
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


ダンス営業規制 実態に即した法改正が必要だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun 6:55 pm, April 28, 2014Law regulating dance clubs should be revised to reflect current realityダンス営業規制 実態に即した法改正が必要だRegulating dance classes under the Law Regulating Adult Entertainment Businesses can…

認知症事故判決 介護する側の苦労も考慮した

The Yomiuri Shimbun 7:13 pm, April 27, 2014Court considers hardship of caring for senile in lawsuit over rail death 認知症事故判決 介護する側の苦労も考慮したLast week’s ruling by the Nagoya High Court posed a weighty question: How can we e…

(社説)防衛省の隠蔽 良心はどこへいった

April 26, 2014EDITORIAL: Bullying cover-up casts doubts on the Defense Ministry’s moral integrity(社説)防衛省の隠蔽 良心はどこへいったA cover-up scandal concerning the 2004 suicide of a Maritime Self-Defense Force seaman has brought to t…

配偶者控除 女性活用につながる見直しか

The Yomiuri Shimbun 11:00 pm, April 24, 2014Will reviewing spousal tax deduction help boost role of women in society?配偶者控除 女性活用につながる見直しかThe government’s Tax Commission has started discussing a review of the tax deduction …




April 23, 2014EDITORIAL: Abe misses the point in disclosing minutes of Cabinet meetings閣議の議事録―何のための公開なのかFor the first time since Japan adopted the Cabinet system in 1885, the government on April 22 disclosed to the public t…

船舶差し押さえ 日中共同声明の精神が揺らぐ

The Yomiuri Shimbun 7:03 pm, April 22, 2014Chinese seizure of Japanese vessel undermines spirit of 1972 statement船舶差し押さえ 日中共同声明の精神が揺らぐThe seizure of a Japanese ship is an unprecedented exercise of Chinese public authori…

外国人労働者 活用策を幅広く議論する時だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun 6:45 pm, April 21, 2014In-depth discussions needed over hiring of more foreign workers 外国人労働者 活用策を幅広く議論する時だWith the shrinking of this country’s workforce as a result of the rapid graying of society an…

(社説)日中関係 この機運を生かしたい

April 21, 2014EDITORIAL: Don’t miss the window of opportunity opening for Japan-China thaw(社説)日中関係 この機運を生かしたいThere have been some tentative signs of a thaw in the frosty relationship between Japan and China. 凍りついてい…

高齢人口25% 独り暮らし対策は待ったなし

The Yomiuri Shimbun 7:13 pm, April 18, 2014Measures urgently needed to cope with, reduce number of elderly living alone高齢人口25% 独り暮らし対策は待ったなしAs the people born during the postwar baby boom have begun entering the later s…

電力経営悪化 エネルギー政策全体の課題だ


(社説)安倍政権の絆 ガラパゴス化が心配だ

April 16, 2014EDITORIAL: Abe administration's disturbing signs of 'Galapagos' syndrome(社説)安倍政権の絆 ガラパゴス化が心配だIn his recent address to newly hired government employees, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe exhorted them to broaden th…

竹富町の教科書 法改正の趣旨踏まえた対応に

The Yomiuri Shimbun 8:47 pm, April 15, 2014Local boards of education must act in conformity with revision of law竹富町の教科書 法改正の趣旨踏まえた対応にThe town board of education in Taketomi, Okinawa Prefecture, which has deviated from r…

G20共同声明 ウクライナ支援で協調したが

The Yomiuri Shimbun 7:15 pm, April 14, 2014World must stay vigilant against fallout over turmoil in UkraineG20共同声明 ウクライナ支援で協調したがThe world’s major economies have managed to take concerted steps in beefing up support to U…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:人生のサイズダウン /東京

スローライフの思想に相通じる良い論説ですね。女性でもより大きな家、より高い収入思考の人たちは意外に多いと思いますが^^。(スラチャイ)April 13, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Downsizing one's life香山リカのココロの万華鏡:人…

