
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

主婦年金問題 与野党協力して決着を急げ


The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 19, 2011)
Make efforts to untangle housewives' pensions
主婦年金問題 与野党協力して決着を急げ(5月18日付・読売社説)

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry's Social Security Council decided Tuesday on measures to deal with the inadvertent failure by full-time housewives to switch to the national pension program.

The government plans to include the measures in a bill to revise the National Pension Law and submit it to the current Diet session.

The ruling and opposition parties should work together to provide an early solution to the issue and prevent public distrust in the pension system from deepening.

Nonworking spouses of company employees and public servants are classified as Category III insured, and are not required to pay pension premiums.

They are automatically covered by payments made by all subscribers to welfare and mutual pension plans.

However, if a housewife's annual income is 1.3 million yen or more, or her husband becomes self-employed, the woman must join the national pension plan and pay premiums.

An eye-popping 420,000 housewives of working age have failed to switch to the national pension plan and have not paid premiums for an extensive period.


Lack of publicity

One factor behind this is the failure of the former Social Insurance Agency to publicize the need to switch to the national pension plan. As a result, there is a strong possibility these housewives will receive a pittance or nothing at all.

The agency considered the period in which no pension premiums were paid as covered by the Category III pension plan. About 53,000 elderly people received excessive pension payments as a result.

As a so-called relief measure for the 420,000 housewives, the welfare ministry in December decided the unpaid premium period should be covered by the Category III plan.

However, the measure came under a barrage of criticism because it was considered unfair for them to receive the same pension as those who had paid premiums after switching to the national pension plan. Naturally, the measure was withdrawn.

The ministry then came up with a new plan in which the periods the 420,000 housewives did not pay premiums would qualify for pensions, but payments would be reduced.

If the women wanted to receive full pensions, they would be permitted to pay premiums covering the previous 10 years retroactively.

Elderly pensioners who had been paid an amount exceeding what was due would be asked to return the difference paid over the previous five years.

However, those whose income was below a certain level would be exempted from this requirement.


Balance relief, fairness

We assume the ministry took extra care in working out these measures to ensure a balance between relief and fairness.

However, asking people to return a portion of their pensions seems rather harsh.

The ministry says it will exempt nearly 90 percent of elderly pension recipients affected from having to make reimbursements.

The ministry must give due consideration to the livelihood of senior citizens when it carries out the measures.

The welfare ministry plans to expedite a review of the current pension system as an integral part of social security and tax system reforms.

It should also study measures to improve the complex pension system for full-time housewives.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, May 18, 2011)
(2011年5月18日01時09分 読売新聞)