
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


原発40年規制 早くも骨抜きなのか

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 21EDITORIAL: 40-year rule for nuclear reactors on verge of being a dead letter(社説)原発40年規制 早くも骨抜きなのか The 40-year lifespan for nuclear reactors, established after the catastrophic accident at th…

自衛隊熊本支援 オスプレイの活用は効果的だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunOsprey aircraft prove valuable in earthquake relief operations自衛隊熊本支援 オスプレイの活用は効果的だThe Self-Defense Forces have mobilized more than 20,000 personnel to carry out rescue and relief operations for victi…

戦没者遺骨収集 遺族の思いを汲んで速やかに

The Yomiuri ShimbunAs families wait, expedite efforts to retrieve remains of war dead戦没者遺骨収集 遺族の思いを汲んで速やかにSeventy years have passed since World War II ended, and the families of Japan’s war dead are growing older. Effor…

新幹線脱線 地震対策の総点検を

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 21EDITORIAL: Kyushu quake exposes potential safety problem for Shinkansen(社説)新幹線脱線 地震対策の総点検をThe powerful earthquake in Kyushu has exposed a potential weakness of Japan’s reputed Shinkansen techn…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡 :差別は心を破壊する /東京

April 17, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Discrimination destroys the heart香山リカのココロの万華鏡 :差別は心を破壊する /東京 Rika Kayama (Mainichi)Japan's ruling parties have submitted a bill to the current Diet session a…

産油国会合不調 価格安定へ増産凍結を急げ

The Yomiuri ShimbunExpedite freeze on oil production levels to stabilize crude prices産油国会合不調 価格安定へ増産凍結を急げOil ministers of major oil-producing countries, including Saudi Arabia and Russia, at a meeting on Sunday put off r…

G20と世界経済 政策協調の実効性が問われる

The Yomiuri ShimbunTo stabilize global economy, G-20 needs to strengthen coordinationG20と世界経済 政策協調の実効性が問われるEach country is being tested in its efforts to strengthen coordination in implementing the crucial policies nee…

日露外相会談 首脳往来の環境を整備したい

The Yomiuri ShimbunPrepare environment to promote mutual visits between Abe, Putin日露外相会談 首脳往来の環境を整備したいContinuing high-level talks with Russia is essential in order to make progress on the issue of the northern territorie…

北ミサイル失敗 核搭載の脅威に警戒を怠るな

The Yomiuri ShimbunStay alert to N. Korea’s attempts to miniaturize nuclear warheads北ミサイル失敗 核搭載の脅威に警戒を怠るなThe self-serving stance of the North Korean regime led by Kim Jong Un, which has continued to make dangerous provo…

韓国与党敗北 対「北」連携へ悪影響避けたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunDefeat of South Korean ruling party musn’t derail cooperation over North韓国与党敗北 対「北」連携へ悪影響避けたいThe political base of South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who has one year and 10 months left in her term…

パナマ文書 中国政権の正統性問う

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 10EDITORIAL: Panama Papers question China leadership’s legitimacy(社説)パナマ文書 中国政権の正統性問う After three years of persistently pursuing a rigorous anti-corruption campaign, the administration of Chine…

TBS批判 まっとうな言論活動か

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 13EDITORIAL: Attack on TBS TV an act of crude intimidation, not free speech(社説)TBS批判 まっとうな言論活動か Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings Inc., operator of the TBS TV station, issued a statement earli…

G7外相会合 広島宣言を核廃絶に生かそう

The Yomiuri ShimbunG-7 Hiroshima Declaration must help achieve the total abolition of N-armsG7外相会合 広島宣言を核廃絶に生かそうIt is highly significant that the Group of Seven major powers — including the three nuclear powers of the Un…

甘利氏の疑惑 説明責任はどうなった

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 10EDITORIAL: Amari long overdue to explain himself in cash scandal(社説)甘利氏の疑惑 説明責任はどうなった The special investigation department of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office has opened a compul…

広島外相会合 核なき未来への一歩に

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 7EDITORIAL: G-7 in Hiroshima a chance to move closer toward nuke-free future(社説)広島外相会合 核なき未来への一歩に The gathering in Hiroshima of top diplomats of the Group of Seven major industrialized nations…

