
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


(社説)ミサイル発射 日朝協議でも説得を

July 29, 2014EDITORIAL: Japan must tell North Korea that its provocations are pointless(社説)ミサイル発射 日朝協議でも説得をNorth Korea has kept up a series of provocative missile launches this year. In its latest test, apparently a poli…

(社説)再エネと地域 「主権」育てる好機に

EDITORIAL: Renewable energy promotion a good opportunity to nurture local ‘sovereignty’(社説)再エネと地域 「主権」育てる好機にA recent survey jointly conducted by The Asahi Shimbun and Hitotsubashi University has found that 80 percent of…

ガザ流血拡大 本格停戦への道筋を探りたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunConcessions needed on both sides to secure durable Gaza ceasefire ガザ流血拡大 本格停戦への道筋を探りたいThe United States, European countries and the United Nations should act in concert with Middle East nations capable…

朴・舛添会談 国民の心を遠ざけたのは誰か

The Yomiuri ShimbunWho caused alienation in hearts of Japanese, South Korean people?朴・舛添会談 国民の心を遠ざけたのは誰か It was regrettable to see South Korean President Park Geun-hye continue her anti-Japan position of unilaterally cri…

中国期限切れ肉 外資企業にも及んだ背信行為

The Yomiuri ShimbunExpired meat scandal in China a betrayal of Japan’s safety efforts中国期限切れ肉 外資企業にも及んだ背信行為Yet again, a problem that greatly damages the trustworthiness of Chinese-made food products has been exposed. Thi…

撃墜非難決議 国際調査にはまだ障害がある

The Yomiuri ShimbunDespite UNSC resolution, investigation of MH17 downing still faces obstacles撃墜非難決議 国際調査にはまだ障害がある To ensure that the truth behind this tragic incident can be quickly determined, all parties involved in …

BRICS開銀 欧米主導への対抗軸となるか

note:Q:What are the Bretton Woods Institutions?A:The Bretton Woods Institutions are the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They were set up at a meeting of 43 countries in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA in July 1944.…

大陸棚延長 戦略的に海洋資源を開発せよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunTap Japan’s extended continental shelf for strategic development of resources大陸棚延長 戦略的に海洋資源を開発せよA move has been taken that is highly important for further consolidating Japan’s status as a maritime nati…

南シナ海情勢 掘削を中止させた対中包囲網

The Yomiuri ShimbunInternational pressure forced China to stop oil drilling in South China Sea南シナ海情勢 掘削を中止させた対中包囲網In the face of fierce criticism from the international community, China perhaps had no choice but to suspe…

ウクライナ撃墜 真相究明の国際調査が急務だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunInternational investigation critical to discovering truth in MH17 tragedyウクライナ撃墜 真相究明の国際調査が急務だ Innocent civilians have been caught up in a terrible tragedy in conflict-torn Ukraine. 紛争の続くウクライ…

沖縄「密約」判決 文書管理と原則公開の徹底を

The Yomiuri ShimbunTop court ruling must not impede information disclosure requests沖縄「密約」判決 文書管理と原則公開の徹底をDocuments on a secret agreement may have existed, but that does not mean they were kept by the Foreign Ministry—t…

集団的自衛権 国会の論議をさらに深めたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunDiet debate must be deepened on collective self-defense right集団的自衛権 国会の論議をさらに深めたいDiet debate must be intensified further on what can or cannot be done under the government’s new interpretation of the C…

滋賀県知事選 与党の緊張感欠如も響いた

The Yomiuri ShimbunShiga election results highlight complacency in ruling parties滋賀県知事選 与党の緊張感欠如も響いたA government and a Liberal Democratic Party that had grown overconfident were apparently handed a rebuke when a former De…

日豪首脳会談 「特別な関係」築く安保協力を

The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan-Australia partnership crucial to improve defense of Asia-Pacific日豪首脳会談 「特別な関係」築く安保協力をJapan and Australia are strategic partners that share the responsibility of fostering peace and stability in …

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:使用一瞬、依存一生 /東京

July 06, 2014(Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Addiction recovery can take a lifetime香山リカのココロの万華鏡:使用一瞬、依存一生 /東京A man recently drove his SUV onto a sidewalk in Tokyo's Ikebukuro area, leaving a woman dead an…

