
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

3・11の誓い 日本人の国民性が試される

>>The government received donations totaling 17.5 billion yen from 126 countries, territories and organizations. Relief money sent to the Japanese Red Cross Society totaled a massive 57.5 billion yen.
>> 政府には126の国・地域・機関から175億円の寄付金が寄せられた。日本赤十字社への海外救援金も575億円にのぼる。



The Yomiuri Shimbun (Mar. 13, 2012)
Debris disposal tests national character
3・11の誓い 日本人の国民性が試される(3月12日付・読売社説)

On Sunday, the nation mourned the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and huge tsunami a year ago.

A government-sponsored memorial service held in Tokyo was attended by the Emperor, even though he is recuperating from last month's heart surgery.

At the ceremony, the Emperor expressed deep appreciation for the relief efforts in disaster-stricken areas and to those dealing with the crisis caused by the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. He also expressed profound gratitude to other countries that dispatched rescue teams and engaged in other activities following the disaster.

"It is important for us to never forget this disaster and hand down the lessons we learned to future generations, and foster the proper attitude towards disaster prevention, with the aim of making our country a safer place," the Emperor said. We probably all share his thoughts.

In his speech, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda made "three promises," including reconstructing the affected areas as soon as possible. Referring to assistance from other countries, he said, "Japan must return the favor by contributing actively to the international community."

Foreign rescue and relief teams arrived in Japan immediately after the March 11 disaster to work in the affected areas. Operation Tomodachi, conducted jointly by U.S. troops and the Self-Defense Forces, was immensely helpful in searching for missing people and removing debris.


Historic mission

The government received donations totaling 17.5 billion yen from 126 countries, territories and organizations. Relief money sent to the Japanese Red Cross Society totaled a massive 57.5 billion yen.

Japan has the historic mission of disseminating the lessons and knowledge learned from the disaster around the world, so they can be used in working out measures to deal with large-scale disasters and prevent crises at nuclear power plants.

The government plans to hold a high-level international conference on large-scale natural disasters in a city in the Tohoku region in summer.

While sharing their experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake and other natural disasters, the participants will discuss how to prevent or reduce disaster damage, respond in times of emergency, and recover and reconstruct after a disaster.

The government hopes to reflect the results of the Tohoku conference in the 2015 U.N. World Conference on Disaster Reduction that Japan has expressed its intention of hosting. As these conferences would be significant in strengthening Japan's ties with other countries, they must be held without fail.


Obstacle to rebuilding

As the disposal of debris in disaster-hit areas hampers full-scale rebuilding efforts, Noda said at a news conference "the government must move one or two steps forward" to deal with this problem. His desire to take a more active stance on the disposal of the debris is natural.

Noda then unveiled a plan to seek the cooperation of local governments and private corporations to dispose of the debris, saying, "The character of Japan as a nation is being put to the test again."

It is extremely disappointing that only Tokyo and some municipalities in two prefectures have accepted debris for disposal.

The coolheaded actions and patience of people in the affected areas has impressed people the world over. We suggest the Japanese people join together to address the issue of debris removal.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 12, 2012)
(2012年3月12日01時20分  読売新聞)