
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


民進党発足 1強と対峙するには

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 28EDITORIAL: Minshinto’s task is to become viable foe of 'sole winner' Abe(社説)民進党発足 1強と対峙するにはMinshinto (The Democratic Party), formed from the merger between the Democratic Party of Japan and th…

安全保障法制の施行 「違憲」の法制、正す論戦を

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 29EDITORIAL: Diet must debate constitutionality of new security legislation(社説)安全保障法制の施行 「違憲」の法制、正す論戦をThe new national security legislation expanding the scope of Japan’s military operat…

原発停止命令 国民の不安を直視せよ

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 27EDITORIAL: Nuclear power proponents still scoffing at public safety concerns(社説)原発停止命令 国民の不安を直視せよAn Otsu District Court injunction has suspended operations of two reactors at Kansai Electric…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡: 「かさじぞう」になろう /東京

March 27, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Recognizing others' kindness香山リカのココロの万華鏡: 「かさじぞう」になろう /東京I am often asked which types of people are likely to experience emotional disorders. Truthfully sp…

伊方1号機廃炉 採算より40年ルールだ

March 26, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: 40-year reactor life rule must prevail over profitability伊方1号機廃炉 採算より40年ルールだShikoku Electric Power Co. has decided to decommission the No. 1 reactor at the Ikata nuclear power com…

政府と沖縄県 分断を埋める協議に

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 24EDITORIAL: A more sincere attitude needed in new talks on Futenma issue(社説)政府と沖縄県 分断を埋める協議にThe government and Okinawa Prefecture on March 23 started a fresh round of talks over the plan to re…

ベルギーテロ 「欧州の首都」標的にした蛮行

The Yomiuri ShimbunWorld must review antiterrorism measures as ‘capital of Europe’ attackedベルギーテロ 「欧州の首都」標的にした蛮行The “capital of Europe” has become the site of a despicable terrorist act that indiscriminately targeted ci…

省庁移転 骨太の理念が見えない

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 23EDITORIAL: Government's decentralization policy lacking full commitment(社説)省庁移転 骨太の理念が見えないThe government on March 22 announced its basic policy on the relocation of central government ministri…

朝鮮学校補助 子どもらに責任はない

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 21EDITORIAL: Politicians bully Korean school students for acts of Pyongyang(社説)朝鮮学校補助 子どもらに責任はないKorean schools across Japan are attended by Korean residents’ children, who are taught subjects …

マイナス金利 弊害広げない方策を

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 20EDITORIAL: BOJ needs exit strategy for negative interest rate policy(社説)マイナス金利 弊害広げない方策をOne month has passed since the Bank of Japan took the risky and controversial move to introduce negativ…

教科書検定 押しつけは時代遅れだ

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 19EDITORIAL: Do not impose government’s viewpoints on school textbooks(社説)教科書検定 押しつけは時代遅れだSchool textbooks are not tools for the government to indoctrinate young people with its views and opini…

北ミサイル発射 国際社会で孤立深める軽挙だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunNorth Korea’s missile launch a rash act that increases its isolation北ミサイル発射 国際社会で孤立深める軽挙だNorth Korea apparently wants to flaunt the enhancement of its nuclear capability, but in reality, the country i…

中国全人代閉幕 「独善」と「強権」が進む一方だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunChinese govt continues headlong with self-serving, authoritarian approach中国全人代閉幕 「独善」と「強権」が進む一方だIt appears the administration of Chinese President Xi Jinping has further strengthened its self-servin…

米大統領選 煽動的言辞が招く社会の亀裂

The Yomiuri ShimbunIncendiary language by a presidential candidate invites divisiveness in U.S.米大統領選 煽動的言辞が招く社会の亀裂Primary elections were held in five U.S. states, including Florida, as candidates from the Republican and D…

人工知能 上手に使って住み良い社会に

The Yomiuri ShimbunArtificial intelligence: Use it well for a society where humans can thrive人工知能 上手に使って住み良い社会にThe recent feat achieved by AlphaGo was a marvel of striking progress in artificial intelligence (AI) technolog…

