
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「待ち疲れ」ならぬように /東京

May 12, 2013(Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Waiting on benefits from 'Abenomics' can bring stress
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「待ち疲れ」ならぬように /東京

Major tour companies announced before this past "Golden Week" holiday period that the number of Japanese expected to travel during the period was a record high. Experts said this is because the economic mood in Japan has been recovering thanks to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's policies, known as "Abenomics." I think the point here is that Japan's economy, or people's incomes, aren't actually improving, but rather their "mood" about the economy is gaining a lift.

Meanwhile, weekly magazines are saying only some people are becoming richer under the Abenomics scheme and the economic bubble will burst before most people can benefit from it. They warn that people's lives may become even more difficult. If that is true, we can't be too optimistic that our salaries will increase just because stock prices are on the rise.

So far I haven't heard any of my patients claiming they are making a fortune because of Abenomics. Instead, I am hearing the usual negative stories such as "I can't make ends meet with my pay from my part-time job," "I was laid off" and "I have to let go of my house because I can't pay the mortgage."

Although the media is reporting that large firms are making profits, I suspect most of us are just waiting, half excited and half worried, to see how Abenomics will affect our lives.

Of course, it's better than not having any hope at all, but there is a limit to "just waiting." There was an old Japanese song that portrayed a mother waiting for her son to come home from a battle field for 10 years. However, that is a rare case. For how long in general do we have to wait? Just waiting alone can cause stress. It can cause even greater stress when there is a possibility of not receiving any benefits from Abenomics.

Those who are waiting with hope of getting a raise in their pay at their part-time job, just like stock prices, will be disappointed when they realize that their lives are not getting any easier. Then they may gradually become psychologically unstable due to stress caused by waiting. By the time they give up on waiting, many in society may have fallen into a crisis.
 「株価がどんどん上がっている。私は株を持っていないが、今にきっとバイト代も上がるはず」と、楽しみに待っている人も「あれ? まだ生活が苦しいままだぞ」と疑問を抱くようになり、「いつまで待てばいいのか」と、次第に待つストレスから気持ちが不安定になっていく。そのうち、「待ってもダメみたい」とあきらめが生じる頃には社会全体がパニックになるかもしれない。

Because people's expectations of Abenomics have been growing, I think it is time for the government to indicate just how long people will have to wait until their salaries and lives will improve and tell them what they should work on until then. I don't want to see people lining up at my clinic because they got depressed waiting.

(Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2013年05月06日 地方版