
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:いじめは誰にでも起きる /東京

July 29, 2012(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Bullying could happen to anyone香山リカのココロの万華鏡:いじめは誰にでも起きる /東京The backlash against the problem of bullying has spread further. いじめ問題の波紋がさらに広がって…

ロンドン五輪 数多くの感動を味わいたい

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 29, 2012)Nation craves moving drama at London Olympicsロンドン五輪 数多くの感動を味わいたい(7月28日付・読売社説)The London Olympics have opened. What kind of drama will the athletes, who have come from all over …

北朝鮮新体制 「先軍政治」から転換できるか

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 28, 2012)Can Pyongyang change its 'military-first' doctrine?北朝鮮新体制 「先軍政治」から転換できるか(7月27日付・読売社説)Speculation is rife in the wake of the dismissal of the chief of North Korea's General St…

南シナ海緊張 中国の強硬姿勢に深まる憂慮

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 27, 2012)China's hard-line stance cause for grave concern南シナ海緊張 中国の強硬姿勢に深まる憂慮(7月26日付・読売社説)We urge China to restrain itself from taking unilateral action and to work to alleviate tensio…

エネルギー選択 付け焼き刃の議論で決めるな

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 26, 2012)Don't decide energy option through ad hoc discussionsエネルギー選択 付け焼き刃の議論で決めるな(7月25日付・読売社説)The basic policy on energy, which will determine the nation's future, should not be dec…

政府事故調報告 原発の安全向上に教訓生かせ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 25, 2012)Use lessons of Fukushima to improve N-plant safety政府事故調報告 原発の安全向上に教訓生かせ(7月24日付・読売社説) ◆「想定外」に備える危機対策をBased on lessons learned from the results of investigations …

駆けつけ警護 PKOの実効高める法改正を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 24, 2012)Revise law to improve Japan peacekeeping operations駆けつけ警護 PKOの実効高める法改正を(7月23日付・読売社説)The government should step up efforts to deal with issues left unresolved since the enactme…

シリア情勢 アサド政権がほころび始めた

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 23, 2012)Assad regime appears to be fraying from withinシリア情勢 アサド政権がほころび始めた(7月22日付・読売社説)The civil war in Syria continues to intensify. 内戦は激しくなるばかりだ。The fact that the U.N. Se…

金利不正操作 市場の信頼回復へ改革を急げ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 22, 2012)Reform urged to regain trust of market amid Libor scandal金利不正操作 市場の信頼回復へ改革を急げ(7月21日付・読売社説)Distrust in financial markets has been heightened recently by suspected rigging in Br…


--The Asahi Shimbun, July 20EDITORIAL: New strategy needed for disposal of spent nuclear fuel核燃料の処分―国の責任で新戦略をTo build a safe society that does not rely on nuclear power, it is necessary for the government not only to lower t…

オフィスビル 官民で災害に強い都市目指せ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 20, 2012)New Tokyo office buildings should be disaster-resistantオフィスビル 官民で災害に強い都市目指せ(7月19日付・読売社説)Strengthening functions of office buildings in Tokyo can also help the nation revive it…

社説:原発の意見聴取会 ずさん過ぎるやり方だ

July 18, 2012(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Gov't should be fair in listening to public opinion on nuclear power社説:原発の意見聴取会 ずさん過ぎるやり方だThe government's decision to ban employees at electric power companies from expressing th…

社説:厚生年金基金改革 決められる政治の出番

July 16, 2012(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Pension system must be drastically reformed, welfare pension funds axed社説:厚生年金基金改革 決められる政治の出番The alleged misappropriation of at least 100 billion yen of welfare pension funds by a…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:調査の「ゴール」が違う /東京

人間の本性とは所詮そのようなものなのです。江戸時代の村八分、明治の同和問題など、この人間の性(さが)に根ざすものではないでしょうか。タイでは王室を中心として「to be number one」というサークル活動がタイ全土で盛んに行われています。私も10年前に…

中国GDP 景気失速を食い止める対策を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 15, 2012)China must try to halt economic slowdown中国GDP 景気失速を食い止める対策を(7月14日付・読売社説)Spillover effects of the European debt crisis have become a drag on the Chinese economy, an engine of wo…

