
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:心の嵐、年とともに治まる /東京


September 08, 2013(Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Storms of instability calm with age
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:心の嵐、年とともに治まる /東京

Singer Keiko Fuji, a face of the Showa era and the mother of singer Hikaru Utada, recently took her own life. Based on comments released by her family, it appears that she had long suffered from a mental illness involving extreme emotional shifts.

The singer displayed dizzying swings, yet there was a time when she was cheerful and was able to perform stably as a singer. The name of her illness was not given, but judging from these traits, it's possible that she had a personality disorder -- a malady marked by a lack of stability.

A significant number of people suffer from frequent waves of emotion due to illnesses such as borderline personality disorders, while their families are left at their mercy. The recent turn of events no doubt shocked them.

But not everybody faces endless instability and a tragic ending. Recently I had the opportunity to sit in on a lecture by psychiatrist Kenichiro Okano at a meeting of a certain academic society. Okano introduced a U.S. study which found that 70 percent of patients who were diagnosed as having a borderline personality disorder didn't meet the requirements to be diagnosed with that disorder six years down the track. He surmised, "It's possible that the conventional perceptions of personality disorders being hard to treat and continuing for life are wrong."

In his own experience, Okano found that traits such as aggressiveness and impulsiveness would settle as patients got older. Conversely, loneliness and other such feelings sometimes continued for a long time. Unstable personalities tend to "wither" with age -- something that goes for ordinary people, too.

Personally, I've found that when people who are highly creative have unstable personalities like those symbolic of "borderline" disorders, the speed of the withering process ironically slows down. One artist in their 60s, who continued to paint pictures with vivid colors, would curse other family members and go out on the town at night, just like someone going through puberty.

However -- and this is a fortunate thing -- many people don't have that much energy, and when instability comes, they somehow make it through without shouting at other people or running amok. Even if a feeling of loneliness lingers in someone's heart, they should be able to fit in with the people around them.

I want people who are now struggling with a storm of instability inside to tell themselves: "This storm will certainly pass with age."

It's heartbreaking that that didn't happen for Keiko Fuji. I want to pray that we can at least listen to her music, and by doing so, soothe her soul.

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2013年09月03日 地方版