
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


Meltwater Lakes in Antarctica Show Signs of Trouble

October 01, 2016 from VOA Meltwater Lakes in Antarctica Show Signs of Trouble Antarctica is home to the largest ice mass on Earth.The continent sits on 14 million square kilometers of rock. About 98 percent of the land surface is covered b…

米大統領選 団結を求めたクリントン候補

The Yomiuri ShimbunDemocratic presidential candidate Clinton calls for national, global unity米大統領選 団結を求めたクリントン候補In the U.S. presidential election, the difference in outlook has become clear between Republican nominee Dona…

ロ事件40年 浄化の道なお遠く

--The Asahi Shimbun, July 27(社説)ロ事件40年 浄化の道なお遠くEDITORIAL: Corrupt politics linger 4 decades after Lockheed bribery scandalJuly 27 marked the 40th anniversary of the arrest of Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka over the Lockheed…

英国がEU離脱へ 内向き志向の連鎖を防げ

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 25EDITORIAL: ‘Brexit’ vote must not trigger wave of global nationalism(社説)英国がEU離脱へ 内向き志向の連鎖を防げThe British people’s decision to pull their country out of the European Union has sent shock wav…

慰霊の日 沖縄戦の記憶、共有を

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 24EDITORIAL: The meaning behind June 23 should be shared beyond Okinawa(社説)慰霊の日 沖縄戦の記憶、共有をOkinawa recalled its horrifying experiences in the 1945 Battle of Okinawa and consoled the spirits of the…

北ミサイル発射 安保環境の深刻化を直視せよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunAfter DPRK launches, Japan must squarely face severe security situation北ミサイル発射 安保環境の深刻化を直視せよThe threat to the security of Japan and the United States has become more severe. We should step up our vigi…

参院選 きょう公示 戦略的投票でこたえよう

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 22EDITORIAL: 'Strategic voting' is a must for pivotal Upper House election(社説)参院選 きょう公示 戦略的投票でこたえよう Campaigning for the July 10 Upper House election kicked off on June 22. 参院選がきょう公示…

中国艦侵入 法の適用も都合次第か

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 17EDITORIAL: China interprets international law to suit its convenience(社説)中国艦侵入 法の適用も都合次第か A Chinese naval intelligence ship entered Japanese territorial waters off Kagoshima Prefecture on June…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : 必要とされる実感 /東京

June 19, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Everyone needs to be needed香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : 必要とされる実感 /東京This year's rainy season has started in most parts of Japan. There are patients coming to my clinic compl…

参院選 改憲の是非 正面から問わぬ不実

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 17EDITORIAL: Abe’s silence on Constitution suggests another election trick(社説)参院選 改憲の是非 正面から問わぬ不実 Parties have effectively started campaigning for the July 10 Upper House election, with their …

参院選へ アベノミクスの行方 地に足の着いた議論を

June 15, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Political parties need to debate long-term economic policies参院選へ アベノミクスの行方 地に足の着いた議論をPrime Minister Shinzo Abe says the pros and cons of the government's determination to spee…

英国民投票 欧州の中で歩む決断を

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 15EDITORIAL: Brexit vote worst outcome for U.K., Europe and rest of the world(社説)英国民投票 欧州の中で歩む決断をThe outcome of Britain's June 23 referendum on whether to remain a member of the European Union h…

米乱射テロ 銃規制へ冷静な議論を尽くせ

The Yomiuri ShimbunU.S. should discuss tighter gun controls in level-headed manner 米乱射テロ 銃規制へ冷静な議論を尽くせThe latest shooting incident is a despicable act of terrorism strongly influenced by extremism and a sense of discrimin…

英国民投票 EU残留が世界的にも賢明だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunBritain’s continued membership in EU most sensible also globally英国民投票 EU残留が世界的にも賢明だA national referendum will be held in Britain on June 23 for British citizens to vote on whether the country should sta…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : 脱差別 日本も仲間入り /東京

June 12, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : 脱差別 日本も仲間入り /東京Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Discrimination has no place in JapanThe so-called anti-hate speech law has come into force. いわゆるヘイトスピーチ対策法が施行…

