
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


「円安なら株価が上がる」は本当か まじめに「円安と株価の関係」を考えてみた

(東洋経済オンライン記事を引用) 今日は、まじめに考えてみよう。 いつもまじめなのだが、ここでいう「まじめ」とは、行動ファイナンス的にではなく、いわゆる「ファンダメンタルズ」的に考えてみるということだ。 さて、そうなると、円安で日本株が上昇す…

円安の進行 景気への副作用に目配りせよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunGovt, BOJ must watch carefully for economic side effects of weak yen円安の進行 景気への副作用に目配りせよThe yen’s weakness, which has served as a tailwind for the national economy, will no longer be welcomed without res…

社説:視覚障害と社会 無関心という罪の重さ

September 22, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Harassment of visually-impaired people shameful社説:視覚障害と社会 無関心という罪の重さA girl at a high school for visually-impaired students in Saitama Prefecture suffered serious injuries that…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「敵」の健闘たたえる余裕 /東京

September 21, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Learning how to praise our 'enemies'香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「敵」の健闘たたえる余裕 /東京I recently went to Tokyo Dome to watch a professional baseball game. 東京ドームにプロ…

社説:辺野古掘削調査 知事選まで作業中断を

September 20, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Put new base survey on hold till after Okinawa gubernatorial election社説:辺野古掘削調査 知事選まで作業中断をOne month has passed since the Defense Ministry's Okinawa Defense Bureau began a bori…

社説:IWC総会 守るべきは湾岸捕鯨だ

September 17, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Japan must give up Antarctic whaling, focus on preserving coastal hunt社説:IWC総会 守るべきは湾岸捕鯨だThe Japanese government will unveil plans to resume research whaling in the Antarctic Oc…

iPS細胞移植 再生医療普及への試金石だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunClinical trial using iPS cells litmus test for promoting regenerative medicineiPS細胞移植 再生医療普及への試金石だThe latest clinical trial is the first step of epoch-making research that could evolve into regenerativ…

社説:読書の秋 若者よ、本を開こう

September 15, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Time to pick up a book社説:読書の秋 若者よ、本を開こうThe autumn book-reading season is again upon us. Reading not only boosts our knowledge, hones our sensitivities and nurtures our ability to …

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「女性ならでは」の意味 /東京

September 14, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: The meaning of a 'perspective unique to women'香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「女性ならでは」の意味 /東京The new Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was launched on Sept. 3. He appoi…

社説:参院選挙改革 自民の身勝手さに驚く

September 13, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: LDP's selfishness exposed in friction over electoral reform社説:参院選挙改革 自民の身勝手さに驚くIt has been said that achieving consensus over reform of the electoral system for the House of Co…

社説:全米テニス 歴史を刻んだ錦織選手

September 10, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Nishikori makes history at U.S. Open社説:全米テニス 歴史を刻んだ錦織選手In an essay shortly before he graduated from elementary school and moved to the United States at age 13, Kei Nishikori wro…

社説:昭和天皇実録 国民に開く近現代史に

September 09, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Emperor Showa's annals important material for modern history社説:昭和天皇実録 国民に開く近現代史にThe Imperial Household Agency has released the annals of Emperor Showa that records his words an…

社説:原発と火山災害 巨大噴火を侮るなかれ

September 08, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Volcanic threat no light matter for Japan's nuclear plant operators社説:原発と火山災害 巨大噴火を侮るなかれThe Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has released a "basic concept" for dealing with …

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:目に見えない敵は怖い? /東京

September 07, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Fear of an invisible threat香山リカのココロの万華鏡:目に見えない敵は怖い? /東京For the first time in 70 years, cases of dengue fever have been confirmed originating within Japa…

社説:リニア建設 本当に進めて大丈夫か

September 06, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Time still left to review maglev line社説:リニア建設 本当に進めて大丈夫かPlans to build a magnetically levitated (maglev) bullet train line that will eventually connect Tokyo and Osaka have move…

社説:刺された盲導犬 人の心も傷ついた

September 05, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Attacks on guide dogs hurt owners, too社説:刺された盲導犬 人の心も傷ついたA guide dog for a blind man living in Saitama was injured in July after being stabbed by an unknown assailant. Guide dog…

社説:防災の日 身を守る力を備えよう

September 01, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: National Disaster Prevention Day a reminder to be prepared社説:防災の日 身を守る力を備えようWork is still under way to search for those missing after being hit by a series of mudslides in Hirosh…

ガザ停戦合意 楽観できぬ和平実現への道

The Yomiuri ShimbunNo optimism warranted on prospects of realizing peace in Gaza Stripガザ停戦合意 楽観できぬ和平実現への道It is imperative to seek ways to realize a permanent ceasefire and pursue the road to peace in the Gaza Strip. 恒久…