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原発長期化 食にきめ細かい対応を


(Mainichi Japan) March 31, 2011
Government needs to take targeted responses to Fukushima plant, radiation leaks
社説:原発長期化 食にきめ細かい対応を

The continuing crisis at the quake- and tsunami-hit Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant has bred a number of tough problems for the government and the plant's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO).

Workers at the plant are placing top priority on efforts to cool down the reactors. However, the more water they pour into the reactor buildings, the more water holding radioactive substances collects below. This contaminated water has now presented an obstacle, disrupting efforts to cool the reactors.

With some of the pressure vessels around the reactors feared damaged, the situation is not likely to be resolved soon. Even if workers overcome all the difficulties and manage to get the reactors under control, it will still surely be years before the crisis is completely settled.

In this unprecedented crisis, we urge TEPCO and government ministries and agencies involved to combine their wisdom in finding a solution. Drastic measures, like creating a pool to hold the leaking radioactive water, need to be taken.

Meanwhile, the leak of radioactive substances has created another problem for the government: ensuring the safety of food while also not ruining agricultural producers in radiation-effected areas.

The Cabinet Office's Food Safety Commission (FSC) has compiled a report concluding that temporary standards defining the acceptable amounts of radioactive material in foods such as milk and vegetables -- which were worked out following the crisis at the plant -- are appropriate. The FSC was temporarily considering raising the upper limit on the amount of cesium allowed in foods, but decided to leave a final decision on the matter to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry.

It is difficult to assess the long-term impact on people's health from low-doses of radioactive material in food, but some people are skeptical of the government's comparisons between health hazards from the detected radioactive substances and that of cigarettes or radiation from CT scans.

Although radioactive material in foods should be limited as much as possible, questions remain as to how standards should be applied during emergencies like the current one. Some experts say that because Japan's standards are strict compared to those of other developed countries, there should be no problem if they are relaxed.

A judgment on whether the current restrictions are appropriate and how they should be implemented could put the survival of farmers at stake. Restrictions on shipments and consumption of agricultural products that apply to entire prefectures, which have been seen after radiation started leaking from the Fukushima nuclear plant, are too strict and could deal a fatal blow to local farmers.

The government should provide a detailed explanation to consumers if it comes out with new standards.

In particular, the government should show its estimations of cancer rates for specific age groups based on what kinds of contaminated foods they eat, and for how long.
Without this detailed information, new standards could breed harmful rumors that might cause consumers to shun all agricultural products from areas with contamination.

The government should also show a clear comparison between the standards of Japan and other countries on radioactive material in foods.

Furthermore, the government should provide guidelines for judging whether foods are safe, based on the amounts of radioactive substances in various food products, water and the air, and it should be quick in releasing data.

The government should also make its safety measures for farmers in the affected regions targeted for different circumstances. For example, the government should assess the levels of radioactive materials in vegetables grown outdoors versus those grown in greenhouses, and deal with them differently.

Monitoring of radioactive substances in agricultural products should be strengthened, and restrictions on the shipment of agricultural products should be eased or lifted as the safety of the products is confirmed.

Japan was unprepared for and lacked knowledge of the widespread effects of the radiation leaks it now faces.  日本はこれまで、長期にわたる広範囲な放射線影響について備えも理解も足りなかった。

Facing the future, we also need to be on guard for possible contaminated marine products and their effects on health.

毎日新聞 2011年3月31日 2時31分