参院選へ 安倍首相の手法 民主政治を問い直す時

June 11, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Upper house election opportunity to review Japan's democratic politics参院選へ 安倍首相の手法 民主政治を問い直す時The battle between ruling and opposition parties has begun as the campaign for the J…

尖閣沖中国軍艦 危険増した挑発に警戒せよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunBeware of China’s increasingly dangerous provocation in E. China Sea尖閣沖中国軍艦 危険増した挑発に警戒せよHow far does China intend to escalate tensions with Japan? China’s latest behavior around Japanese territorial wa…

舛添都知事 自らの言葉なぜ語らぬ

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 9EDITORIAL: Masuzoe must explain spending with own words, not legal babble(社説)舛添都知事 自らの言葉なぜ語らぬTokyo Governor Yoichi Masuzoe is grossly mistaken if he thinks he has offered convincing answers to …

米中戦略対話 南シナ海安定に責任を果たせ

The Yomiuri ShimbunWashington must press Beijing to act responsibly in S. China Sea米中戦略対話 南シナ海安定に責任を果たせChina has been beefing up its efforts to build artificial islands in the South China Sea for use as military bases wh…

韓国慰安婦財団 合意履行へ国民の理解求めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunROK must expand people’s support to implement ‘comfort women’ deal韓国慰安婦財団 合意履行へ国民の理解求めよIt can be said that a first step has been taken for implementation of a deal reached by the Japanese and South Ko…

三菱マテ和解 形を変えた中国の揺さぶりか

The Yomiuri ShimbunIs China exerting new pressure on Japan in a different way via courts?三菱マテ和解 形を変えた中国の揺さぶりかIt is feared that a new tendency of filing lawsuits against or seeking compensation from Japanese companies may…

日米韓防衛協力 北ミサイル対処に万全を期せ

The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan, U.S., South Korea must act together on North Korean missiles日米韓防衛協力 北ミサイル対処に万全を期せNorth Korea has repeatedly taken militarily provocative actions. It is essential for Japan, the United States an…

オバマ岩国演説 自衛隊と米軍の絆が示された

The Yomiuri ShimbunObama’s speech at Iwakuni base symbolizes SDF-U.S. forces bondオバマ岩国演説 自衛隊と米軍の絆が示されたU.S. President Barack Obama’s speech at the Iwakuni base, it can be said, symbolizes the deepening of the Japan-U.S. …

参院選 論戦スタートへ 語られざる「改憲」を問う

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 3EDITORIAL: Amending the Constitution is hidden focus of Upper House poll(社説)参院選 論戦スタートへ 語られざる「改憲」を問う The focus of attention in the political community has shifted to the July 10 Upper Ho…

首相の会見 納得できぬ責任転嫁

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 2EDITORIAL: Abe shifts blame from himself for his decision to delay tax hike(社説)首相の会見 納得できぬ責任転嫁Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s explanation about why he decided to delay the scheduled consumption tax …

増税再延期 議論なき決定の異様さ

--The Asahi Shimbun, June 1EDITORIAL: Abe’s decision to delay tax hike made without proper debate(社説)増税再延期 議論なき決定の異様さRaising the consumption tax rate to 10 percent is a decision that would affect the lives of Japanese pe…

消費増税の再延期 首相はまたも逃げるのか

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 31EDITORIAL: Abe must stop ducking his responsibilities over tax hike(社説)消費増税の再延期 首相はまたも逃げるのかPrime Minister Shinzo Abe has told top government and ruling coalition officials that he has decid…

サミット開幕 安定成長促す協調が問われる

The Yomiuri ShimbunG-7 cooperation key to spurring stable growth of global economy サミット開幕 安定成長促す協調が問われるTo ensure sustainable global economic growth, it is essential for the Group of Seven major countries to join hands an…

持続する世界 G7の決意が問われる

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 26EDITORIAL: Are G-7 leaders still up to task of making world a better place?(社説)持続する世界 G7の決意が問われるLeaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations gathering for the Ise-Shima Summit have a b…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : 親の相談機関も足りない /東京

April 3, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope: Parents need a refuge, too香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : 親の相談機関も足りない /東京According to the National Police Agency (NPA), police nationwide reported 37,020 children as suspected of being a…