
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


社説:辺野古環境委 公正に監視できるのか

October 21, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Company donations put fairness of Okinawa environmental watchdog in doubt社説:辺野古環境委 公正に監視できるのかThree members of an expert panel tasked with monitoring the environmental impact of…

アフガン情勢 米軍駐留延長で治安取り戻せ

The Yomiuri ShimbunAfghanistan’s security must be regained with extension of U.S. troop presenceアフガン情勢 米軍駐留延長で治安取り戻せThe international community has sacrificed a lot and spent a vast amount of money and time to bring stab…

マレー機撃墜 ロシアは事件捜査に協力せよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunRussia must cooperate in investigating downing of Malaysian jet over Ukraineマレー機撃墜 ロシアは事件捜査に協力せよEven though more than one year has passed since the tragic event that killed nearly 300 people, there has…

米韓首脳会談 対中傾斜で同盟を揺るがすな

The Yomiuri ShimbunSouth Korea should not shake alliance with U.S. by favoring China too much米韓首脳会談 対中傾斜で同盟を揺るがすなIt is vital that the United States and South Korea maintain their solid alliance, for the deterrence of Nor…

非常任理事国 国際平和協力に弾みつけたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan should boost contribution to peace as UNSC nonpermanent member非常任理事国 国際平和協力に弾みつけたいBecoming a member of the U.N. Security Council is a significant step forward to enhance Japan’s engagement in the…

多国籍企業 課税逃れ防止ルールの徹底を

The Yomiuri ShimbunRules on tax-dodging multinationals must be thoroughly implemented多国籍企業 課税逃れ防止ルールの徹底をInternational cooperation must be bolstered to close tax loopholes that can be exploited by multinational business co…

(社説)外務省HP 外交が内向きすぎる

--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 5EDITORIAL: Abe government's 'inward-looking' diplomacy serves no purpose(社説)外務省HP 外交が内向きすぎるThe Foreign Ministry on Sept. 18 updated the “History Issues Q&A” section on its Japanese website. The …

社説:辺野古取り消し やむを得ない知事判断

October 14, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Okinawa Gov. Onaga compelled to revoke landfill work approval社説:辺野古取り消し やむを得ない知事判断Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga has revoked the approval of land reclamation work off the Henoko d…

マイナンバー 国民の理解と信頼が不可欠だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunPeople’s understanding, confidence indispensable to My Number systemマイナンバー 国民の理解と信頼が不可欠だThe My Number system, under which 12-digit identification numbers are assigned to everyone in the nation, has sta…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:おとなを拒否する少女 /東京

October 11, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Girls who reject the prospect of life as adults香山リカのココロの万華鏡:おとなを拒否する少女 /東京Yet another sad crime occurred in Japan recently, as a third-year female high s…

世界記憶遺産 容認できない南京事件の登録

The Yomiuri ShimbunUnacceptable for UNESCO to add Nanjing Incident to memory list世界記憶遺産 容認できない南京事件の登録Could the latest UNESCO registration be misunderstood as a stamp of approval given by an international organization to …

TPP総合対策 農業以外への目配りも大切だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunTPP task force should not limit itself to agricultural protectionTPP総合対策 農業以外への目配りも大切だWe hope the government’s newly established TPP task force will not disappoint by coming up with measures focusing …

露のシリア空爆 「イスラム国」掃討は名目か

The Yomiuri ShimbunAre Russian airstrikes in Syria targeting ISIL in name only?露のシリア空爆 「イスラム国」掃討は名目かRussia’s full-scale use of military force in Syria has heightened tensions between Moscow and Washington, and the stand…

高速鉄道戦略 中国との受注競争に備えよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan must prepare strategically to beat China for overseas orders高速鉄道戦略 中国との受注競争に備えよJapan must strategically prepare to compete for overseas orders with China, a country that mounts an export offensive…

ノーベル科学賞 地道な探究心が実を結んだ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSteady scientific exploration has earned 2 Japanese Nobel prizesノーベル科学賞 地道な探究心が実を結んだFor a second consecutive day, an outstanding feat was achieved. 2日続きの快挙だ。Takaaki Kajita, director of the Uni…

TPP大筋合意 巨大貿易圏で成長底上げ図れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunBoost economic growth in giant TPP free trade zoneTPP大筋合意 巨大貿易圏で成長底上げ図れ ◆日本農業の強化は待ったなしだA new trade and investment framework that will drive the global economy will be born in the Asia-Pa…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:矛盾した情報に惑うな /東京


防衛装備庁発足 調達と輸出を戦略的に進めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunImplement procurement, export of defense equipment strategically防衛装備庁発足 調達と輸出を戦略的に進めよA framework has been put into place for Japan to efficiently procure defense equipment and expand its technological…

中国2邦人拘束 「法治」による統制が目に余る

The Yomiuri ShimbunBy arresting Japanese citizens, Xi displays high-handed rule by ‘law’中国2邦人拘束 「法治」による統制が目に余るThe recent arrests of two Japanese nationals apparently symbolize efforts by Chinese President Xi Jinping’s …

新日鉄技術流出 巨額和解金が戒めた不正行為

The Yomiuri ShimbunPOSCO ends up paying high price over alleged theft of technology info新日鉄技術流出 巨額和解金が戒めた不正行為How to prevent leaks of trade secrets, including proprietary technology information, to maintain international…

米露首脳会談 シリア内戦収拾へ妥協を探れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunU.S., Russia must find common ground to bring an end to Syria’s civil war米露首脳会談 シリア内戦収拾へ妥協を探れThe United States and Russia must try to find common ground to help bring an end to the civil war in Syria, …

日露首脳会談 領土交渉は腰を据えて進めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSteadily conduct territorial talks with Russia to work out solution日露首脳会談 領土交渉は腰を据えて進めよNegotiations for signing a bilateral peace treaty and the resolution of the northern territorial issue are insepar…