中国の領海侵入 尖閣諸島への挑発は目に余る

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 14, 2012)China making waves again with Senkaku Islands incursion中国の領海侵入 尖閣諸島への挑発は目に余る(7月13日付・読売社説)It is disturbing to see Chinese government vessels again intruding into Japanese terr…


--The Asahi Shimbun, July 13EDITORIAL: China’s provocative acts unacceptable around Japanese territory領海侵入―中国は冷静に振る舞えThree Chinese fishery patrol vessels intruded into Japanese territorial waters off the Senkaku Islands in Ok…

小沢新党 大衆迎合の色濃い「生活第一」

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 13, 2012)Ozawa's latest political party is mainly a populist stunt小沢新党 大衆迎合の色濃い「生活第一」(7月12日付・読売社説)The third-largest party in Diet, after the Democratic Party of Japan and the Liberal De…

オスプレイ配備 政府は安全性の説明を尽くせ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 12, 2012)Govt must fully explain safety of Ospreyオスプレイ配備 政府は安全性の説明を尽くせ(7月11日付・読売社説)It is important to evaluate and discuss the safety of the U.S. military's new transport aircraft in …

尖閣国有化方針 政府と都は安定管理へ協調を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 11, 2012)Central, Tokyo govts should get in tune over Senkaku Islands尖閣国有化方針 政府と都は安定管理へ協調を(7月10日付・読売社説)The inability of the central and Tokyo metropolitan governments to get on the sa…

ちいさな企業 日本再生に期待される潜在力

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 10, 2012)Harness small firms' potential to revitalize Japanちいさな企業 日本再生に期待される潜在力(7月8日付・読売社説)Small and midsize companies account for 90 percent of domestic enterprises, and are a huge po…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:受給者の苦悩に配慮を /東京

July 08, 2012(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Remember there is no shame in accepting welfare香山リカのココロの万華鏡:受給者の苦悩に配慮を /東京Recently, a committee for tackling illegal public assistance payouts has been launch…

ヒッグス粒子 未知の探求へ新たな一歩だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 8, 2012)Higgs boson discovery marks new start in probing the unknownヒッグス粒子 未知の探求へ新たな一歩だ(7月7日付・読売社説)A new subatomic particle believed to be the "Higgs boson," hunted for more than 40 yea…

公務員退職給付 官民格差の解消を前提とせよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 7, 2012)Eliminate disparity between public, private retirement packages公務員退職給付 官民格差の解消を前提とせよ(7月6日付・読売社説)How should the government eliminate the disparity in retirement packages betwee…


--The Asahi Shimbun, July 4EDITORIAL: Feed-in tariff system offers opportunities自然エネルギー―普及急ぎ新しい社会へ A feed-in tariff system that requires utilities to purchase electricity generated with renewable energy sources like solar …

社説:電力政策の未来 国民の主体的な選択で

July 04, 2012(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Japan's energy future must be decided by its people社説:電力政策の未来 国民の主体的な選択でThe people of Japan must soon choose one option from among three mid- and long-term energy policy scenarios …


--The Asahi Shimbun, July 3EDITORIAL: Opportunity is ripe for DPJ to improve its public pledges民主党分裂―公約を鍛え直す契機に Veteran political fixer Ichiro Ozawa and 49 loyalists effectively resigned from the ruling Democratic Party of J…


--The Asahi Shimbun, July 1EDITORIAL: More stringent labels on fish products needed福島の漁再開―一歩ずつ、元の姿にFishermen in Fukushima Prefecture recently went back to their livelihoods for the first time since the nuclear disaster last …


--The Asahi Shimbun, June 29EDITORIAL: Freedom of expression must be protected慰安婦写真展―表現できる社会を守る On the question of Nikon Corp.’s decision to cancel a photo exhibition featuring “comfort women” who were forced to provide sex…

小沢・輿石会談 無茶な要求には付き合えない

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 1, 2012)DPJ should firmly refuse Ozawa's unreasonable demand小沢・輿石会談 無茶な要求には付き合えない(6月30日付・読売社説)Former Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa has made an unreasonable demand c…