中韓首脳会談 地域の安定損なう「反日共闘」

The Yomiuri ShimbunChina-ROK anti-Japanese campaign threatens to bring regional instability中韓首脳会談 地域の安定損なう「反日共闘」 China’s intention to drive a wedge into cooperative ties among Japan, the United States and South Korea by…

集団的自衛権 抑止力向上へ意義深い「容認」

The Yomiuri ShimbunConstitutional reinterpretation enhances Japan’s deterrent power集団的自衛権 抑止力向上へ意義深い「容認」The government has made a historic decision that will reinforce our coordination with the United States and other m…

社会福祉法人 地域貢献で存在意義を示せ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSocial welfare service corporations must step up role as local entities社会福祉法人 地域貢献で存在意義を示せCriticism has surged recently against social welfare service corporations for failing to sufficiently fulfill th…

イラク流動化 無秩序の拡大を食い止めたい

The Yomiuri ShimbunFurther chaos must be stemmed in face of deepening Iraq crisis イラク流動化 無秩序の拡大を食い止めたいThe chaos in Iraq has been fast spreading across its border. To avoid this situation leading to destabilization of the…

ODA大綱改定 平和構築へ戦略性を高めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunPeace-building efforts should be strategic priority of ODA ODA大綱改定 平和構築へ戦略性を高めよJapan should make active use of its official development assistance programs to help crystallize the goal of the administr…

首相沖縄訪問 米軍基地負担を着実に減らせ

The Yomiuri ShimbunGovernment must work to reduce Okinawa U.S. base-hosting burdens 首相沖縄訪問 米軍基地負担を着実に減らせThe government must make utmost efforts to steadily ease the burden that hosting U.S. military bases places on Okina…

被災地の防潮堤 地域に応じた見直しが必要だ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSeawall plans should be amended to suit the needs of local people被災地の防潮堤 地域に応じた見直しが必要だPlans to build huge seawalls along the coastal areas hit hardest by the Great East Japan Earthquake have been met …

河野談話検証 外交的配慮が事実に優先した

The Yomiuri ShimbunDiplomatic consideration outweighed historical facts in Kono statement河野談話検証 外交的配慮が事実に優先した Once again a flaw in the 1993 statement issued by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on so-called comfort…


June 19, 2014EDITORIAL: Ishihara’s remark about interim storage facility adds insult to injury環境相の発言―「最後は金」が蝕むものNo doubt about it. Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara’s insensitive remark about the problem of selecting …


June 18, 2014EDITORIAL: Abe needs to get priorities right before reactor restarts原発再稼働の前に―「被害地元」と向き合えThe central government has required all prefectural and municipal entities within a 30-kilometer radius of nuclear powe…

(社説)若者の意識 「どうせ」のその先へ

June 17, 2014EDITORIAL: Young Japanese need help to outgrow defeatist mentality(社説)若者の意識 「どうせ」のその先へAn international survey has offered much reassurance to certain people who are pessimistic about Japan’s younger generati…

イラク情勢緊迫 過激派の攻勢をどう抑えるか

The Yomiuri ShimbunWhat can be done to stop offensive by extremist Sunni insurgents in Iraq?イラク情勢緊迫 過激派の攻勢をどう抑えるかThe situation in Iraq has become ever more strained. Rebels led by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (IS…

(社説)諫早湾干拓 有明海再生は開門から

June 16, 2014EDITORIAL: Open floodgates to restore the Ariake Sea(社説)諫早湾干拓 有明海再生は開門からThe government is being forced to pay 490,000 yen (about $4,900) to plaintiffs per day as a penalty because it is not abiding by a fina…


June 14, 2014EDITORIAL: Defense policy talks test New Komeito’s political integrity公明党と憲法―自民にただ屈するのかIn talks with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s initiative to allow Japan to exercise th…

自民農協改革案 全中の指導体制温存を許すな

The Yomiuri ShimbunJA-Zenchu structure must not emerge unscathed from LDP reform plan自民農協改革案 全中の指導体制温存を許すな How can the JA Group of agricultural cooperatives be drastically overhauled to reenergize Japan’s farming indust…