
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


社説:刺された盲導犬 人の心も傷ついた

September 05, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Attacks on guide dogs hurt owners, too社説:刺された盲導犬 人の心も傷ついたA guide dog for a blind man living in Saitama was injured in July after being stabbed by an unknown assailant. Guide dog…

社説:防災の日 身を守る力を備えよう

September 01, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: National Disaster Prevention Day a reminder to be prepared社説:防災の日 身を守る力を備えようWork is still under way to search for those missing after being hit by a series of mudslides in Hirosh…

ガザ停戦合意 楽観できぬ和平実現への道

The Yomiuri ShimbunNo optimism warranted on prospects of realizing peace in Gaza Stripガザ停戦合意 楽観できぬ和平実現への道It is imperative to seek ways to realize a permanent ceasefire and pursue the road to peace in the Gaza Strip. 恒久…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:招きたくない監視社会 /東京

August 24, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Publically shaming criminals online is going too far香山リカのココロの万華鏡:招きたくない監視社会 /東京Recently, a comic store generated controversy with a threat to publically rel…

健康寿命 「元気で長生き」を目指したい

The Yomiuri ShimbunElderly must enjoy healthy long life without need for nursing care健康寿命 「元気で長生き」を目指したいA major challenge facing the nation at a time when its population is rapidly aging is to ensure that elderly people c…

社説:広島土砂災害 検証尽くして教訓導け

August 23, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Learning a lesson from Hiroshima landslides社説:広島土砂災害 検証尽くして教訓導けThe number of residents reported missing following major landslides in northern Hiroshima in the predawn hours of Au…

社説:原子力小委 動画非公開は教訓軽視

August 20, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Nuclear policy committee shows disregard for Fukushima lessons社説:原子力小委 動画非公開は教訓軽視One of the most important lessons we've learned from the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant disast…

社説:無戸籍の人 法を見直し抜本救済を

August 19, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Time to aid residents without family records社説:無戸籍の人 法を見直し抜本救済をIn Japan there exist a number of adults who have been left without family register records because their parents have…

社説:内部告発者保護 不利益扱い防ぐ制度に

August 18, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Strengthen system to protect whistleblowers社説:内部告発者保護 不利益扱い防ぐ制度にMany of those who have blown the whistle on wrongdoing involving their colleagues or employers have complained tha…

北方領土演習 ロシアの挑発は看過できない

The Yomiuri ShimbunProvocative Russian military games in northern territories unforgivable北方領土演習 ロシアの挑発は看過できないNothing other than an act of provocation has taken place in the Russian-held northern territories, the biggest…

北方領土演習 ロシアの挑発は看過できない

The Yomiuri ShimbunProvocative Russian military games in northern territories unforgivable北方領土演習 ロシアの挑発は看過できないNothing other than an act of provocation has taken place in the Russian-held northern territories, the biggest…

社説:8・15と日中韓 「歴史の衝突」回避せよ

August 16, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Japan must avoid conflict with China, S. Korea over historical perception社説:8・15と日中韓 「歴史の衝突」回避せよJapan commemorated the 69th anniversary of the end of World War II on Aug. 15 wi…

社説:8・15と戦争 記憶の継承の担い手に

これは驚きました。毎日の英文翻訳が格段に進歩!英語学習でつかえます。(スラチャイ)August 15, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Pass on lessons of war to future generations社説:8・15と戦争 記憶の継承の担い手にThe Aug. 15 anniversary of the …

(社説)戦後69年 歴史を忘れぬ後代の責務

August 13, 2014EDITORIAL: Japan has duty to keep alive lessons of wartime abuse(社説)戦後69年 歴史を忘れぬ後代の責務This year marks the 120th anniversary of the outbreak of the First Sino-Japanese War. When peace was shattered in East …

(社説)戦後69年 歴史を忘れぬ後代の責務

August 13, 2014EDITORIAL: Japan has duty to keep alive lessons of wartime abuse(社説)戦後69年 歴史を忘れぬ後代の責務This year marks the 120th anniversary of the outbreak of the First Sino-Japanese War. When peace was shattered in East …

