
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


徳田議員辞職 政界去っても説明責任は残る

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 26, 2014Resignation is a start, but Tokuda is still accountable for an explanation徳田議員辞職 政界去っても説明責任は残る(2月26日付・読売社説)It is only reasonable that lawmaker Takeshi Tokuda has chosen to r…

ウクライナ政変 安定回復へ欧露の責任は重い

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 25, 2014EU, Russia have grave responsibility to help Ukraine regain stability ウクライナ政変 安定回復へ欧露の責任は重い(2月25日付・読売社説)International cooperation is needed to help Ukraine regain its stabi…

G20共同声明 世界成長2%底上げへ結束を


竹島の日 内外に訴えよ韓国の不法占拠

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 23, 2014Japan should present case abroad, at home on Takeshima occupation 竹島の日 内外に訴えよ韓国の不法占拠(2月23日付・読売社説)The Takeshima islands in Shimane Prefecture are an inherent part of Japanese t…

河野談話 慰安婦証言を検証・公開せよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 22, 2014Govt should publicize comfort women testimony cited in Kono statement河野談話 慰安婦証言を検証・公開せよ(2月22日付・読売社説)The government should thoroughly get to the bottom of the manner in which a…

集団的自衛権 憲法解釈の変更に問題はない

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 21, 2014Constitutional reinterpretation of collective defense right not problematic集団的自衛権 憲法解釈の変更に問題はない(2月21日付・読売社説)Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has expressed his willingness to review…

オバマ外交 アジア重視へ日米韓の連携を

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 20, 2014Ties between Japan, U.S., ROK essential for Obama’s diplomacyオバマ外交 アジア重視へ日米韓の連携を(2月20日付・読売社説)To maintain peace and stability in Asia, the United States and its allies, includ…

アフィリエイトビジネスをやってる方に朗報です モバジェネ を使い倒しましょう


国連人権委報告 認定された北朝鮮「国家犯罪」

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 19, 2014U.N. inquiry finds systematic state-sponsored crimes by N. Korea国連人権委報告 認定された北朝鮮「国家犯罪」(2月19日付・読売社説)The United Nations has issued a stern accusation of state crimes committ…

米債務上限問題 不毛な対立の棚上げは前進だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 16, 2014U.S. Congress takes step forward by shelving showdown over borrowing米債務上限問題 不毛な対立の棚上げは前進だ(2月16日付・読売社説)With the turmoil in the U.S. Congress over government finances having …

保険金不払い 顧客軽視の悪弊を断ち切れ

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 17, 2014Irresponsible practices of insurance firms must be thoroughly addressed 保険金不払い 顧客軽視の悪弊を断ち切れ(2月17日付・読売社説)It is a problem if practices of making light of customers still remain…

高速有料の延長 安全確保にはやむを得ない

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 17, 2014Expressway toll system must be continued to ensure safety 高速有料の延長 安全確保にはやむを得ない(2月17日付・読売社説)With an extension of up to 15 years, or up until 2065, eyed for the expressway tol…

中国漁船長提訴 尖閣の主権を内外に明示した

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 15, 2014JCG collision lawsuit is logical response to China’s actions over Senkakus中国漁船長提訴 尖閣の主権を内外に明示した(2月15日付・読売社説)The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made a logic…

中台閣僚級会談 歴史的な一歩にはなったが

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 14, 2014Beijing-Taipei ties mark historic advance, but much remains uncertain中台閣僚級会談 歴史的な一歩にはなったが(2月14日付・読売社説)Relations between China and Taiwan have entered a new chapter with the …

診療報酬改定 「病院依存」から転換できるか

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 13, 2014Steer patients toward home-based care through revision of medical fees list診療報酬改定 「病院依存」から転換できるか(2月13日付・読売社説)Will the latest proposal from a key health ministry panel trigg…

アラブの春3年 新たな政治体制へ模索が続く

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 12, 2014Nations groping for new political systems 3 years after Arab Springアラブの春3年 新たな政治体制へ模索が続く(2月12日付・読売社説)Three years have already passed since the Arab Spring democracy movemen…

