
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


北方領土演習 ロシアの挑発は看過できない

The Yomiuri ShimbunProvocative Russian military games in northern territories unforgivable北方領土演習 ロシアの挑発は看過できないNothing other than an act of provocation has taken place in the Russian-held northern territories, the biggest…

北方領土演習 ロシアの挑発は看過できない

The Yomiuri ShimbunProvocative Russian military games in northern territories unforgivable北方領土演習 ロシアの挑発は看過できないNothing other than an act of provocation has taken place in the Russian-held northern territories, the biggest…