
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


(社説)辺野古移設 沖縄の問いに答えよ

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 24EDITORIAL: High time for government to answer Okinawa’s questions(社説)辺野古移設 沖縄の問いに答えよHow long will the central government continue to blatantly and completely ignore Okinawa Prefecture’s reques…

プーチン発言 「核準備」の恫喝は認められぬ

The Yomiuri ShimbunPutin’s allusion to being prepared to use nuclear arms is intolerableプーチン発言 「核準備」の恫喝は認められぬIt was a threat in which an allusion was made over the use of nuclear weapons. His remarks, made as a leader o…

Is Japan Asia's Next Autocracy? 日本はアジアの次の独裁国家になるのか?

FEB 20, 2015 9:00cite from bloomberg view.comIs Japan Asia's Next Autocracy?日本はアジアの次の独裁国家になるのか?By Noah SmithEarlier this year, I highlighted a troubling trend in many countries around the world -- the move toward illiber…