タクシン、アピシット、インラック wikipedia で比較してみました

Thaksin Shinawatra 2001年〜2006年 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_ShinawatraAbhisit Vejjajiva 2008年〜2011年 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhisit_VejjajivaYingluck Shinawatra 2011年〜2013年 http://en.wikipedia.…

日露首脳会談 信頼醸成を「領土」につなげよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 11, 2014Abe-Putin confidence-building must lead to resolving territorial dispute日露首脳会談 信頼醸成を「領土」につなげよ(2月11日付・読売社説)The confidence-building relationship between Prime Minister Shinzo…

東京都知事選 無責任な「原発ゼロ」信任されず

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 10, 2014Voters in Tokyo gubernatorial election spurn irresponsible antinuclear drive東京都知事選 無責任な「原発ゼロ」信任されず(2月10日付・読売社説) ◆舛添氏は謙虚に政策を推進せよThe outcome of Sunday’s Tokyo …

日米外相会談 強固な同盟をアジアに示そう

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 10, 2014Japan, U.S. should show strength of their alliance to rest of Asia 日米外相会談 強固な同盟をアジアに示そう(2月9日付・読売社説)Strained relations between Japan and the United States will only benefit C…

「東海」併記問題 座視できぬ米国での反日活動

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 08, 2014Govt must do more to make stance known amid anti-Japan movements「東海」併記問題 座視できぬ米国での反日活動(2月8日付・読売社説)With anti-Japan activities by Americans of South Korean ancestry expandin…

ソチ五輪開幕 平和の祭典でテロを許すな

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 07, 2014Russia should do its utmost to ensure safe Olympic Gamesソチ五輪開幕 平和の祭典でテロを許すな(2月7日付・読売社説)The Sochi Winter Olympics has kicked off under the threat of potential terrorism. We ho…

4Kテレビ 日本メーカー復活の原動力に

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 06, 20144K TVs could power revival of Japanese manufacturing4Kテレビ 日本メーカー復活の原動力に(2月6日付・読売社説)Market competition over so-called 4K ultrahigh-resolution TVs has grown fierce. 画像がより…

北陸新幹線談合 官民癒着の徹底解明が必要だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 5, 2014Possible collusion in Shinkansen bid-rigging case must be clarified北陸新幹線談合 官民癒着の徹底解明が必要だ(2月5日付・読売社説)Do the new allegations over bid-rigging on Shinkansen-related engineering…

タイ総選挙 依然見えない混乱収拾への道

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 4, 2014No end in sight to chaos in Thailand as situation continues to deteriorate タイ総選挙 依然見えない混乱収拾への道(2月4日付・読売社説)The political situation has been deteriorating in Thailand, and it is…

相撲協会改革 公益法人に恥じぬ組織運営を

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 3, 2014Sumo association must work hard as new entity to win support of public 相撲協会改革 公益法人に恥じぬ組織運営を(2月3日付・読売社説)Now that it has become a public interest incorporated foundation, the J…

大型企業買収 国際化に布石打つサントリー

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 2, 2014Suntory shows remarkable ambition by making huge acquisition abroad大型企業買収 国際化に布石打つサントリー(2月2日付・読売社説)While waging a war of attrition in the shrinking domestic market, a company…

STAP細胞 理系女子の発想が常識覆した

The Yomiuri Shimbun February 1, 2014Female researcher’s innovative idea leads to breakthrough discoverySTAP細胞 理系女子の発想が常識覆した(2月1日付・読売社説)An international research team’s discovery of a new method for obtaining pl…

新興国通貨安 FRBは「出口戦略」を慎重に

The Yomiuri Shimbun January 31, 2014FRB must carry out ‘exit strategy’ on quantitative easing prudently新興国通貨安 FRBは「出口戦略」を慎重に(1月31日付・読売社説)The currencies of emerging markets have been sharply dropping across the…

オバマ氏演説 そっけなかった「アジア重視」

The Yomiuri Shimbun January 30, 2014Obama makes only brief reference to Asia in State of Union addressオバマ氏演説 そっけなかった「アジア重視」(1月30日付・読売社説)U.S. President Barack Obama stressed on Tuesday night that he would put p…