
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


休眠預金法案 公正性の確保へ審議を尽くせ


自民党総裁選 無投票再選も前向きな選択肢


橋下氏維新離党 何とも分かりづらい内紛だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunHashimoto’s departure from JIP caps baffling intraparty squabble橋下氏維新離党 何とも分かりづらい内紛だConflict within the Japan Innovation Party has spiraled into the departure of two members who founded the party. Many…

企業年金改革 多くの人が活用できる制度に

The Yomiuri ShimbunMake corporate pension programs accessible for more employees企業年金改革 多くの人が活用できる制度にIt is important to make many people eligible to participate in corporate pension programs, as a means of supplementing p…

世界同時株安 市場不安の沈静化を急ぎたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunPrompt efforts should be made to soothe concerns of markets世界同時株安 市場不安の沈静化を急ぎたいWith China’s economy the focus of concern, turmoil continues to roil global markets. 中国経済への懸念を震源に、世界的な市…

南北高官協議 衝突の回避へ冷静に歩み寄れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunNorth, South Koreas must work toward concessions to avert armed conflict南北高官協議 衝突の回避へ冷静に歩み寄れEscalating tensions through military provocations while seeking to win concessions through dialogue — North K…

(社説)自民と教科書 政治は採択に関わるな

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 23EDITORIAL: LDP should not meddle in school textbook selection process(社説)自民と教科書 政治は採択に関わるなThe process is under way for local governments to select textbooks that will be used in junior high s…

露首相択捉訪問 領土交渉に背向ける軽挙妄動

The Yomiuri ShimbunThrough rash actions, Russia turning its back on territorial talks with Japan露首相択捉訪問 領土交渉に背向ける軽挙妄動It is an action that will greatly set back the momentum toward improving bilateral ties between Japan …

年金情報流出 危機感の欠如が被害を広げた

The Yomiuri ShimbunLow security consciousness at JPS exacerbated pension data breach年金情報流出 危機感の欠如が被害を広げたThe Japan Pension Service can hardly be regarded as an organization properly handling a massive amount of personal i…

社説:武藤議員離党 公認した自民の責任は

August 21, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: LDP's responsibility for money scandal involving legislator questioned社説:武藤議員離党 公認した自民の責任はHouse of Representatives member Takaya Muto has left the ruling Liberal Democratic Part…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:利己的なおとなたちへ /東京

August 16, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Learning not to jump to generalizations香山リカのココロの万華鏡:利己的なおとなたちへ /東京Twitter has become a tool even among politicians to express their opinions. A tweet rece…

GDPマイナス 景気の停滞を長引かせるな

The Yomiuri ShimbunGovt must take all possible steps to end lull in economic recoveryGDPマイナス 景気の停滞を長引かせるなThe national economy has been on a path of mild recovery, but its prospects have turned uncertain. 緩やかに回復して…

(社説)マイナス成長 危うい政策目標と想定

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 18EDITORIAL: Dismal GDP data highlights need to review policy targets(社説)マイナス成長 危うい政策目標と想定Japan’s economy shrank during the three months from April through June, its first decline in three quar…

戦没者追悼式 「深い反省」を世界の平和に

The Yomiuri ShimbunEmperor’s ‘feelings of deep remorse’ must be taken to heart for world peace戦没者追悼式 「深い反省」を世界の平和にWe must not forget that Japan’s peace and prosperity after World War II have been built on the enormous sa…

終戦70年 平和の堅持へ国際協調貫こう

The Yomiuri ShimbunEnhance international cooperation to guard peace終戦70年 平和の堅持へ国際協調貫こう ◆安保法案成立で抑止力の向上を◆Aug. 15 this year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. 15日は、70回目の「終戦の日…

(社説)戦後70年の安倍談話 何のために出したのか

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 15EDITORIAL: Abe’s war anniversary statement falls way short of the mark(社説)戦後70年の安倍談話 何のために出したのかPrime Minister Shinzo Abe’s statement to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of Worl…

