
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )




    • The Asahi Shimbun, June 1

EDITORIAL: Decision on 'Kimigayo' evades crucial question of minority rights

Supreme Court justices are allowed to write their own opinions on controversial cases that are separate from the court's majority opinion.

Whether they express concurring or dissenting opinions, these statements help us better understand the court's position on a given issue by providing arguments and observations that are not included in the majority opinion.

The Supreme Court ruled on May 30 that a Tokyo public high school principal who ordered faculty members to stand and sing the "Kimigayo" national anthem during a graduation ceremony did not violate Article 19 of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of thought and conscience.

But the verdict was accompanied by lengthy opinions written by the justices.

Presiding Justice Masahiko Sudo of the court wrote: "If teachers become fearful and suspicious of one another because the enforcement (of singing the national anthem) entails disciplinary measures against noncompliers, the spirit of education will die."

Sudo also called for the "utmost restraint" in the enforcement of this practice and any rendering of adverse dispositions.

And Justice Katsumi Chiba noted, "It is important to create an environment in which any display of respect for the national anthem and the national flag will be spontaneous, not forced."

We have repeatedly made the same arguments. The Supreme Court acknowledged in its majority opinion that the principal's order indirectly limited freedom of thought and conscience, but said that the constraint is permissible in view of the established history and meaning of the ceremony in question and the status of teachers as public servants.

We should note that the highest court was not unconditional in ruling this case constitutional.

We stress this point to the nation's educational administrators, and especially to Osaka prefectural assembly members, who will be voting soon on a draft ordinance that would oblige teachers to stand during the singing of the national anthem.

But we are frankly disappointed with the Supreme Court, and we cannot trust it.

The plaintiff, a former teacher, was reprimanded for refusing to stand just once.

But even though he obeyed the principal's order later on so as not to further disrupt the ceremonies, he was refused re-employment as a contract worker when he reached his mandatory retirement age.

However, the school re-employed another teacher who had been disciplined much more severely for a different reason. This teacher had been suspended and had his salary cut.

The Tokyo District Court ruled that the school abused its discretionary power by treating the plaintiff unfairly in comparison with the other teacher, but this ruling was reversed by the Tokyo High Court.
The Supreme Court effectively upheld the appellate court's decision by examining only the constitutionality of the principal's order and not going into the appropriateness of the school's decision not to re-employ the plaintiff.

This was an important issue, and the Supreme Court could easily have addressed it, had it wanted to. But it did not, which forces us to conclude that it dodged the issue on purpose.

In failing to come to the plaintiff's rescue, the Supreme Court undermined its own plausibility in its call for "careful consideration" of the matter in its verdict.

The judiciary's important mission is to stand up for the minority by not being influenced by the wishes of the majority or prevalent social trends.

The legal profession must be especially thorough and discriminating when dealing with cases involving freedom of thought, conscience, expression or religious belief.

When a court of law abandons that responsibility, our society loses its diversity and will eventually decline.