
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


G20と政策協調 市場安定へ行動が求められる

The Yomiuri ShimbunG-20 nations must coordinate policies to stabilize global financial marketsG20と政策協調 市場安定へ行動が求められるCan the current turmoil in global financial markets be contained by the latest moves of the Group of 2…

高浜再稼働 後始末をどうするのか

--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 27EDITORIAL: Dealing with nuclear waste a pressing concern with Takahama reactor restart(社説)高浜再稼働 後始末をどうするのかKansai Electric Power Co. restarted the No. 4 reactor at its Takahama nuclear power pl…

中国と南シナ海 軍事拠点化の加速を憂慮する

The Yomiuri ShimbunU.S. must bolster patrol activity to secure stability in S. China Sea中国と南シナ海 軍事拠点化の加速を憂慮するChina’s recent maritime activities can be regarded as a self-serving attempt to expand its sphere of influence…

原発の延命 電力会社次第なのか

--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 25EDITORIAL: Extending life of nuclear reactors should not be left solely up to utilities(社説)原発の延命 電力会社次第なのかJapan’s nuclear regulator has endorsed the safety of two reactors that have been in ser…

英国民投票へ EU離脱なら不安定化を招く

The Yomiuri ShimbunEurope to be unsettled if Britain opts to exit the EU in coming referendum英国民投票へ EU離脱なら不安定化を招くA referendum has been set for June 23 in Britain regarding whether the country should stay in or exit from …

衆院選制度改革 アダムズ方式を先送りするな

The Yomiuri ShimbunPrompt introduction of Adams’ method crucial for lower house electoral reform衆院選制度改革 アダムズ方式を先送りするなThe rectification of vote-value disparities between single-seat constituencies must be given priority …

年金運用改革 ガバナンス強化を優先したい

The Yomiuri ShimbunPrioritize reinforcing governance of public pension fund management年金運用改革 ガバナンス強化を優先したいTo manage a massive amount of funds safely and efficiently, it is vital to build an effective organization and sys…

丸山議員の失言 国政を担う自覚はあるのか

The Yomiuri ShimbunGaffe-prone lawmakers need greater awareness of their responsibilities丸山議員の失言 国政を担う自覚はあるのかThere has recently been a succession of inappropriate remarks made by Diet members from both the ruling and opp…

原発自主避難 被害に応じた賠償を

--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 20EDITORIAL: Extent of suffering key to compensating Fukushima evacuees(社説)原発自主避難 被害に応じた賠償をAn estimated 100,000 or so people are still living as evacuees as a consequence of the catastrophic acc…

政府慰安婦説明 誤解払拭へ国際発信を強めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunMore outward approach needed to fix ‘comfort women’ misperception政府慰安婦説明 誤解払拭へ国際発信を強めよJapan must ramp up outbound dissemination of information in an effort to eliminate misperceptions about the so-cal…

米ASEAN 南シナ海での狼藉に警告した

The Yomiuri ShimbunU.S., ASEAN warn Beijing over outrageous actions in S. China Sea米ASEAN 南シナ海での狼藉に警告したA message has been sent to China, which is attempting to turn the artificial islands it has built in the South China …

朝鮮半島緊張 「北」の軍事挑発に警戒怠るな

The Yomiuri ShimbunVigilance must be increased over North Korean military provocation朝鮮半島緊張 「北」の軍事挑発に警戒怠るなIgnoring repeated calls for self-restraint from the international community, North Korea continues taking provoca…

丸川環境相 撤回しても残る「軽さ」

--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 16(社説)丸川環境相 撤回しても残る「軽さ」EDITORIAL: Marukawa’s gaffe about Fukushima heightens doubts about Cabinet's aptitudeEnvironment Minister Tamayo Marukawa caused a stir by claiming the government had no …

拉致再調査中止 「北」の揺さぶりに冷静対処を

The Yomiuri ShimbunGovt needs to calmly deal with N. Korea’s halt to abduction probe拉致再調査中止 「北」の揺さぶりに冷静対処をNorth Korea’s latest act is a despicable attempt to pressure our nation. The Japanese government should not be u…

