
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


日米地位協定 今度こそ抜本見直しを

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 24EDITORIAL: Okinawa leader Onaga is right: SOFA needs a sweeping review(社説)日米地位協定 今度こそ抜本見直しをOkinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga on May 23 urged Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to initiate a fundamental re…

もんじゅ やはり廃炉にすべきだ

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 22EDITORIAL: There is simply no reason to continue Monju reactor program(社説)もんじゅ やはり廃炉にすべきだ An expert council on the Monju fast-breeder reactor program started debate last week on a draft report i…

G7財務相会議 サミットで協調さらに深めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunG-7 leaders should follow up Sendai finance meeting with deeper cooperationG7財務相会議 サミットで協調さらに深めよIt is important for the major advanced nations to boost cooperation to lead the global economy toward st…

台湾新総統 民意に沿う現状維持

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 21EDITORIAL: Taiwan’s Tsai set right tone for endorsing status quo with China(社説)台湾新総統 民意に沿う現状維持 The relationship between China and Taiwan is one of the primary factors for peace and stability in …

五輪招致疑惑 厳正に実態の解明を

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 20EDITORIAL: Rigorous probe needed to study Tokyo Olympics bid payments(社説)五輪招致疑惑 厳正に実態の解明を Dark clouds of suspicion are gathering over Tokyo’s successful bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics and…

1億総活躍 具体化への道筋示せ

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 19EDITORIAL: Abe’s plan to stoke economic growth still lacks vital specifics(社説)1億総活躍 具体化への道筋示せ Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government has cobbled together a package for its key policy of creating…

台湾政権交代 中国は大人の対応を

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 18EDITORIAL: China needs to act maturely with new Taiwan administration(社説)台湾政権交代 中国は大人の対応を As an expression of China’s earnest hope for its unification with Taiwan, the Xi Jinping administration…

沖縄復帰44年 道遠い「本土」との平等

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 17EDITORIAL: Okinawa has yet to gain equality in 44 years since return to Japan(社説)沖縄復帰44年 道遠い「本土」との平等 May 15 marked the 44th anniversary of Okinawa’s return to Japan following nearly three de…

ビキニ被曝提訴 国の情報開示があまりに遅い

The Yomiuri ShimbunGovt too late in disclosing radiation data from H-bomb tests at Bikini Atollビキニ被曝提訴 国の情報開示があまりに遅いCan a recent lawsuit help uncover the damage caused by U.S. hydrogen bomb tests at the Bikini Atoll, wh…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : ふつうってすばらしい /東京

May 8, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Normal is wonderful香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : ふつうってすばらしい /東京Among the people who come to see me at my office, sometimes there are those who complain that their daily lives…

米大統領・広島へ /下 被爆者、訪問の意義評価 謝罪なき「和解」に懸念も

May 14, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Hibakusha praise Obama Hiroshima visit, but fear history will go unquestioned米大統領・広島へ /下 被爆者、訪問の意義評価 謝罪なき「和解」に懸念も It was fall of 2009, about six months after U.S. President Bara…

沖ノ鳥島EEZ 海洋権益の保護強化に努めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunTake all possible steps to protect marine resources of Japan’s EEZ 沖ノ鳥島EEZ 海洋権益の保護強化に努めよJapan, as a maritime nation, faces the crucial challenge of how effectively to protect its interests in its vast…

パナマ文書公表 租税回避地の利用実態解明を

The Yomiuri ShimbunPanama Papers underscore need for greater scrutiny of tax havensパナマ文書公表 租税回避地の利用実態解明をThe publication of the Panama Papers can be used as a clue to clarifying the real situation regarding secretive tax…

北朝鮮新体制 時代錯誤の偶像化では続かぬ

The Yomiuri ShimbunNorth Korea cannot maintain regime with anachronistic idolatry of leader北朝鮮新体制 時代錯誤の偶像化では続かぬThe North Korean leader has made it clear that he will reign over the country with an anachronistic approach …

Obama to visit Hiroshima on May 27 as 1st sitting U.S. head of state

May 10, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Obama to visit Hiroshima on May 27 as 1st sitting U.S. head of state TOKYO (Kyodo) -- U.S. President Barack Obama will make the first visit to Hiroshima by a sitting U.S. head of state on May 27 to renew his re…

