
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:よりそいホットライン /東京



(Mainichi Japan) March 25, 2012
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: One place to turn to when in need of help
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:よりそいホットライン /東京

Psychiatrists' work at their consultation rooms is not limited only to providing psychological care. Recently in particular, when searching for the background of depression and insomnia there are traces of other specific problems, including violence, work and financial issues among many others. It is no secret that psychologists borrow other professionals' help.

In my consultation room, I always keep a list of help organizations, and if the case requires me to do so, I sometimes introduce my patients to such professionals. At times it feels as if my consultation room is not a place for medical treatment but more of a mediation facility.

A new great supporter has emerged for medical professionals like myself. A service called "Yorisoi Hotline," which had previously been centered in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures -- the three regions most severely affected by the March 11, 2011 disasters -- is now expanding nationwide. For the time being, until the end of March this year, it will accept calls from people on a 24-hour a day basis.

The hotline's most appealing point is that it accepts people's calls regardless of the nature of their anxieties. Lifestyle problems, domestic violence, homosexuality issues, consultations of a suicidal nature -- people are free to consult with the counselors on any issues they may need help with.

Furthermore, the hotline also provides consultations in foreign languages. Of course, people of all ages are free to call.

For people who need consultations, the availability of such a hotline is very welcome. I think that the greatest anxiety of people who need help is where to turn for assistance. Furthermore, due to the nature of their problems they often have to visit a number of different professionals, sometimes even being told things such as "this is not in the range of our expertise," suggesting that they turn to other places for assistance. For people who already have anxieties, this may only discourage them from seeking help.

Naturally, consultants at the Yorisoi Hotline are not experts on all problems, so I am not sure whether they will provide adequate advice through a one-time consultation.

However, I believe that the single fact that there is a place where people can turn to for help when they are at a loss over who to consult with about their problems gives them much strength.

At the same time, however, I worry about the people who work at the hotline. I worry that they may get sick after working on a 24-hour basis and listening to a great variety of problems. I wish that all of society will support this ground-breaking initiative.

I must be cautious not to mention the Yorisoi Hotline too much in my consultation room. But to tell the truth, I've already taught its phone number to several of my patients.

To the consultants at Yorisoi Hotline -- please excuse me for increasing your work. However, I have a lot of confidence in you!

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2012年3月20日 地方版