
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )



    • The Asahi Shimbun, May 15

EDITORIAL: Partisan bickering is wasting time in helping disaster victims

The Kan Cabinet submitted to the Diet the basic reconstruction bill that stipulates the guiding philosophy and the framework of undertaking the country's reconstruction efforts in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

It has been two months since the huge quake and tsunami. Compared with the response after the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, the submission of the basic bill is one month late. As a result, the creation of a recovery framework will also lag. The political response is sluggish and frustrating.

The bill was delayed because although the government's basic bill seeks to create a reconstruction headquarters that includes all Cabinet members, Shizuka Kamei, chief of the People's New Party, had proposed a "reconstruction implementation headquarters" that includes cross-party heavyweights, and suggested the idea to opposition parties.

In the end, the opposition parties refused to come on board, so the government went back to the original plan to set up a recovery headquarters under the Cabinet.

Under Kamei's plan, decisions would have been made by party leaders for the Cabinet to follow. This would have obfuscated the responsibilities of the prime minister and the Cabinet ministers. It must be said that this was an unrealistic idea to begin with. Prime Minister Naoto Kan should not have listened to Kamei in the first place.

There was so much fuss because, despite experiencing the quake, the opposition and ruling parties cannot find it in themselves to cooperate fully. Both the opposition and the government are responsible for wasting precious time.

Deliberations on the bill must be the restart of the undertaking of Japan's recovery. Surely the parties do not reject the need for such a law or the need for an organization that oversees the reconstruction efforts.

The bill should be passed as soon as possible with all the parties adding the necessary revisions.

One of the points of contention was over the nature of the new organization. Would the headquarters be based on a kind of collegial system with Cabinet members? Or would it be a sort of reconstruction agency that stands on par with the other ministries and agencies?
Will the organization propose basic policies and coordinate among the various ministries? Or is it going to implement individual projects as well?

However, are these differences that serious?

People in Kasumigaseki, the Tokyo area where the main government offices are located, often say that attempts to create a trans-ministerial body to remove bureaucratic sectionalism only result in creating other bureaucratic factions within the new organization.

No matter what kind of structure you create, that in itself will not remove all the bureaucratic segmentation.

Surely, the key is whether each and every person involved in the reconstruction efforts can empathize with the victims and think, "This is no time to be thinking of ministerial turf and interests."

To be able to do that, it is vital for the government to have "sensibilities in tune with people in the disaster area."

The basic bill stipulates that there will be local headquarters under the central headquarters.

It will be necessary for the central government to drastically empower the local headquarters with the authority to make quick decisions after it collaborates with local governments.

The vice minister who will head the local headquarters, as well as parliamentary secretaries and other staff members, should not be rotated for some time and stay put in the affected areas.

A new special committee on recovery and nuclear power plant issues will be set up in the Lower House.

Here too, the committee members will be tested on whether they have "sensibilities in tune with people suffering in the disaster area."

It might be a good idea for the committee members to spend some time in the affected areas, and even hold committee meetings there.

Once they experience firsthand what the victims are really feeling and thinking, then surely there will be no time for any more partisan bickering.