
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:心の二重ローン /東京

One by one! が大切ですね。

(Mainichi Japan) June 5, 2011
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: How to cope when we have multiple stressful burdens
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:心の二重ローン /東京

Through April, the disasters of March 11 were a common topic in my consultation room.

Now things have gotten back to normal, although "normal" simply means that patients are once again able to talk about personal issues that existed since before the earthquake.

Those issues vary from person to person.

Bullying from a boss at work, suspicion that a boyfriend is hiding something, abusive language from a husband, inability to find a hospital that can take on a parent who needs care, a child with a developmental disorder.

There are as many issues as there are patients.

Through April, these issues were hidden to an extent by the enormity of the March 11 disasters, but they were in no way gone.

Adding to those issues, the earthquake and related disasters have caused some people to lose their jobs or been used as reasons to force them into excessive overtime.

Some people have apparently been forced to take second loans to rebuild their lives, even while loans on their destroyed homes in the disaster areas remain unpaid.

This extra burden on their wallets is also an extra burden on their minds.

Just as multiple loans can't be repaid all at once, neither can multiple psychological burdens be dealt with all at once.

We mustn't be overwhelmed by feeling that the problems of the disaster have piled on to the family problems or other issues we already had.

The only way forward is to take on each problem one at a time.

It is important not to fall into a state where we give up on ourselves.

We first have to calm ourselves. We can do this by, for example, reciting to ourselves, "It will be OK, it will be OK," like a chant.

Next is deciding the order or priority with which we will tackle our problems.

As we work on our problems, it is important to not think about too many things at a time.

We have to put other issues aside and focus on one problem until it's finished, and then we move onto the next.

This advice applies to me as well.

I want to help with the psychological care of people who have returned from volunteer work in the disaster areas, but there are my normal consultations with patients and my job at the university to consider, and I can't take care of two or three things at the same time.

I'd like to make a motto for this year to be, "One at a time is enough."

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)

毎日新聞 2011年5月31日 地方版