
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

社説:小規模臨界 監視と説明の強化を

> 1〜3号機のいずれでも、溶けた燃料がどういう状態でどこにあるのか、原子炉のどこがどのように損傷しているのか、よくわからない。


(Mainichi Japan) November 3, 2011
Editorial: Closer monitoring and more explanation of Fukushima reactors needed
社説:小規模臨界 監視と説明の強化を

The government and Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the tsunami-hit Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, should step up their monitoring of the plant's reactors to check whether nuclear fission is occurring and provide good explanations of the situation in the reactors to the public.
Xenon was detected in the containment vessel of the plant's No. 2 reactor, and the finding was confirmed by the semi-governmental Japan Atomic Energy Agency.

Xenon is a radioactive substance with a short half-life generated in the process of nuclear fission of uranium, a nuclear plant fuel.

The finding suggests that nuclear fission is occurring in the reactor, and it was initially feared that the reactor temporarily reached criticality -- a chain of nuclear fission reactions.

Small-scale criticality temporarily occurring in a reactor would not mean that the reactor is in a dangerous situation.

Criticality can be sustained only if certain conditions, such as the right ratio of water and fuel inside the reactor, are met.

Still, we mustn't let down our guard.

The government and TEPCO need to find out why the fission has occurred and take appropriate responses. 核分裂がどういう状況で起きていると考えられるか、原因を突き止め、対応策を取る必要がある。

TEPCO has injected boric acid into the No. 2 reactor to prevent it from reaching criticality, but more may need to be done.

Even if the reactor is not in a dangerous condition, the possibility that it might reach criticality has surely caused anxiety to the public.

It is important for TEPCO and the government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) to clearly explain the condition of the reactors and the implications of the discovery of xenon.

The xenon was detected from gas inside the reactor's containment vessel using a containment vessel gas management system that began operations in late October.

It was the first time that such a measurement was conducted, and at least one expert says it would be no surprise if nuclear fission has been occurring since well before these latest findings.

The gas inside the containment vessels of the Fukushima plant's No. 1 and 3 reactors has not yet been analyzed.  1号機と3号機では、まだ、こうした格納容器内のガスは調べられていない。

The government and TEPCO should carry out similar examinations of the inside of their containment vessels as soon as possible to check for nuclear fission occurring in them.

More than these individual measurements, however, what is needed is a system that constantly monitors the conditions of all the nuclear reactors at the plant.

Officials should consider equipment that can detect neutrons, as they can be used as a direct indicator of whether criticality has occurred.

The government and TEPCO have announced their intention to bring forward the timing of achieving a so-called "cold shutdown" of the crippled reactors in their roadmap to bringing the nuclear plant under control.

They define a cold shutdown as a situation in which the temperature inside the pressure vessels of the reactors are kept sufficiently low and the emissions of radioactive substances are under control.

However, the discovery of xenon in the No. 2 reactor's containment vessel suggests nuclear fission is occurring even though the temperature at the bottom of the pressure vessel is thought to be below 100 degrees Celsius.
It raises questions as to whether such a reactor can be considered stable, even if it is under that temperature threshold.

The conditions and locations of melted fuel in the plant's No. 1 to 3 reactors as well as the details of the damage to the reactors remain unclear, and after this most recent finding, the government and TEPCO must step up their monitoring.

毎日新聞 2011年11月3日 東京朝刊