福島の住民帰還 人口減に備える地域再生策を

The Yomiuri ShimbunPlans to revive areas hit by N-disaster must cover population decline problem福島の住民帰還 人口減に備える地域再生策をEven though five years have passed since the disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nu…

女性の活躍 現実に目を向けてこそ

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 13EDITORIAL: Take a close look at reality before touting ‘women’s active roles’(社説)女性の活躍 現実に目を向けてこそOne anonymous blog has underscored the serious issue of children on waiting lists for nursery …

ECB追加緩和 金融政策頼みだけでは危うい

The Yomiuri ShimbunEurozone economic recovery based just on monetary easing will be fragileECB追加緩和 金融政策頼みだけでは危ういMonetary easing alone will not be able to eradicate concerns about deflation and realize a full economic re…

巨人野球賭博 選手の規律順守を徹底したい

The Yomiuri ShimbunGiants must work toward ensuring self-discipline on part of players巨人野球賭博 選手の規律順守を徹底したいPitcher Kyosuke Takagi of the Yomiuri Giants has admitted his involvement in gambling on Nippon Professional Baseb…

震災から5年 心は一つ、じゃない世界で

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 11EDITORIAL: The voices from Tohoku must be heard 5 years after the disaster(社説)震災から5年 心は一つ、じゃない世界でExactly five years have passed since March 11, 2011, when Japan was struck by what has been…

原発事故から5年 許されぬ安全神話の復活

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 10EDITORIAL: Despite utilities’ attempts, nuclear safety myth can never be revived(社説)原発事故から5年 許されぬ安全神話の復活Japan should become a society that is not dependent on nuclear power generation as …

慰安婦問題 日韓合意を育てるには

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 9EDITORIAL: Tokyo and Seoul must be faithful to agreement on 'comfort women'(社説)慰安婦問題 日韓合意を育てるにはIn its concluding observations, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination…

「停波」発言 放送局の姿勢を見たい

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 7EDITORIAL: Broadcasters must stand up to LDP pressure(社説)「停波」発言 放送局の姿勢を見たいCommunications minister Sanae Takaichi has reiterated that she or others in her post could order broadcasters to susp…

衆院制度改革 放置できぬ格差拡大

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 6EDITORIAL: LDP needs to be serious about narrowing vote-value gap(社説)衆院制度改革 放置できぬ格差拡大There must be absolutely no further delay in the long-overdue electoral reform to redress grievous inequali…

中国全人代開幕 経済減速でも続く「強軍路線」

The Yomiuri ShimbunChina’s People’s Congress prioritizes military despite economic slowdown中国全人代開幕 経済減速でも続く「強軍路線」Can China bring its economy to a soft landing by comprehensively employing policies such as structural re…

安倍首相へ あなたの憲法なのか

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 4EDITORIAL: The Constitution is not Abe’s plaything(社説)安倍首相へ あなたの憲法なのかPrime Minister Shinzo Abe continues to show his ardent ambition to amend Japan’s postwar Constitution. 安倍首相が、憲法改正…

対「北」制裁決議 厳格な履行へカギ握る中国

The Yomiuri ShimbunChina holds key to strictly enforcing sanctions resolution on North Korea対「北」制裁決議 厳格な履行へカギ握る中国It is crucial for the international community to stand united and crank up the pressure on North Korea to …

米大統領選 危うさもはらむトランプ旋風

The Yomiuri ShimbunRepublican front-runner Trump accelerates a dangerous whirlwind 米大統領選 危うさもはらむトランプ旋風Voting was held on Super Tuesday, the biggest day of nominating contests for both the Democratic and Republican parties…

原発強制起訴 検証の重要な機会だ

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 1EDITORIAL: Fukushima disaster trial offers chance to reveal TEPCO's organizational woes(社説)原発強制起訴 検証の重要な機会だA case concerning responsibility for the disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear powe…

シリア情勢 露主導の停戦に不安が残る

The Yomiuri ShimbunUncertainties remain about Russia-led ceasefire to end Syrian civil warシリア情勢 露主導の停戦に不安が残るThe ceasefire brokered by the United States and Russia to end the Syrian civil war has taken effect. Fighting betw…