
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


所信表明演説 危機突破へ成長戦略を語れ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 30, 2013)Abe must formulate strategy to boost nation's growth所信表明演説 危機突破へ成長戦略を語れ(1月29日付・読売社説)Strong determination and concrete policy measures are imperative in achieving the breakthrou…

オバマ氏2期目 米国再生へ真価が問われる

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 29, 2013)Can U.S. achieve revival during Obama's 2nd term?オバマ氏2期目 米国再生へ真価が問われる(1月28日付・読売社説)The coming four years will be a crucial test of Barack Obama's ability to revive the United S…

巨額貿易赤字 輸出力の強化と原発再稼動を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 28, 2013)Restart nuclear power plants, boost exports to recoup trading ground巨額貿易赤字 輸出力の強化と原発再稼動を(1月27日付・読売社説)The foundation of Japan as a trading country is eroding. Both government a…

途上国リスク 日本企業が抱える課題は重い

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 27, 2013)Hostage crisis shows challenges facing Japanese firms abroad途上国リスク 日本企業が抱える課題は重い(1月26日付・読売社説)The taking of hostages by Islamist militants at a natural gas plant in Algeria has…

税制改正大綱 難題先送りでは責任果たせぬ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 26, 2013)Postponing tax question will not lead to solution税制改正大綱 難題先送りでは責任果たせぬ(1月25日付・読売社説)A stopgap approach to resolving a challenge can never lead to reinvigoration of the national …

対「北」制裁強化 安保理決議の実効性を高めよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 25, 2013)Sanctions on North Korea meaningless if not effective対「北」制裁強化 安保理決議の実効性を高めよ(1月24日付・読売社説)It is crucial for the international community to make continuous efforts to pressure …

邦人死亡確認 人命軽視はやむを得ないか

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 24, 2013)Was military action only way to end Algerian siege?邦人死亡確認 人命軽視はやむを得ないか(1月23日付・読売社説)The Algerian hostage crisis has ended with tragic consequences. 痛ましい結末だ。Seven Japanes…

防衛指針見直し 同盟強化へ日本の役割拡充を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 23, 2013)Japan's role must be enhanced in defense cooperation with U.S.防衛指針見直し 同盟強化へ日本の役割拡充を(1月22日付・読売社説)The effectiveness of the Japan-U.S. alliance cannot be guaranteed through a tr…

邦人人質事件 テロ封じに国際連携が肝要だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 22, 2013)Intl cooperation needed to stamp out terrorism邦人人質事件 テロ封じに国際連携が肝要だ(1月21日付・読売社説)The terrorist attack and hostage-taking incident launched by an armed Islamist group in Algeria …

中国大気汚染 成長至上主義の限界露呈した

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 19, 2013)China's air pollution shows limits of focus on growth中国大気汚染 成長至上主義の限界露呈した(1月18日付・読売社説)China now has to pay the price for its distorted policy of ignoring environmental protect…

邦人人質事件 イスラム過激派の許せぬテロ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 19, 2013)Govt must deal sternly with Islamic extremists' terrorism邦人人質事件 イスラム過激派の許せぬテロ(1月18日付・読売社説)In a despicable act of terrorism, a group of Islamist extremists seized a natural gas…

ドイツ「脱原発」 再生エネ普及に高いハードル

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 17, 2013)Spread of renewable energy faces many hurdlesドイツ「脱原発」 再生エネ普及に高いハードル(1月16日付・読売社説)Many obstacles must be surmounted before the nation can introduce renewable energy, such as w…

ルネサス再建 政府主導で甘え断つ改革を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 16, 2013)Ailing chipmaker Renesas must reform, achieve self-relianceルネサス再建 政府主導で甘え断つ改革を(1月15日付・読売社説)Even if a company is indispensable to Japan's manufacturing industry, it will face di…

成人の日 若い力で停滞を打ち破ろう

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 15, 2013)Let the power of youth snap Japan out of its funk成人の日 若い力で停滞を打ち破ろう(1月14日付・読売社説)Today, the second Monday of January, is Coming-of-Age Day. We congratulate about 1.22 million peopl…

