
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:ネットがらみの悩み /東京

(Mainichi Japan) July 31, 2011 Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Criticism on the Internet 香山リカのココロの万華鏡:ネットがらみの悩み /東京Sending e-mail and checking websites has become a part of our lives, and even keeping blogs or putting o…

社説:保安院もやらせ 信頼の底が抜けた

(Mainichi Japan) July 30, 2011 Accusations of public opinion manipulation by NISA have damaged trust 社説:保安院もやらせ 信頼の底が抜けたRevelations that the government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) may have attempted to m…

米財政危機 世界の混乱回避へ歩み寄れ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 29, 2011) U.S. needs to compromise on debt ceiling talks 米財政危機 世界の混乱回避へ歩み寄れ(7月28日付・読売社説)Negotiations among U.S. President Barack Obama, members of his Democratic Party in Congress and th…

社説:米債務上限交渉 世界を道連れにするな

(Mainichi Japan) July 27, 2011 U.S. gov't must make debt deal to prevent another 'Made in USA' global finance catastrophe 社説:米債務上限交渉 世界を道連れにするなWith each passing day, the unthinkable grows closer: default by the governme…


(Mainichi Japan) July 26, 2011 Blaming everything on Kan won't solve nuclear issue 風知草:みんな直人が悪いのか=山田孝男In his presentation "Tsuzuri Katakyoshitsu," rakugo storyteller Ryutei Chiraku IV pokes fun at himself with the saying…


2011/07/26 The Asahi Shimbun, July 25 EDITORIAL: China must thoroughly investigate train disaster. 中国鉄道事故―背伸びせず原因究明だConcerns always existed that China's high-speed trains were dangerous. Now, those fears have become reality…

日米韓外相会談 「北」非核化へ具体的行動迫れ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 25, 2011) 3 nations must act as 1 to get action from N. Korea 日米韓外相会談 「北」非核化へ具体的行動迫れ(7月24日付・読売社説)Resuming the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear development programs will be me…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:やさしさと心の病 /東京

(Mainichi Japan) July 24, 2011 Kaleidoscope of the Heart: The effects of disaster on the kindest among us 香山リカのココロの万華鏡:やさしさと心の病 /東京It has now been more than four months since the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsun…


2011/07/23 The Asahi Shimbun, July 22 EDITORIAL: Western Japan needs to save power this summer 電力不足―西日本も、さあ節電だOn July 20, the government hastily requested people and businesses in jurisdictions served by Kansai, Hokuriku, Chu…


2011/07/22 The Asahi Shimbun, July 21 EDITORIAL: Lessons must be learned from deaths of community firefighters. 津波と消防団―251人の教訓から学ぶSachiko Tanaka is the leader of a Sendai group of families of suicide victims, called Ai no …


2011/07/21 The Asahi Shimbun, July 16 EDITORIAL: Investing billions on new fast-breeder reactor should stop. もんじゅ―開発はあきらめる時だDuring a regular news conference on July 15, Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minis…


2011/07/21 The Asahi Shimbun, July 16 EDITORIAL: Investing billions on new fast-breeder reactor should stop. もんじゅ―開発はあきらめる時だDuring a regular news conference on July 15, Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minis…

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Two key factors for producing necessary electricity while reducing our reliance on nuclear power are "distributed generation" and "the separation of generation and transmission." 原発を減らしつつ、電力を確保する。それを実現させるキーワード…


朝日新聞社は7月13日に、日本が脱原発によりエネルギーを得るための、提言をしていますが、この提言は5部で構成されている大きなものです。 久しぶりに新聞記者の魂を見せてもらいました。 渾身の力作ということができます。 スラチャイも深く感動させられま…

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Two key factors for producing necessary electricity while reducing our reliance on nuclear power are "distributed generation" and "the separation of generation and transmission." 原発を減らしつつ、電力を確保する。それを実現させるキーワード…


朝日新聞社は7月13日に、日本が脱原発によりエネルギーを得るための、提言をしていますが、この提言は5部で構成されている大きなものです。 久しぶりに新聞記者の魂を見せてもらいました。 渾身の力作ということができます。 スラチャイも深く感動させられま…