衆院選制度改革 自民党案で合意形成できるか

The Yomiuri ShimbunCan consensus be achieved through LDP’s lower house electoral reform plan?衆院選制度改革 自民党案で合意形成できるかThe electoral system is the foundation of democracy. It is desirable that the system is reformed based on…

「重力波」初観測 宇宙への新しい窓が開いた

The Yomiuri Shimbun1st detection of gravitational waves opens new window to universe「重力波」初観測 宇宙への新しい窓が開いたIt is highly significant that a new observation method has been acquired to unravel the mysteries of the universe.…

米大統領選 政治不信が招く非主流派躍進

The Yomiuri ShimbunOutsider candidates dominate U.S. presidential race amid public distrust米大統領選 政治不信が招く非主流派躍進Candidates outside the mainstream who are rebelling against the establishment have been gaining ground in the r…

対「北」独自制裁 厳格な安保理決議の先駆けに

The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan should lead push for tough UNSC resolution on North Korea対「北」独自制裁 厳格な安保理決議の先駆けにIt is important not to ignore the reckless actions repeatedly taken by North Korea and to swiftly implement tough …

長期金利低下 マイナスに潜む不安

--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 10EDITORIAL: BOJ's negative interest rate policy positively ineffective(社説)長期金利低下 マイナスに潜む不安The benchmark 10-year Japanese government bond yield on Feb. 9 fell below zero percent on the market fo…

北方領土問題 首脳会談で打開の糸口を探れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunAbe should find way forward on Northern Territories in talks with Putin北方領土問題 首脳会談で打開の糸口を探れRussia maintains a tough, inflexible position regarding the territorial issue over the northern islands it occ…

北ミサイル発射 地域の安定を揺るがす暴挙だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunNorth Korea missile launch needs strong UNSC response北ミサイル発射 地域の安定を揺るがす暴挙だ ◆安保理は厳格な制裁決議を急げNorth Korea’s latest missile launch has further increased the threat from that country, which is…

地方の未来 移住促進へ文化力を生かそう

The Yomiuri ShimbunUse cultural power to promote migration to provincial areas地方の未来 移住促進へ文化力を生かそうThe excessive concentration of people and industry in the Tokyo metropolitan area continues. How can we create a flow of peo…

首相の改憲論 あまりの倒錯に驚く

--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 6EDITORIAL: Abe’s perverse argument for rewriting Constitution(社説)首相の改憲論 あまりの倒錯に驚くPrime Minister Shinzo Abe has been aggressively signaling his eagerness to rewrite the Constitution, which poten…

廃棄食品横流し 安全優先の意識が欠けている

The Yomiuri ShimbunReselling of disposed food shows safety wasn’t given top priority廃棄食品横流し 安全優先の意識が欠けているFood that should have been thrown away has been distributed and ended up on many dining tables. This must be preve…

北ミサイル予告 挑発許さぬ意思を明確に示せ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSend North Korea clear message that missile provocation won’t be tolerated北ミサイル予告 挑発許さぬ意思を明確に示せThe international community must stand united and ratchet up the pressure on North Korea to deter that na…

空自航空団新設 南西諸島防衛の着実な強化を

The Yomiuri ShimbunStrengthening defense posture around Nansei Islands critical空自航空団新設 南西諸島防衛の着実な強化をAs Chinese military forces continue to intensify their activities in the East China Sea, it is important to steadily be…

シリア和平協議 人道目的の停戦を優先したい

The Yomiuri ShimbunSyria peace talks must prioritize ceasefire for humanitarian purposesシリア和平協議 人道目的の停戦を優先したいPeace talks aimed at ending Syria’s civil war have started in Geneva under the mediation of the United Nations…

台湾と南シナ海 安定に寄与しない馬氏の訪問

The Yomiuri ShimbunMa’s visit to disputed S. China Sea island won’t contribute to stability台湾と南シナ海 安定に寄与しない馬氏の訪問The latest visit to a disputed island in the South China Sea was an action that raises concerns among neigh…

天皇陛下比訪問 友好親善深めた「慰霊の旅」

The Yomiuri ShimbunImperial trip to console war dead in R.P. deepens friendship, goodwill天皇陛下比訪問 友好親善深めた「慰霊の旅」The visit has embodied the strong feelings of the Emperor, who has repeatedly traveled to console the spirits…