Statement by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 内閣総理大臣談話

Statement by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe内閣総理大臣談話Friday, August 14, 2015平成27年8月14日On the 70th anniversary of the end of the war, we must calmly reflect upon the road to war, the path we have taken since it ended, and the era of t…

(社説)難民受け入れ 手を差しのべる姿勢を

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 13EDITORIAL: Japan should open doors wider to welcome refugees(社説)難民受け入れ 手を差しのべる姿勢をOne big humanitarian issue facing Japan is how it should deal with people who cannot remain in their own count…

日航機墜落30年 安全運航への誓いを新たに

The Yomiuri ShimbunJAL must pledge anew safe flights on 30th anniversary of fatal accident日航機墜落30年 安全運航への誓いを新たにWednesday marks the 30th anniversary of a JAL jumbo jet crash into Mt. Osutaka in Gunma Prefecture that clai…

(社説)「違憲」法案 限定なき兵站の中身

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 9EDITORIAL: ‘Unconstitutional’ security bills set no limit on military logistical support(社説)「違憲」法案 限定なき兵站の中身Discussions on the content of military logistics (or “rear-echelon support” in the pa…

(社説)川内再稼働を前に 避難の不安が置き去りだ

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 8EDITORIAL: Concerns about evacuations in nuclear emergencies continue unabated(社説)川内再稼働を前に 避難の不安が置き去りだThe 2011 nuclear disaster resulted in a horrifying scenario in which nuclear fuel insid…

「イスラム国」 弱体化へ国際社会は結束せよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun Intl community must unite in resolve to undermine ISIL’s strength「イスラム国」 弱体化へ国際社会は結束せよTo weaken and eventually eliminate a brutal extremist organization, the international community must work togethe…

日朝外相会談 拉致問題解決を粘り強く迫れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan should patiently press issue of abductions with North Korea日朝外相会談 拉致問題解決を粘り強く迫れThe government is expected to move the issue of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korean agents forward by using …

70年談話懇報告 首相も「侵略」を明確に認めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunAbe must clearly admit ‘aggression’ in anniversary statement on WWII70年談話懇報告 首相も「侵略」を明確に認めよ ◆過去への反省と謝罪が欠かせぬ◆Prime Minister Shinzo Abe must send a clear message that Japan made a fresh …

原爆忌 被爆地訪問で核軍縮に弾みを

The Yomiuri ShimbunFor sake of peace, world leaders should visit Hiroshima in person原爆忌 被爆地訪問で核軍縮に弾みをThursday marks the passage of 70 years since an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. On Sunday, Nagasaki will also mark t…

(社説)政権と沖縄 「休戦」で終わらせるな

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 5EDITORIAL: Tokyo-Okinawa 'temporary truce' too good an opportunity to waste(社説)政権と沖縄 「休戦」で終わらせるなSince a window of dialogue between the Abe administration and Okinawa prefectural government see…

(社説)礒崎氏の発言 首相の任命責任を問う

--The Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 4EDITORIAL: Isozaki’s views reflect the cowboy mind-set of Abe & Co.(社説)礒崎氏の発言 首相の任命責任を問うYosuke Isozaki’s controversial remarks about security legislation have become a major political issue, n…

南シナ海情勢 中国は規範から逃れられない

The Yomiuri ShimbunBeijing must honor code of conduct in S. China Sea to prevent conflicts南シナ海情勢 中国は規範から逃れられないMaking its control over the South China Sea a fait accompli by buying time on the pretext of continuing dialog…

最低賃金上げ 中小企業の体力強化が重要だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSmall, midsize companies must be helped amid minimum wage hikes最低賃金上げ 中小企業の体力強化が重要だIncreasing minimum wages is of key importance to shoring up consumer spending and materializing stable economic growth…

東電「強制起訴」 高度な注意義務求めた検察審

The Yomiuri ShimbunJudicial review panel condemns ex-TEPCO execs for negligence東電「強制起訴」 高度な注意義務求めた検察審Executives must face criminal charges for their failure to take sufficient measures to prevent a disaster even though…