南シナ海緊張 無法極まる中国の軍事拠点化

The Yomiuri ShimbunChina’s military base-building in South China Sea totally unlawful南シナ海緊張 無法極まる中国の軍事拠点化China’s lawless conduct in the South China Sea, which continues to heighten regional tensions, is hard to ignore. I…

日露首脳会談 「新アプローチ」で打開可能か

The Yomiuri ShimbunCan new Japan-Russia approach break deadlock on northern territories issue?日露首脳会談 「新アプローチ」で打開可能かCan the latest talks between the Japanese and Russian leaders serve as the first step to a breakthrough …

NHKの使命 政府の広報ではない

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 2EDITORIAL: NHK must not serve simply as the government’s mouthpiece(社説)NHKの使命 政府の広報ではない Japan Broadcasting Corp. (NHK) is not the government’s public relations agency. NHKは、政府の広報機関で…

日比防衛協力 海自機貸与で監視能力高めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunLeasing of MSDF aircraft should help Philippines’ patrol capabilities日比防衛協力 海自機貸与で監視能力高めよThe Philippines is confronted with China’s attempt to unilaterally change the status quo in the South China Sea …

子どもの貧困 学び支え、連鎖断ち切ろう

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 5EDITORIAL: Child poverty in Japan must be tackled with utmost urgency子どもの貧困 学び支え、連鎖断ち切ろう A report released in April by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) painted a grim picture of child …

野生トキのひな 人との共生と日中協力が大切

The Yomiuri ShimbunCooperation from residents, China key to returning crested ibises to wild野生トキのひな 人との共生と日中協力が大切A chick has been born to a pair of wild toki Japanese crested ibises — a species designated as a special n…

個人と国家と憲法と 歴史の後戻りはさせない

--The Asahi Shimbun, May 3EDITORIAL: Values embodied in Constitution made Japan what it is today(社説)個人と国家と憲法と 歴史の後戻りはさせない A booklet published on May 3, 1947, provided a commentary on the “freedom” guaranteed by the …

シリア情勢 停戦維持へ外交努力を強めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunDiplomatic efforts must be expedited to maintain truce in war-torn Syriaシリア情勢 停戦維持へ外交努力を強めよThe ceasefire between Syrian President Bashar Assad’s administration and rebel groups, generally observed by bo…

日中外相会談 関係停滞の主因は習政権では

The Yomiuri ShimbunIs Xi’s administration not responsible for strains in Japan-China relations?日中外相会談 関係停滞の主因は習政権ではCan the latest talks between the Japanese and Chinese foreign ministers serve as the first step in improv…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : 今は自分を大切に /東京

April 24, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope: Take care of yourself first, no need to rush as aftershocks continue香山リカのココロの万華鏡 : 今は自分を大切に /東京In the massive earthquakes that have hit Kumamoto Prefecture and surrounding…

安保違憲訴訟 司法の真価が問われる

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 29EDITORIAL: Judiciary can’t afford to duck concerns about security laws(社説)安保違憲訴訟 司法の真価が問われる About 500 citizens have sued the government over national security legislation enacted last year, …

豪潜水艦に落選 装備輸出の司令塔作りを急げ

The Yomiuri ShimbunControl tower urgently needed for export of defense equipment豪潜水艦に落選 装備輸出の司令塔作りを急げIt is important to scrupulously examine the reason Japan lost its bid for the contract and rebuild the government’s pr…

ヘイト法案 反差別の姿勢を明確に

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 27EDITORIAL: Thorough talks needed to block abuse of planned hate speech law(社説)ヘイト法案 反差別の姿勢を明確に A bill to outlaw hate speech, sponsored by the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party …

ハンセン病 司法の差別、決着せぬ

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 26EDITORIAL: Doubts remain after top court apologizes for leprosy trials(社説)ハンセン病 司法の差別、決着せぬ The Supreme Court has officially admitted it made a serious mistake by allowing lower courts to hold…

震災避難 障害者への支援確保を

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 24EDITORIAL: Improved system needed to assist disabled people in disasters(社説)震災避難 障害者への支援確保をMany people with disabilities have been unable to enter crucially important evacuation shelters in ar…