社説:なでしこ世界一 大輪咲かせた感謝の心

(Mainichi Japan) July 19, 2011 Japan's World Cup triumph an inspiration for now and the future 社説:なでしこ世界一 大輪咲かせた感謝の心The morning of July 18 was a happy one in Japan, energizing the entire country. 18日は日本中が元気に…

天国より届いた手紙 (家族を本当に愛するならば)

私が突然死んでも家族がいきなり路頭に迷わないようにしなければならないと、何度も考えていました。 ですが、それは現在に至るまで実現されていません。何故でしょうか。人間は生まれてくれば必ず死にます。運命(さだめ)なのです。 その厳粛で当たり前の…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「どっちもアリ」でいい /東京

(Mainichi Japan) July 17, 2011 Kaleidoscope of the Heart: A bit of both worlds 香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「どっちもアリ」でいい /東京I recently read Setsuko Tsumura's collection of stories titled "Henro Michi" (Pilgrimage route), a book n…

社説:農業コンクール 再生への芽を育てよう

(Mainichi Japan) July 16, 2011 Annual farmers' competition loaded with inspiration for crisis-stricken Japan agriculture 社説:農業コンクール 再生への芽を育てようThe 60th national agricultural competition, held recently in Wakayama under t…

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A major shift in Japan's energy policy is necessary to wean our society off nuclear power generation as soon as possible. 政策の大転換を 日本のエネルギー政策を大転換し、原子力発電に頼らない社会を早く実現しなければならない。 Many people bel…

提言 原発ゼロ社会―いまこそ

2011/07/14 The Asahi Shimbun, July 13 EDITORIAL/ Seeking a society without nuclear power generation: Japan must change course to create a nuclear-free society 提言 原発ゼロ社会―いまこそ This is the first of a five-part editorial series pro…

社説:「脱原発」表明 目指す方向は評価する

(Mainichi Japan) July 14, 2011 PM's pursuit of nuclear power-free society should be commended, but details lacking 社説:「脱原発」表明 目指す方向は評価するPrime Minister Naoto Kan announced at a news conference on July 13 that Japan will …

社説:放射能汚染牛 全頭検査で安全守れ

(Mainichi Japan) July 13, 2011 Testing system urgently needed after discovery of radiation-tainted beef 社説:放射能汚染牛 全頭検査で安全守れRadioactive cesium exceeding the government's provisional upper limit has been detected in the mea…

社説:論調観測 耐性試験 原発の安全、内閣の危機

(Mainichi Japan) July 11, 2011 Time to focus on nuclear power plant issue, not political battles 社説:論調観測 耐性試験 原発の安全、内閣の危機Ideally, life would be safe, comfortable and prosperous, all at once. 安全で快適で豊かな生活がで…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:まずは自分を大切に /東京

(Mainichi Japan) July 10, 2011 Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Close family ties important but so is independence 香山リカのココロの万華鏡:まずは自分を大切に /東京The March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake has reminded many members of the publi…


2011/07/10 The Asahi Shimbun, July 9 EDITORIAL: Lawmakers should get busy and lead Diet, instead of blocking Kan's efforts 震災と国会―議員立法で働こうThe Kan administration's frustrating inability to function amid the ongoing disaster reco…

社説:九電やらせ指示 変わらぬ体質に驚く

(Mainichi Japan) July 8, 2011 Kyushu Electric bid to manipulate public opinion on reactor restart a colossal mistake 社説:九電やらせ指示 変わらぬ体質に驚くKyushu Electric Power Co.'s attempt to manipulate public opinion on the reactivatio…

タイ政権交代 安定化へ国民和解の実現を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 8, 2011) Thais should welcome chance for reconciliation タイ政権交代 安定化へ国民和解の実現を(7月7日付・読売社説)Recent developments in Thailand present an opportunity to end the antagonism and disorder that hav…


テレビで国会中継をみていて嫌になった。 法案の可決に向けた審議に集中して欲しい。 時間の浪費に等しい無意味な質問、返答の応酬に辟易させられた。 (スラチャイ)(Mainichi Japan) July 6, 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis an exhibition of panic by the…