パナマ文書流出 課税逃れ防ぐ国際連携強めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunReinforce international cooperation to eliminate offshore evasion of taxesパナマ文書流出 課税逃れ防ぐ国際連携強めよThe leak of documents revealing the use of tax havens by world political leaders is sending shockwaves ar…

衆院選制度改革 自公と民進はなお歩み寄れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunLDP, DP must find common ground in reforming lower house elections衆院選制度改革 自公と民進はなお歩み寄れThe legislature has a duty to correct the vote-value disparity in House of Representatives elections, which (the Su…

TPPと国会 承認ありきは許されぬ

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 6EDITORIAL: Abe must not be allowed to rush Diet approval of TPP accord(社説)TPPと国会 承認ありきは許されぬ The Lower House has started deliberating a draft approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) ac…

異次元緩和3年 限界認め、軌道修正を

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 5EDITORIAL: BOJ should reconsider aggressive easing policy three years after its implementation(社説)異次元緩和3年 限界認め、軌道修正を Three long years have passed since the Bank of Japan, under the leadershi…

サミットとテロ 官民一体で脅威を封じ込めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunJoint public-private efforts essential to deter terrorists attacking G-7 summitサミットとテロ 官民一体で脅威を封じ込めよGiven the increasing threat posed by international terrorism, all possible measures must be taken to…

国立公文書館 生の歴史に触れられる施設に

The Yomiuri ShimbunNew national archives should help visitors learn real aspects of history国立公文書館 生の歴史に触れられる施設にPublic records and archives that pass down Japan’s history are precious treasures belonging to the people. It…

Why Prof. Krugman reveals the secret?

Why Prof. Krugman reveals the secret?クルーグマン教授、議事録全文暴露の真相クルーグマン教授が一番心配しているのは、自分の打ち立てた経済理論が崩壊させられることです。教授は体面上、自身のメモといっているようですが、実際は、会議を全部録音して…

日銀短観悪化 景気下支えに重要なG7協調

The Yomiuri ShimbunCooperation of G-7 nations crucial in order to prop up global economy日銀短観悪化 景気下支えに重要なG7協調Economic prospects are becoming increasingly uncertain. 景気の先行き不透明感が強まっている。The headline diffusi…

What I said in Tokyo by Prof. Krugman

What I said in Tokyo by Prof. KrugmanAftermath (no, I don't enjoy this sort of thing): https://www.gc.cuny.edu/CUNY_GC/media/LISCenter/pkrugman/Meeting-minutes-Krugman.pdf …いかにもアメリカ人らしい気質です。会合の情報は機密扱いでなされると…

秘密と国会 追認機関ではいけない

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 31EDITORIAL: Watchdogs of state secrets designations fail in first reports(社説)秘密と国会 追認機関ではいけないThe Board of Oversight and Review of Specially Designated Secrets of both Diet houses on March 30 s…

民進党発足 1強と対峙するには

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 28EDITORIAL: Minshinto’s task is to become viable foe of 'sole winner' Abe(社説)民進党発足 1強と対峙するにはMinshinto (The Democratic Party), formed from the merger between the Democratic Party of Japan and th…

安全保障法制の施行 「違憲」の法制、正す論戦を

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 29EDITORIAL: Diet must debate constitutionality of new security legislation(社説)安全保障法制の施行 「違憲」の法制、正す論戦をThe new national security legislation expanding the scope of Japan’s military operat…

原発停止命令 国民の不安を直視せよ

--The Asahi Shimbun, March 27EDITORIAL: Nuclear power proponents still scoffing at public safety concerns(社説)原発停止命令 国民の不安を直視せよAn Otsu District Court injunction has suspended operations of two reactors at Kansai Electric…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡: 「かさじぞう」になろう /東京

March 27, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Recognizing others' kindness香山リカのココロの万華鏡: 「かさじぞう」になろう /東京I am often asked which types of people are likely to experience emotional disorders. Truthfully sp…

伊方1号機廃炉 採算より40年ルールだ

March 26, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: 40-year reactor life rule must prevail over profitability伊方1号機廃炉 採算より40年ルールだShikoku Electric Power Co. has decided to decommission the No. 1 reactor at the Ikata nuclear power com…