
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

社説:玄海再稼働問題 安全への議論足りない

cite from blog with naoto amaki, (天木直人氏のブログより引用、天木氏は元外務省官僚)


> 6月24日の早朝のNHKニュースで菊田真紀子外務政務官が来週早々にもミャンマーを訪問するというニュースが流れた。

> ミャンマー民主化運動主導者のアウン・サン・スーチーさんと会談し、ミャンマー軍事政権の高官と会って民主化への努力を要請するという。ミャンマー政府と民主化勢力のパイプ役を果たしてミャンマー外交で存在感を発揮したいという。

> 冗談じゃない。こんなふざけた外遊はない。いくら今の外務省に仕事がないからといってこんな税金の無駄遣いを許してはならない。

> 日本はこれまで欧米のどの国よりもアウン・サン・スーチーさんの解放に冷淡だった。日本はミャンマー軍事政権に相手にされなかった。

> おまけに菊田真紀子という政務官は、大震災直後のアジア外遊で買物と水浴に明け暮れ、それを日刊ゲンダイにすっぱ抜かれた前科のあるふざけた政治家だ。

> 今でも外務政務官にとどまっているのがおかしいぐらいだ。

> なによりも死に体菅政権に外交を行なう資格はない。影響力は皆無だ。

> 菊田真紀子のミャンマー外遊を許してはいけない。

> このブログを読んだメディアがここに書かれた事を検証してまともに報じるなら、この外遊は取り止めざるを得なくなるだろう。

> そのまま強行すれば菅民主党政権の命取りになる。それほどふざけた暇つぶし外遊なのだ。

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(Mainichi Japan) July 1, 2011
Discussion on nuclear safety still lacking after Fukushima crisis
社説:玄海再稼働問題 安全への議論足りない

Has anything actually changed since the outbreak of the nuclear crisis in Fukushima?

When looking at the way the government and local bodies are handling the restarting of reactors at Kyushu Electric Power Co.'s Genkai Nuclear Power Plant, we can't help but wonder.

Recently Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Banri Kaieda visited Saga Prefecture, where the Genkai nuclear plant is located, and asked Saga Gov. Yasushi Furukawa and Genkai Mayor Hideo Kishimoto to restart reactors at the plant.

The governor has given his approval, saying that safety has been cleared.

The mayor holds the same view.

But the grounds for allowing the reactors to be restarted are based on a stopgap measure: placing power-supply vehicles on standby.

Though Japan is experiencing a nuclear crisis, the government has not revised its earthquake-resistance guidelines or guidelines for reactor design safety inspections, or presented any other post-Fukushima safety standards including the handling of aging reactors.

All over Japan, local bodies hosting nuclear power plants face issues surrounding the restarting of reactors.  再稼働問題は全国の原発立地自治体が抱えている。

Naturally, decisions on whether to operate the reactors must be made case by case.

But it is possible that the Genkai case could become a model for the future.

It is no good to make snap decisions while leaving fundamental post-Fukushima safety standards obscured.

Even if it takes some time for guidelines to be revised, the relevant concerns must be addressed.

One reason for the undermined trust in nuclear safety is the relationship between the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA).

The unhealthy situation in which NISA, a regulatory body, belongs to the ministry, which promotes nuclear power, has been brought up many times in the past, and even the International Atomic Energy Agency has sought improvement to the situation.

The government acknowledges the situation and has included plans to make NISA independent in a report on the crisis prepared for the IAEA.

But in spite of this, NISA has given a stamp of approval to the safety nuclear reactors -- one that is not limited to reactors at the Genkai plant -- and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry is using this to make requests to local bodies.

Furthermore, NISA itself has visited local bodies asking them to restart their reactors.

No clear view has yet emerged from Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission, which should be confirming the safety of nuclear power plants from its independent position.

Commission Chairman Haruki Madarame has stated that he doesn't know whether nuclear power plant safety has increased on the whole in the wake of the Fukushima crisis.

One suggested safety measure is using electric drills to bore holes in the ceiling of the reactor building to prevent a hydrogen explosion. The viability of such a measure is doubtful.

NISA should comprehensively examine the short-term safety measures and determine how far the risks have actually been lowered.

The Nuclear Safety Commission should then evaluate this assessment from its independent position. Surely this is the least they could do.

The crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant has taught us that a nuclear disaster does not impact only the municipality where the nuclear plant stands, but a wide area.

It is only natural for neighboring local bodies and their residents to worry about nuclear accidents.

The government must gather up a large scope of opinions and do its utmost to explain its stand.

The Fukushima crisis has destroyed the myth of nuclear power plant safety.

We now need procedures and debate to put the lessons learned from the crisis into practice.

毎日新聞 2011年7月1日 東京朝刊