
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:クリスマスソング /東京


(Mainichi Japan) November 13, 2011
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Dealing with personal grief around Christmas
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:クリスマスソング /東京

It is still 1 1/2 months to Christmas, but the holiday spirit is already embracing Japan.

For many young people, Christmas songs and decorations are signs that the romantic holiday season is approaching.

But for me, having lost my father exactly around this season last year, these celebrating sounds and sparkling city lights do nothing but add grief to my bitter memories.

In psychiatry this is called "the anniversary reaction" syndrome.
It is when we relive a moment of grief whenever the date or the season when that sad moment happened takes place again.

As a psychiatrist, I should understand the concept well.
Knowing about theories and studies on the topic, I should be aware of what is happening to me.

Yet, the reality is that knowing and understanding theses issues does not minimize my grief.

Nevertheless, when I pass through these emotions, I am no longer bewildered, thinking "What is happening?
By now I should have recovered -- why am I crying again?"

Instead, I can now objectively see my emotions saying to myself, "I see...that is what they call 'the anniversary reaction' syndrome."

It can help lessen my grief.

But how about the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake?

I'm sure that there are many who find hope for recovery whenever they hear Christmas songs.

But on the other hand, I also think that there are many who compare their current condition with last year's peaceful holiday season.

Almost eight months have passed since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, and the pain of that horrible experience has piled up among many survivors.
Therefore, I would not be surprised if they shed a tear or two upon hearing a sentimental Christmas song.

This is a normal reaction.

The recovery process after a personal loss and grief is not a straightforward experience.

It is common to fall into depression again even though one had thought they had fully recovered.

It is also not rare to grieve for the first time only after a certain period of time has passed, whereas at the time of the happening one was surprisingly stable.

In textbooks, the grieving experience is often depicted as a three-step process.
First, one experiences shock immediately after the sad event.
Second, there is the denial factor when one refuses to accept what has happened.
Then, third, one moves toward full recovery.
However, almost no one can recover from grief so smoothly.

There is no magical cure to erase the pain of a sad memory.

However, what might help is to try to look at oneself from a third person's perspective and simply think that these ups and downs are real and are here to stay for a while.

It is also important to praise oneself for living to the fullest despite the grief one is going through.

With the approaching holiday season, let's not forget that somewhere out there in the disaster-hit areas there are people who are reminded by Christmas songs of their sad experiences.

毎日新聞 2011年11月8日 地方版