
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「人類戦士」たち /東京




(Mainichi Japan) February 12, 2012
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: There's no such thing as a 'worthless life'
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「人類戦士」たち /東京

There are two phrases that I often come across at my consultation room: "I'm sorry for being alive," and, "My life is worthless."

In explaining such thoughts, patients say things like: "I suffer from depression so I had to quit my job," "I couldn't fit in at school so I started staying at home," or, "In the end, I started living on welfare assistance."

Although the reasons vary from patient to patient, the most common reason seems to be related to people's inability to work efficiently and provide for themselves after falling physically or mentally ill.

I usually reject such statements, telling my patients: "That's not true," but at the same time I feel that it's extremely difficult to give them a firm reason to trust my words.

It also seems weak to tell them that what is happening is not their fault and that the difficulties they are going through are only a result of their diseases.

As I was thinking about this, I came across a book that opened my eyes. The book, titled "Omoi shogai o ikiru to iu koto" (Living with serious disabilities) was written by Kiyoshi Takaya, a pediatrician who has worked at a facility for children with heavy disabilities for a long time.

In his book, Takaya introduces children who have become bedridden as a result of their disabilities as "mankind's warriors," a reference to a well-known anime series.

Takaya says that in order for some species to continue to exist, they have to keep on transforming themselves. ある生物種が死滅せずに存在し続けるためには、絶えず変貌を遂げて行く必要がある。

During that process, it is inevitable that some will develop disabilities.

Therefore, children who carry such disabilities have undertaken the task of passing through these inevitable circumstances -- they are, in other words, warriors protecting the rest of mankind.

As I read Takaya's words, I came to think that this does not only apply to children with disabilities.

For example, among my patients there was a company employee who was diagnosed with depression due to his heavy workload.

As a result of his leave of absence, however, his company decided to reconsider all company employees' workloads, which led to an improvement of the firm's mental health policies.

Cases of "hikikomori" (social withdrawal) involving children, for example, often stem from family-related problems -- those involving their parents, siblings or other relatives.

In this way, these children can also be called "mankind's warriors" for they have -- via their conditions -- taken on other social problems.

If there were no such people, the rest of us would proudly -- and quite incorrectly -- think that the way things have been done to address certain social issues up till now has been correct.

This could lead to major problems that could actually end up affecting many people.

To those suffering from mental diseases: You should know that your current condition is sending a red signal to society, trying to make people notice the existing problems that need to be tackled.
Your life is important for society.

You didn't become ill because of your personal weakness -- it is a result of your ability to sense existing problems before others can.

Therefore I ask you -- please, don't ever say that your life is worthless.

If a patient tells me "I'm sorry for being alive" again, I would like to express these thoughts to them, though I don't know how effective I can be.

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2012年2月7日 地方版