
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:いまどきの卒業論文 /東京



(Mainichi Japan) December 25, 2011
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Learning from the next generation
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:いまどきの卒業論文 /東京

Being both a psychiatrist and a university professor, December is always an exciting month for me -- it is this time of the year when my students submit their graduation theses.

There are some students who rush up to me at the very last moment, saying, "Professor, I can't make it on time," to whom I would say: "Hang in there, you're only a breath away." There are also the self-assured ones, who submit their "works of confidence," in which I later on find plenty of spelling mistakes that sometimes even frustrate me.
直前になって「先生、ダメです! 間に合いません」と泣きついてくる学生を、「大丈夫、あと一息!」と遠泳のコーチのように励ます。「自信作です」と見せに来る学生の論文に大量の誤字脱字を発見して、途方に暮れることもある。

However, as I read my students' works, I realize that there is quite a lot to learn from the way "today's young" think, write, and form their judgments.

Every year, what specifically amazes me is their computer and internet skills. As I read through their works, I often find myself wondering how they created such beautiful graphs or about the meaning of acronyms that I often see online, but never knew what they were for. On such occasions, I feel as if we are "exchanging knowledge," and things such as poor writing or lack of in-depth research stop bothering me.

It is common for educators to criticize the next generation by saying that in the past students studied much more. However, this is only because we are comparing them to ourselves, based on standards that we lived through in our student days. There are things that students nowadays know and can do easily, which we in the past could not -- and I'm not only speaking of their use of computers and mobile phones.

While for many people from my generation reading in English was common, but speaking was nearly impossible, young people these days openly speak to overseas students, using both Japanese and English with no evidence of embarrassment. They are also much more open to sexual and gender differences. It is somewhat more refreshing than surprising to hear someone say: "I like a person from the same sex," to which another person simply replies, "Oh, really?"

At parties, the old rule obliging women to pour drinks for men seems to not exist for many young people -- they act naturally and drink in the style that suits them.

As I watch the young people these days, I think that the traditional way of "measuring" knowledge and quality of graduation theses is, in fact, not that important.

There are times when part of me says, "A graduation thesis is not a personal essay, so writing in the first person is against the rules," while the other me says, "This personal essay-style thesis is so rich and sensitive, and extremely interesting."

I will teach my students everything I know, and hope they would do the same for me. I don't want them to feel afraid of telling me, "Professor, you really don't know something like that?"

As a professor I always try to think in this way. However, at times I blurt out things like: "Really? You haven't read Hermann Hesse? When I was a student, I..." This bad habit seems to be a hard one to shake.
教員としてはいつもそう思っている私だが、それでもつい口にしてしまう。「なに、ヘルマン・ヘッセも読んだことがない? 私が学生の頃は……」。このクセはなかなかなおらないようだ。

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2011年12月20日 地方版