
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


郵貯限度額上げ 自民党提言の「含意」はどこに

The Yomiuri ShimbunWhat are implications of LDP move to raise limit on Japan Post deposits?郵貯限度額上げ 自民党提言の「含意」はどこにIs there any convincing reason for hastening an increase in the deposit limit at the state-owned Japan Po…

日露電話会談 G7合意踏まえた対話が重要

idioms and words in this news,leave no stone unturned 八方手をつくす.(srachai)The Yomiuri ShimbunVital for Japan to continue dialogue with Russia, based on G-7 agreement日露電話会談 G7合意踏まえた対話が重要It is vital that Japan continue…

米大統領交渉権 TPPの早期妥結につなげよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunU.S. legislation on fast-track authority must lead to early TPP trade accord米大統領交渉権 TPPの早期妥結につなげよThe conditions are finally in place to significantly push forward negotiations regarding the Trans-Paci…

米中戦略対話 「責任ある競争相手」に程遠い

The Yomiuri ShimbunAfter high-level talks with U.S., China still far from ‘responsible stakeholder’米中戦略対話 「責任ある競争相手」に程遠いThe United States found a stage to deliver a stern reminder to China, which is continuing its high-…

骨太方針素案 財政再建への踏み込みが甘い

The Yomiuri ShimbunGovt must present clear measures to cut spending in fiscal reform plan骨太方針素案 財政再建への踏み込みが甘いThe basic idea to seek both economic growth and fiscal reconstruction is appropriate, but strong enthusiasm for…

首相沖縄訪問 現実的な基地負担軽減を図れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunRealistic approach needed to reduce burden of U.S. bases in Okinawa Pref.首相沖縄訪問 現実的な基地負担軽減を図れOne of two important tasks is to maintain the deterrent capability of the Japan-U.S. alliance to preserve ou…

日韓50年式典 関係改善への転機にできるか

The Yomiuri ShimbunCan both countries use this occasion as a turning point to improve ties?日韓50年式典 関係改善への転機にできるかCan Japan and South Korea take this opportunity as a turning point to improve their chilled bilateral relat…

日韓国交50年 「歴史」克服して未来に進もう

The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan, S. Korea should proceed toward future by surmounting history problems日韓国交50年 「歴史」克服して未来に進もう ◆東アジア安定へ責任を共有せよ◆June 22 marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Japan-Republi…

農地集積バンク 利用促進の努力が足りない

The Yomiuri ShimbunFarmland accumulation banks must do more to consolidate farming plots農地集積バンク 利用促進の努力が足りないThe farmlands intermediary administration institute system, also known as the farmland accumulation bank, that w…

派遣法改正案 処遇向上の実効性を高めたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunBill should ensure better treatment of temporary employees at firms派遣法改正案 処遇向上の実効性を高めたいA bill to revise the Worker Dispatch Law, over which the ruling and opposition parties confronted each other, pass…

香港長官選法案 「高度な自治」は看板倒れか

The Yomiuri ShimbunWas China’s offer of ‘high degree of autonomy’ for Hong Kong a facade?香港長官選法案 「高度な自治」は看板倒れかWill the “high degree of autonomy” China promised to Hong Kong under the “one country, two systems” formula t…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「患者さん」に救われた /東京

June 07, 2015(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Illness does not erase a person's intrinsic qualities香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「患者さん」に救われた /東京While I was seeing a patient the other day, we were hit by an earthquake. E…

国立大学改革 人文系を安易に切り捨てるな

The Yomiuri ShimbunDo not abandon humanities studies in reforming national universities国立大学改革 人文系を安易に切り捨てるなIt is important for national universities to promote their own reforms so they serve as centers of knowledge. 「…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:仕事切り上げる勇気も /東京

June 14, 2015(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Have the courage to leave work early香山リカのココロの万華鏡:仕事切り上げる勇気も /東京I am dispatched from the hospital where I work to a number of companies to check on the health…

南シナ海情勢 人工島を合法と強弁する中国

The Yomiuri ShimbunUnity key to dealing with China’s construction of artificial island南シナ海情勢 人工島を合法と強弁する中国China’s provocative stance toward Asian security has been brought into sharp focus at a recent international confe…