Asahi Shimbun, Nov. 10EDITORIAL: Scrap Monju reactor project and use money to develop renewable energies(社説)行革公開検証 もんじゅが焦点だThe annual public review of policy programs by the government to identify wasteful spending …

思いやり予算 日米同盟の信頼損ねぬ議論を

The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan-U.S. talks on ‘sympathy budget’ must be based on trust in alliance思いやり予算 日米同盟の信頼損ねぬ議論をTokyo should conduct discussions calmly with Washington over its budgetary appropriations for host-nation sup…

(社説)辺野古、本体工事着手 埋め立て強行は許されぬ

--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 30EDITORIAL: Japan's cherished values apparently don't apply to Okinawa(社説)辺野古、本体工事着手 埋め立て強行は許されぬHow long does the central government intend to continue the history of discriminatory treat…