GDP大幅減 消費回復の後押しが必要だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunMeasures need to be taken to boost private consumption after tax hikeGDP大幅減 消費回復の後押しが必要だThe decline in private consumption and other economic activity following the April 1 consumption tax hike has appa…

南シナ海情勢 中国に挑発凍結を促し続けよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunKeep pressure on Beijing to freeze provocations in South China Sea南シナ海情勢 中国に挑発凍結を促し続けよAntagonism has become more conspicuous over the South China Sea between China and a group of countries including Ja…

(社説)被爆地と首相 逆行あり得ぬ非核への道

August 11, 2014EDITORIAL: Japan must pursue a path to a nuclear-free world(社説)被爆地と首相 逆行あり得ぬ非核への道Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki this month, both of which marked the 69th anniversaries of the at…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:尊重し合う心がなければ /東京

July 13, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Respect and a bit of consideration香山リカのココロの万華鏡:尊重し合う心がなければ /東京There happens to be a charity event in Japan that I have held alongside figures including the y…

エボラ出血熱 国際連携で拡大を食い止めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunInternational cooperation crucial to block spread of fatal Ebola virusエボラ出血熱 国際連携で拡大を食い止めよWidespread infection with Ebola virus has been reported in West Africa. International cooperation is essential …

(社説)代理出産 安易な利用が生む悲劇

August 09, 2014EDITORIAL: Down syndrome surrogacy case a cautionary tale for Japan(社説)代理出産 安易な利用が生む悲劇In a shocking act of trampling on human rights and degrading the dignity of life, an Australian couple has abandoned a c…

原爆忌 核軍縮を着実に前進させたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunWe must strive for steady progress in efforts for nuclear disarmament原爆忌 核軍縮を着実に前進させたいBy transmitting to the world the real facts of being a country where atomic bombs were dropped, we should solidify a g…

(社説)被爆69年の夏に 核兵器の違法化・禁止を

August 06, 2014EDITORIAL: Ban nuclear weapons on humanitarian grounds(社説)被爆69年の夏に 核兵器の違法化・禁止を“Remember Hiroshima, Nagasaki,” goes the refrain in “Remember,” a number released last year by singer Shinobu Sato (lyrics …

アルゼンチン 「ハゲタカ」の横暴が目に余る

The Yomiuri Shimbun‘Vultures’ drive Argentina into default, turning debt relief accords to ashesアルゼンチン 「ハゲタカ」の横暴が目に余るThe Argentine government has fallen into default, unable to keep up with interest payments on its debt…

(社説)新疆のテロ 民族政策を見直す時だ

August 04, 2014EDITORIAL: China's racial policy fuels cycle of violence in Xinjiang region(社説)新疆のテロ 民族政策を見直す時だThe Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region is an inland region in far western China that has a large population of …

首相中南米歴訪 互恵の関係を長期的に築こう

The Yomiuri ShimbunReciprocal, sustainable long-term ties with Latin America important首相中南米歴訪 互恵の関係を長期的に築こうThe task of securing a stable supply of energy and food is an important matter of diplomatic concern for our nat…

第1次大戦100年 今こそ銘記したい悲劇の教訓

The Yomiuri ShimbunWe must heed the tragic lessons of WWI on its 100th anniversary第1次大戦100年 今こそ銘記したい悲劇の教訓This summer marks the centennial of the outbreak of World War I, which ignited in Europe, causing devastation un…

(社説)原発事故原因 究明求める声を聴け

August 01, 2014EDITORIAL: Public demands the truth about Fukushima accident(社説)原発事故原因 究明求める声を聴けWhat is the whole truth about the nuclear disaster that hit this nation three years ago? We have yet to hear a satisfactory a…

最低賃金上げ 中小企業への目配りも大切だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSpare a thought for smaller firms in light of minimum wage hike最低賃金上げ 中小企業への目配りも大切だTo shore up consumption and help the economy finally shake off the shackles of deflation, it is vital that wages are r…

(社説)子どもの貧困 ひとり親世帯を救おう

July 30, 2014EDITORIAL: Labor reforms for single mothers needed to alleviate child poverty(社説)子どもの貧困 ひとり親世帯を救おうThe government needs to first tackle the here-and-now problems of poverty if any improvements are to be made…