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食物アレルギー 給食の事故防止を徹底したい

[The Yomiuri Shimbun] April 10, 2013
Strong measures needed to prevent food allergy cases occurring at schools
食物アレルギー 給食の事故防止を徹底したい(4月9日付・読売社説)

How can we prevent children with food allergies from experiencing allergic reactions during a pleasant lunch at school?

As a new term has begun at schools, school administrators are asked to do their utmost to ensure their safety measures for school lunches are flawless.

Those with food allergies can develop such symptoms as eczema and respiratory difficulties if they eat certain foods, such as eggs, milk, wheat, peanuts, shrimp or crab.

There are also life-threatening allergic reactions, such as a sudden drop in blood pressure or impairment of consciousness.

According to a survey taken by the education ministry, 2.6 percent of students in the country suffer from food allergies. This means almost one student in every class has a food allergy.

There has been an increase in cases of students mistakenly eating food containing an allergen and requiring medical treatment. In fiscal 2011, such cases topped 300. Thoroughly implementing countermeasures is an urgent matter.

Allergic reactions can be fatal

At a municipality-run primary school in Chofu, western Tokyo, a fifth-grade girl died in December last year after consuming dairy products she was allergic to.

A report compiled last month by a local board of education examination committee pointed out a series of mistakes on the part of the school.

On the day of the incident, the school provided her with a special meal without cheese, to which she was allergic. When she asked for seconds, her teacher mistakenly gave her an ordinary portion containing cheese. The teacher should have checked the list of those foods she was not supposed to eat.

When the student complained about feeling sick, neither her teacher nor a nurse gave her an injection, which could have mitigated her allergic reaction.

At the same school, another student had an allergic reaction during lunch three months earlier. Later the school conducted an instructional program on food allergies for teachers and other school officials. It is quite regrettable that the lesson was not learned.

To prevent such tragic incidents from recurring, it is important for schools to cooperate with students' parents and doctors and to have accurate knowledge of possible allergy symptoms of food-allergic children and take careful steps.

With regard to measures to be taken for food-allergic students, a guideline was worked out in 2008 under the supervision of the education ministry. However, the reality is that schools differ from one another in how they deal with food allergies.

Schools must be vigilant

It is important for every school to thoroughly take such fundamental measures as distributing in advance lists of school lunch ingredients to parents, while arranging special meals for students with food allergies.

Parents also need to always remind their food-allergic children of those foods that they should not eat.

When a child suffers an allergic reaction to food, the initial response is crucial. Teachers and other school staff need to be trained so that they can administer an injection properly to someone having an allergic reaction.

The education ministry will examine how schools across the country are coping with food allergy issues. We hope any problems can be cleared up to help to prevent further accidents from occurring.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 9, 2013)
(2013年4月9日01時12分  読売新聞)