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中国の尖閣発言 「核心的利益」とはお門違いだ

The Yomiuri Shimbun April 29, 2013
China's 'core interests' comment over Senkaku Islands uncalled for
中国の尖閣発言 「核心的利益」とはお門違いだ(4月28日付・読売社説)

The administration of Chinese President Xi Jinping should refrain from dangerous behavior that could escalate tensions around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.

At a recent press conference of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, a spokeswoman said the Senkaku issue pertains to China's territorial sovereignty. "They are certainly part of China's core interests," she added.

It was the first time a senior Chinese government official has made a clear remark that the Senkaku Islands are considered a "core interest."

China uses this term to describe matters of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and other national interests over which it will never make compromises.

Beijing has used the expression in reference to Taiwan, Tibet and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region before, but in recent years it has been using the term when referring to the South China Sea.

The Senkaku Islands were deemed a core interest by the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, in January last year. However, the Chinese government never used the expression in its public statements.

A show of maritime might

The latest press officer's remark can be seen as proof that Xi's administration has placed high priority on the islets as it aims to propel China's development as a maritime power.

Beijing has been obsessed of late with extending its purported territory and maritime rights and interests, by unilaterally applying the core interest designation to new areas. Such a stance is nothing but self-righteous expansionism.

This behavior is totally unacceptable. The Japanese government should continually inform the international community about China's transgressions.

Beijing is likely to dispatch an increasing number of surveillance vessels from its State Oceanic Administration to intrude into waters around the Senkaku Islands. Japan should prepare countermeasures by assuming every possible contingency.

The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe endorsed the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy during a Cabinet meeting last week. The plan stipulates bolstering the defense system and maximizing surveillance activities in waters around the Nansei Islands, which include the Senkakus. It is crucial that cooperation be reinforced between the Japan Coast Guard and the Self-Defense Forces, among other measures.

It cannot be forgotten that the Chinese military has been increasingly involved in activities in waters around the islands. In January, a Chinese Navy vessel locked its fire-control radar onto a Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer north of the islets.

The situation in these waters remains tense as a standoff between Chinese Navy and MSDF vessels continues.

Military standoff alarming

China, backed by a strong military, seems to be signaling it may use force to knock Japan off balance and erode Tokyo's effective control of the islands.

Beijing has claimed it will never pursue hegemony in the Asian region. However, its actions have only been viewed as an increasing threat to neighboring countries.

Abe has expressed his own concerns, saying: "The military balance between Japan and China will totally break down within two years."

China has adopted a hard-line stance by putting its military might at the fore. Such an attitude is extremely perilous as it could provoke an unexpected conflict.

Japanese and Chinese defense officials have resumed talks on creating a maritime communication system to prevent unintended clashes between the two countries' ships and aircraft. Tokyo and Beijing should aim to reach an agreement on this front as soon as possible.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 28, 2013)
(2013年4月28日01時31分  読売新聞)