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米中戦略対話 世界の安定に責任を果たせ

The Yomiuri Shimbun July 17, 2013
China must act responsibly for sake of global stability
米中戦略対話 世界の安定に責任を果たせ(7月16日付・読売社説)

The fifth round of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue was held recently in Washington, D.C. For the stability of not only the Asia-Pacific region but also the entire world, it is vital that cabinet members of the world’s two largest economic powers hold talks to confirm the need for bilateral cooperation in a wide range of areas, including diplomatic relations, national security and economic matters.

This was the first strategic and economic dialogue for the Chinese government under President Xi Jinping since it was launched earlier this year. Building on summit talks held last month, Washington and Beijing hope to deepen bilateral ties.

Their agreements on drawing up an action plan to fight global warming and starting working-level talks for concluding a bilateral investment accord are positive results of the dialogue.

In step on North Korea

The two countries also shared the recognition that it is important for North Korea to take concrete steps to end its nuclear development program.

We hope China will not only urge Pyongyang to resume six-nation talks on its nuclear program, but also warn North Korea that sanctions against that country will not be eased unless it takes tangible steps to eliminate its existing nuclear weapons.

However, the United States and China found little else on which their positions matched.

They have been at loggerheads over cybertheft. The United States condemned China’s actions of illicitly obtaining information of U.S. companies through cyber-attacks. Although both sides agreed to continue discussing the issue at working-level talks, they remain far apart.

The Chinese side reiterated its previous assertions that it is also has been a victim of hacking. Yet as long as China only tries to avoid dealing with this problem, it does not deserve to be called a “responsible major power.”

Territorial tussles

Territorial and maritime issues have also been a bugbear in U.S.-China relations.

During the dialogue, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden expressed concern and said the future of “the freedom of navigation” will depend on how China deals with territorial disputes with its neighboring countries.

U.S. President Barack Obama, during his meeting at the White House with Chinese officials who attended the dialogue, also urged China to peacefully handle maritime territorial issues with its neighbors, rather than use threats or coercion.

Chinese surveillance vessels have repeatedly entered Japanese waters around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture. In January, a Chinese Navy vessel locked its fire-control radar onto a Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer. China’s intimidation of the Philippines and Vietnam over islets in the South China Sea has been escalating.

The Obama administration has attempted to strongly restrain China, which has threatened U.S. allies and their sea lanes, with intolerable acts of provocation.

Not to be outdone, China called on the United States not to meddle in territorial issues in the East China and South China seas. Beijing maintained its stance that it would resolutely defend its territory and that the disputes would be resolved properly through talks with the nations concerned.

As long as the Xi administration continues intimidating neighboring countries with shows of force and unilaterally pursues its “pivotal interests,” there will not be stability in the region.

If China genuinely aims to build “a new type of relationship as major powers,” a relationship of coexistance on an equal footing with the United States, it needs to fulfill the responsibilities commensurate to such a power.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 16, 2013)
(2013年7月16日01時37分  読売新聞)