エネルギー計画 「原発活用」は現実的な戦略だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun 7:28 pm, April 12, 2014Government takes realistic stance on N-power in basic energy planエネルギー計画 「原発活用」は現実的な戦略だ ◆最適な電源構成の設定を急げ◆The basic energy plan, which serves as a guideline for the …

社説)金正恩体制 経済再建に専念せよ

April 11, 2014 EDITORIAL: North Korea's Kim should focus on economic reconstruction (社説)金正恩体制 経済再建に専念せよNorth Korea can never hope to rebuild the dilapidated nation without abandoning its nuclear and missile programs. Can’…

ウクライナ混乱 これ以上許せない露の介入

The Yomiuri Shimbun 6:57 pm, April 10, 2014Further Russian intervention in Ukrainian crisis will not be toleratedウクライナ混乱 これ以上許せない露の介入Further interventions in which Russia uses force in Ukraine’s domestic situation cannot…

国民投票法改正 7党合意の提案は確かな一歩

The Yomiuri Shimbun 9:52 pm, April 09, 20147-party bill on constitutional revision procedure a step forward国民投票法改正 7党合意の提案は確かな一歩Seven ruling and opposition parties have jointly submitted a bill to revise the National Re…

(社説)技能実習拡充 これでは出稼ぎ労働だ

April 09, 2014EDITORIAL: Labor policy message to foreigners; Thanks. Now go home(社説)技能実習拡充 これでは出稼ぎ労働だIn a nutshell, the thinking behind the government’s emergency policy for the construction industry is: Despite the nat…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「ポスト定年世代」考える /東京

January 19, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Time for young people to take center stage香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「ポスト定年世代」考える /東京While there are still a few days left until the campaign for the Feb. 9 Tokyo gube…


April 07, 2014EDITORIAL: LDP twisting Supreme Court ruling to push collective self-defense集団的自衛権―砂川判決のご都合解釈The ruling camp, resorting to twisted logic and a far-fetched argument, is flirting with the idea of using a landmar…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:京のカエル、大阪のカエル /東京

面白い論説ですね。思わず引き込まれました。マスコミ、テレビも毛嫌いせずに、その中から真実を探す努力だって必要なんです。(スラチャイ)February 23, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: More than meets the eye in media selection香山…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:失敗したいわけではない /東京

心を打たれました。(スラチャイ)March 09, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Nobody wants to fail香山リカのココロの万華鏡:失敗したいわけではない /東京Japanese figure skater Mao Asada appeared at the Foreign Correspondents' Clu…

最高裁新長官 違憲審査権の適切な行使を

The Yomiuri Shimbun April 03, 2014Top court under new chief must use power of judicial review appropriately最高裁新長官 違憲審査権の適切な行使をIn realizing a judiciary that can be trusted by the people, the new chief justice has his work …

STAP問題 再発防止へ全体像を解明せよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun April 02, 2014Truth about STAP fabrication case must be uncoveredSTAP問題 再発防止へ全体像を解明せよThe controversy over two articles written by an international team led by a RIKEN researcher, about what it calls s…

習氏「南京」発言 一方的な主張は看過できない

The Yomiuri Shimbun April 01, 2014Xi’s unilateral claims on history issues must not go unanswered習氏「南京」発言 一方的な主張は看過できないWhile visiting another country, Chinese President Xi Jinping made assertions on history issues as i…

あす消費税8% 社会保障安定への大きな一歩

The Yomiuri Shimbun March 31, 2014Raising consumption tax rate to 8% big step for social welfare stabilityあす消費税8% 社会保障安定への大きな一歩 ◆景気失速の回避に全力尽くせ◆On April 1, the consumption tax rate will be raised from 5 perc…

高松塚壁画 現地復元より劣化防止優先だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun March 30, 2014Takamatsuzuka ancient murals must be preserved at all costs高松塚壁画 現地復元より劣化防止優先だA delicate issue has been brought to the fore again regarding how to ensure that a cultural property of immea…