
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


ODA大綱改定 平和構築へ戦略性を高めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunPeace-building efforts should be strategic priority of ODA ODA大綱改定 平和構築へ戦略性を高めよJapan should make active use of its official development assistance programs to help crystallize the goal of the administr…

首相沖縄訪問 米軍基地負担を着実に減らせ

The Yomiuri ShimbunGovernment must work to reduce Okinawa U.S. base-hosting burdens 首相沖縄訪問 米軍基地負担を着実に減らせThe government must make utmost efforts to steadily ease the burden that hosting U.S. military bases places on Okina…

被災地の防潮堤 地域に応じた見直しが必要だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSeawall plans should be amended to suit the needs of local people被災地の防潮堤 地域に応じた見直しが必要だPlans to build huge seawalls along the coastal areas hit hardest by the Great East Japan Earthquake have been met …

河野談話検証 外交的配慮が事実に優先した

The Yomiuri ShimbunDiplomatic consideration outweighed historical facts in Kono statement河野談話検証 外交的配慮が事実に優先した Once again a flaw in the 1993 statement issued by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on so-called comfort…


June 19, 2014EDITORIAL: Ishihara’s remark about interim storage facility adds insult to injury環境相の発言―「最後は金」が蝕むものNo doubt about it. Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara’s insensitive remark about the problem of selecting …


June 18, 2014EDITORIAL: Abe needs to get priorities right before reactor restarts原発再稼働の前に―「被害地元」と向き合えThe central government has required all prefectural and municipal entities within a 30-kilometer radius of nuclear powe…

(社説)若者の意識 「どうせ」のその先へ

June 17, 2014EDITORIAL: Young Japanese need help to outgrow defeatist mentality(社説)若者の意識 「どうせ」のその先へAn international survey has offered much reassurance to certain people who are pessimistic about Japan’s younger generati…

イラク情勢緊迫 過激派の攻勢をどう抑えるか

The Yomiuri ShimbunWhat can be done to stop offensive by extremist Sunni insurgents in Iraq?イラク情勢緊迫 過激派の攻勢をどう抑えるかThe situation in Iraq has become ever more strained. Rebels led by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (IS…

(社説)諫早湾干拓 有明海再生は開門から

June 16, 2014EDITORIAL: Open floodgates to restore the Ariake Sea(社説)諫早湾干拓 有明海再生は開門からThe government is being forced to pay 490,000 yen (about $4,900) to plaintiffs per day as a penalty because it is not abiding by a fina…


June 14, 2014EDITORIAL: Defense policy talks test New Komeito’s political integrity公明党と憲法―自民にただ屈するのかIn talks with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s initiative to allow Japan to exercise th…

自民農協改革案 全中の指導体制温存を許すな

The Yomiuri ShimbunJA-Zenchu structure must not emerge unscathed from LDP reform plan自民農協改革案 全中の指導体制温存を許すな How can the JA Group of agricultural cooperatives be drastically overhauled to reenergize Japan’s farming indust…

認知症行方不明 関係機関の情報共有が重要だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSharing information on missing elderly people with dementia crucial認知症行方不明 関係機関の情報共有が重要だ There is no end to cases of elderly people with dementia going missing. It is crucial that the system used to h…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「昔は昔、今は今」 /東京

April 27, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: That was then and this is now香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「昔は昔、今は今」 /東京When the Olympics last came to Tokyo in 1964, Japan was in the midst of its postwar growth boom. The yo…

マイナス金利 デフレ阻止に動いた欧州中銀

The Yomiuri Shimbun ECB adoption of negative deposit rate bold measure to prevent deflationマイナス金利 デフレ阻止に動いた欧州中銀The European Central Bank has introduced a bold monetary easing policy with a strong will to prevent the Euro…

福島原発汚染水 「凍土壁」だけでは解決しない

The Yomiuri Shimbun Radioactive water issue cannot be resolved by ice wall project alone福島原発汚染水 「凍土壁」だけでは解決しないTokyo Electric Power Co. has launched the construction of ice walls, a project aimed at curbing the buildup …


June 04, 2014EDITORIAL: 25 years after Tiananmen, China must heed calls for democracy天安門25年―改革になぜ踏み出せぬ"Remember June 4" is a slogan that is banned in China. But in Hong Kong, Tokyo and other cities around the world, Chinese…

(社説)被爆者の援護 国は争いに終止符を

June 03, 2014EDITORIAL: Time to make peace with hibakusha A-bomb survivors(社説)被爆者の援護 国は争いに終止符をThe 69th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is looming. The long-running legal battles between hibak…

(社説)給食と牛乳 望ましい食事とは何か

June 02, 2014EDITORIAL: Removal of milk from school lunches sparks debate over dietary habits(社説)給食と牛乳 望ましい食事とは何かMilk doesn’t go well with Japanese cuisine, called “washoku,” does it? This simple question has provoked a …

首相アジア演説 積極平和主義の実行が重要だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun 7:44 pm, June 01, 2014Abe’s Singapore address stresses need for ‘proactive contribution to peace’ 首相アジア演説 積極平和主義の実行が重要だTo ensure freedom of navigation and overflights in Asia and the maintenance of t…

維新の会分裂 野党再編は政策本位で進めよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun 7:07 pm, May 30, 2014Split of Ishin no Kai must lead to policy-based opposition realignment維新の会分裂 野党再編は政策本位で進めよNippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party)—the party that has so far been at the core …