
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

記者の目:震災1年 脱原発後の地域の具体像を=柳楽未来

raison d'etre レイゾンデトラ 存在意義、理由



(Mainichi Japan) March 15, 2012
The future of nuclear industry-dependent towns is now
記者の目:震災1年 脱原発後の地域の具体像を=柳楽未来


There are 14 nuclear reactors on the shores of Wakasa Bay in Fukui Prefecture, the largest concentration in the country. Until Feb. 21, when the last of the 14 reactors still running was shut down for regular maintenance, this clutch of reactors supplied half the electricity used by the entire Kansai region.

Across Japan, the anti-nuclear winds are blowing strong. In the areas around the plants themselves, however, there are equally vehement voices calling for the continuation of nuclear power. Meanwhile, anti-nuclear citizens' groups near the power stations have begun to hunt for a "realistic route" to a post-nuclear power economy in their communities.

However, if we see the pro-nuclear faction as simple "nuclear money" addicts, hungry for the jobs and subsidies that come with hosting a plant, then all useful discussion on the issue comes to a grinding halt.

I was dispatched to the Wakasa Bay area in late March 2011, soon after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami and the ensuing meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. What I want people to understand about this debate is that, behind local calls for nuclear power's continuation are deep misgivings over the future of the community. In fact, it is hard for many of these people to see any future at all.


Some 10 kilometers from the center of Mihama, Fukui Prefecture, and 1 kilometer from Kansai Electric Power Co.'s Mihama nuclear plant, is the district of Takenami, home to a cluster of guest houses frequented mostly by plant workers. When I first visited the area, I was taken aback by how close the Miyama plant's three reactors were, their looming bulk weighing down the landscape between the homes and the sea.

"Nuclear workers come and stay at the guest houses, and young people were employed by the power company," says one 75-year-old local farmer. "This place used to be a backwater, but thanks to the nuclear plant it really developed."

Until I took up my position in Fukui Prefecture, I had always seen communities around power stations as just getting fat off nuclear money. Certainly, the nuclear subsidies for Mihama have made an enormous difference to the town's finances, perhaps best represented by its new, 2.7 billion yen town hall.

Mihama's Takenami district, however, does not look like it has seen much of that supposed river of nuclear cash. The two-lane prefectural road linking the district to the center of town is often cut by landslides. The community center designated a temporary shelter in case of a nuclear accident is the district's only reinforced concrete building, but it is beginning to show its age, and has also never been earthquake-proofed. Many of the locals are elderly, and the district looks no different than any other sparsely populated rural area. The population of Mihama as a whole has dropped by about 20 percent over the last 40 years.

So, has the nuclear plant actually helped Mihama develop?

"It's true the population has fallen," says the 75-year-old farmer. "So I have to admit I've wondered whether the plant really gave us explosive advantages."

In January this year, the central government laid down a 40-year maximum service life for nuclear reactors. If this limit is strictly applied, the Mihama plant's three reactors will all be shuttered within five years. For a town benefiting so much from nuclear industry-related subsidies and employment, this would mean a complete shift in the very nature of Mihama's existence. However, the town has yet to stir itself in search of an alternative future, and local calls for the continuation of nuclear power roll on unchanged.

At a January meeting between local residents and Kansai Electric representatives, Mihama residents expressed mixed feelings about nuclear power in the wake of the Fukushima meltdowns.

"We're worried about nuclear energy, but at the same time we're worried about losing it," some said. The Fukushima nuclear disaster spread radioactive materials far and wide, contaminating fields and doing severe damage to the agricultural sector. The farming representative in the local delegation expressed deep misgivings over the dangers of nuclear power, but at the same time, "Mihama's farms earn very little income, and about 30 percent of farming family members work at the plants. So we hope very much that the reactors will go back on-line," he said.


Currently, petitions against nuclear energy are proliferating across Japan's urban centers, and millions of signatures have been collected so far. Anti-nuclear activism in local areas, however, has been much weaker. When I asked people in around Mihama about the issue, many told me that "nuclear power is scary, but I have family and neighbors working in nuclear-related jobs, so it's difficult for me to say I'm for abandoning nuclear energy."

The No. 1 reactor at the Mihama plant is just over 40 years old, and in that time nuclear power has become deeply entwined with the lives and livelihoods of the townspeople. Even if Japan gives up on nuclear power generation, neither the plant buildings themselves nor the locals' connections to the industry will disappear overnight. Then there is all that spent nuclear fuel still stored at the facilities. The gap in sentiment about nuclear power between cities and the countryside is growing ever wider.

Teruyuki Matsushita, 63, head of the local anti-nuclear group "Mori to kurasu donguri club," has begun a serious look at what route the town might take if nuclear power came to an end. He is in consultation with experts on initiatives to connect local employment with keeping spent nuclear fuel in the town for the next 20 to 30 years, without expanding nuclear facilities. He plans to have proposals ready for submission to the mayor by May this year.

For Matsushita, who has been pointing out the dangers of nuclear power for many years, this was a bitter choice to make, and he has taken plenty of flak from other anti-nuclear activists for moving in this direction. However, "what will happen to the town if nuclear power just disappears," he says. "If we propose a concrete and realistic policy for alternatives to the nuclear industry, we should be able to ease the region into something different."

We can all see the dangers of nuclear power clearly now, after the Fukushima meltdowns. This year, Japan will engage in a national debate over the next step to be taken in the country's decades-long dance with nuclear energy. A concrete vision of the future of local areas now dependent on nuclear power must be a part of that debate. If we can hammer out that vision, then we can deal with the needs of both sides of the issue -- the local areas hosting nuclear plants and the electricity-consuming urban areas that were the raison d'etre for the plants themselves -- in the same arena. If we can do that, then surely the debate on Japan's energy future will get that much easier.

(By Mirai Nagira, Tsuruga correspondent)
毎日新聞 2012年3月15日 0時28分