中国紙記者スト 言論は統制強化で抑え込めぬ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 14, 2013)China should relax government control of media中国紙記者スト 言論は統制強化で抑え込めぬ(1月13日付・読売社説)It has become clear that China's new leadership headed by Xi Jinping intends to tighten govern…

緊急経済対策 「強い日本」取り戻す第一歩に

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 13, 2013)Stimulus package expected to be 1st step in restoring Japan緊急経済対策 「強い日本」取り戻す第一歩に(1月12日付・読売社説)The emergency stimulus package approved by the Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo A…


--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 11EDITORIAL: LDP remains unchanged in its return to power大型補正予算―昔の自民のままですか We cannot help thinking that the Liberal Democratic Party has not changed. 自民党は変わっていない。そう思わざるをえない。 …

iPS研究 再生医療実用化へ支援充実を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 11, 2013)Provide more govt support for practical use of iPS cellsiPS研究 再生医療実用化へ支援充実を(1月10日付・読売社説)The ultimate goal of medicine is to completely heal disease and injuries. Induced plurip…

税制改正論議 自公で軽減税率を実現せよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 10, 2013)Govt should introduce reduced consumption tax rate system税制改正論議 自公で軽減税率を実現せよ(1月9日付・読売社説)To achieve the economic revival trumpeted by the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo…

社説:2013年を展望する 「外交の勘」を磨きたい

January 07, 2013(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Japan should brush up its diplomatic instincts社説:2013年を展望する 「外交の勘」を磨きたいJapan's diplomatic policy for the New Year is set to begin. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is responsi…


--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 6EDITORIAL: East Asian countries must overcome hardships to share peace, prosperityアジアの国境―繁栄わかちあう知恵をNearly 100 years ago, the saga of a territorial dispute began over the Aland Islands in the north…

靖国放火容疑者 韓国の引き渡し拒否は不当だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 7, 2013)South Korean refusal to extradite Yasukuni arson suspect unjust靖国放火容疑者 韓国の引き渡し拒否は不当だ(1月6日付・読売社説)An unjust decision by the South Korean judicial authorities could seriously aff…

転機の日本政治 試される安倍政権の統治能力

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 6, 2013)Abe administration's ability to tackle problems faces test転機の日本政治 試される安倍政権の統治能力(1月5日付・読売社説) ◆参院選前に着実に成果を示せ◆With the change of government, positive signs have emer…

試練の世界経済 欧州危機の収束はまだ途上だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 5, 2013) Deeper EU integration needed as European crisis drags on 試練の世界経済 欧州危機の収束はまだ途上だ(1月4日付・読売社説) ◆財政再建緩めずに「統合深化」を◆Europe's protracted fiscal and financial crises app…


--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 3EDITORIAL: A letter to high school students高校生の皆さんへ―支え合いに取り組もう To the 214 first-year students at Kagawa Prefectural Takamatsu-Kougei High School: 香川県立高松工芸高校1年生214人の皆さんへ。 T…

社会保障政策 全世代で応分の負担が必要だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 3, 2013)Sustaining social security system requires all generations to chip in社会保障政策 全世代で応分の負担が必要だ(12月31日付・読売社説) ◆活力回復へ少子化に歯止めを◆Japan's rapidly aging population and chronic…

32レッドカジノ VS ジパングカジノ


社説:2013年を展望する 骨太の互恵精神育てよ

January 01, 2013(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Japan's 2013 to be shaped by power of its economy, power of peace社説:2013年を展望する 骨太の互恵精神育てよ2013 will be a year of new approaches for Japan, and we believe the nation's new ways…


The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 1, 2013)Regain national strength through political stability政治の安定で国力を取り戻せ (1月1日付・読売社説) ◆成長戦略練り直しは原発から◆Japan stands at a crossroads of whether it can maintain its national streng…

happy new year!