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香山リカのココロの万華鏡:SOSの声をあげて /東京



(Mainichi Japan) March 18, 2012
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Don't be afraid to seek help when you feel desperate
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:SOSの声をあげて /東京

The number of suicides in 2011 stood at over 30,000, according to National Police Agency statistics. Although this figure marked a slight decline on the previous year, it remains alarming. Of particular note is the increase of suicides among students.

In comparison to the preceding year, in 2011 some 101 more young people took their own lives. For the first time since authorities began keeping records in 1978, the number of suicides committed by young people surpassed 1,000.

This is extremely regrettable. I am aware that in each of these cases those young people must have had various concerns. However, I believe that regardless of the circumstances, if they had sought help from those around them and if they had spent more time on their problems, they would have been able to resolve the grave issues that had been eating them up inside.

What exactly is missing with these young people? Is it an ability to face problems? I don't think so.

I believe that all youth have the power to overcome difficulties and to somehow find their way. However, if there's no support from other people, it is somewhat difficult to access this power.

Children and young people have the general tendency to think that whenever something bad happens to them, it is mostly their fault.

For example, it is very common for small children to think something along the lines of "I haven't been a good child and that is why mom and dad decided to separate" when their parents decide on a divorce -- based on their personal issues. There are some children who go as far as to think that it is better for them to be gone, believing that it is all their fault.

In such cases, adults should continuously tell the children that it is not their fault and that they are needed.

However, recently there have been cases in which adults have failed to offer such words, based on the belief that children should not be spoiled. There are some who not only refrain from comforting children or young people, but would even try to do the opposite -- make them feel personally responsible for the problems that are happening.

Needless to say, if a child or a young person is clearly responsible for a situation, adults need to maintain a firm stance toward them. However, in other cases, telling children and youth to deal with the situation by themselves and emotionally pushing them away will do nothing but push them to the edge.

Every child and every young person is important, not only for their families but also for society as a whole. Adults should be ready to support them in a variety of ways.

When youth feel they need help, they should not be afraid to ask for help. This message, however, never reached the over 1,000 young people who took their own lives last year.

If there is a child or a young person among you who feels helpless, please do not hesitate to seek help from an adult near you.

If that person refuses to help you, don't give up and try a second and third person.

At some point, I am sure, there will be someone who will hear you and help you figure out a solution to your problems.

毎日新聞 2012年3月13日 地方版