
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

施政方針演説 政策実現へ周到な戦略で臨め




The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jan. 26, 2011)
Govt must earn opposition's help
施政方針演説 政策実現へ周到な戦略で臨め(1月25日付・読売社説)

Prime Minister Naoto Kan must have a well-prepared strategy, beyond merely hoping for cooperation from opposition parties, to realize important policies.

Kan made his first administrative policy speech on the opening day of the ordinary Diet session Monday. He called on the opposition camp to take part in consultations to resolve such pending issues as integrated reform of the social security and tax systems and whether to join negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.

Given a divided Diet in which the ruling coalition parties have less than a two-thirds majority in the House of Representatives while the House of Councillors is controlled by opposition parties, cooperation with the opposition camp is indispensable to passing budget-related and other important bills through the Diet.

We do not dispute the need for the prime minister's seemingly desperate call for cooperation.

Will Kan make thorough preparations and exhibit determination to work out a consensus within his Democratic Party of Japan to obtain agreement from the opposition parties that have been cranking up their confrontational stance toward the DPJ-led government?

Kan has announced a plan for the government and ruling parties to determine the direction of social security reform in April and put together a reform plan also involving the tax system in June.


Present concrete measures

Unless the government and ruling parties present concrete measures, the opposition camp cannot be expected to join policy consultations.

To expedite talks with the opposition, it is necessary for the ruling coalition parties to hold sufficient discussions on additional burdens to be borne by the people from as early as April--when they decide on the direction of social security reform--to seek the people's understanding on reforms they are going to promote.

In his policy speech, Kan said the ruling and opposition parties "share the awareness of issues and many points of contention." His perception is reasonable. The opposition camp, for its part, has no reason to refuse to enter into talks with the ruling parties.

Concerning another major political issue, Japan's potential involvement in the TPP negotiations, Kan said his government would draw a conclusion on the matter in June. The government needs to expedite efforts to build a consensus in favor of taking part in the multilateral TPP negotiations, which have been accelerating under the leadership of the United States.

Definitely lacking in the prime minister's speech was a sense of crisis over state finances, which have been deteriorating with combined debts of national and local governments ballooning to a staggering 868 trillion yen at the end of the current fiscal year.


Review policy goals

In its 2009 general election campaign platform, the DPJ pledged to make highway tolls free and to provide public handouts, such as child-rearing allowances. But it is now clear the government cannot afford such measures. The DPJ should drastically review its platform, which said it would be possible to secure fiscal resources for such policies if wasteful spending was slashed under a DPJ-led government.

In regard to the DPJ's slogan of "lawmaker-led politics," the party has just reflected on and revised its stance of eliminating bureaucrats from the process of policymaking and coordination, which it admitted went overboard.

If the DPJ demonstrates its willingness to carry out a sweeping review of its campaign platform, it will help the government secure smooth functioning in the split Diet.

Kan concluded his speech by saying the public expects the Diet to hold a constructive debate and draw conclusions promptly. He called on all Diet members to make this Diet session a "forum of in-depth deliberations."

He is quite right. We do not want to see a repetition of the unproductive extraordinary Diet session that ended early last month.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 25, 2011)
(2011年1月25日01時30分 読売新聞)