
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:政治家の心の中って /東京


(Mainichi Japan) June 12, 2011
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: What are the politicians thinking?
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:政治家の心の中って /東京

Politicians are people too.

The workings of their minds are not completely different from ours.

At least, that's what I used to think, but recently I'm beginning to wonder.

The reason is, of course, the political commotion surrounding the recent no-confidence motion against the Cabinet.

In the end it was voted down and the Cabinet is continuing to operate as if nothing happened, but I am sure there are many besides me who wonder what on earth these politicians are doing.

On the day of the vote on the no-confidence motion, I was at a university where I had a full day of teaching scheduled.

In the morning I asked my students, "Do you know what's happening in the Diet this afternoon? ... That's right, a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet is being voted on.

Could you tell me what you think about this?"

The students raised their hands and I listened to their opinions.

In every class, the most common response from quizzical and angry students was "Why now?" It seemed that, regardless of whether they supported the current administration or not, students were dumbfounded that politicians would try to bring down the government at such a time.

"If the motion were passed, the Diet would be dissolved and we would have a general election, right?

What if that brings restoration efforts in the disaster areas to a halt?" asked one student.

Another expressed frustration that they'd heard that the Democratic Party of Japan could split on the issue.

Most of the students were in their first or second year of university, so their ages ranged from the teens to around 20 -- they had just obtained or were just about to obtain the right to vote.

It is a serious problem when people who have just arrived at the door to adult society are visited so soon by feelings of distrust and lack of hope in politics.

Does anyone benefit from such a situation?

Some politicians apparently have argued that the no-confidence motion had a benefit in dealing a damaging blow to the current administration, but then they would be lying if they say the public's interests come first.

One student asked me, "What's going on inside politicians' minds?

Do they have some kind of illness?"

In the past I would have answered, "You shouldn't say things like that.

Politicians are putting in their best efforts, thinking about what they can do for society, even if they are also protecting their own positions."

But this day I was unable to give such a reply.

"Hmm. Maybe they are narcissistic and think only of themselves, or maybe they are ill in that they get overly worked up when a little commotion is raised."

Actually, I didn't call them "ill," because that would be rude to patients who are seriously fighting with their illnesses, but what a troubling issue this is.

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)

毎日新聞 2011年6月7日 地方版