
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

China to be No. 1 in the world


(Mainichi Japan) January 7, 2011
China's rise may provide new model of growth, success for Japan

China has surpassed Japan as the world's second largest economy, but that in itself is old news. These days, people are watching and waiting to see if China will overtake the United States in the number one spot.

And speaking of the gravitational pull China exerts on global trends, what about language? Some private observers predict that Chinese will become the most used language on the Internet within five years -- a prognostication that has become the focus of a lot of discussion of late.

There are about 450 million Internet users in China today -- and the number continues to rise by the tens of millions every year. With so many Chinese speakers colonizing cyberspace, some say that the day Chinese surpasses English as the global language is close at hand.

As might be expected, people in the U.S. are already gearing up to succeed in a Chinese-speaking world.

Instead of "violin," "Chinese" is now the watchword among American parents with kids in gifted programs.  今アメリカで、英才教育に熱心な親の合言葉は「バイオリンではなく中国語を」だそうだ。

Moreover, the number of both public and private schools offering Chinese courses is rising, according to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof.

This is beginning to show up statistically as well.

The number of high school and university students taking classes in a foreign language rose 6.6 percent from 2006 to 2009, while the number of those studying Chinese saw an 18.2 percent rise.

You might suspect that the study of Japanese doesn't even enter the picture, but you'd be wrong. The number of students taking Japanese classes rose 10.3 percent over the same period, and in fact more people are studying Japanese than Chinese.

The number of students taking Japanese classes did decline for a time, but a rising China appears to have translated in many people's minds into a rising Asia, and study of Japanese is along for the ride.

There might be a hint for Japan's survival in all this.

Instead of looking askance at China's growing success, Japan could strategically seek out a share of the benefits. 卑屈な心じゃなく戦略として、中国の勢いのおこぼれをしっかりゲットすること。

In areas where China looks likely to see big strides, such as language education, tourism and business, Japan could appeal to the world to give this country a look as well.

The world's affection will not always be so passionately focused on China.

At times when other countries grow weary at China's pretentions to superpower status, they may turn their attention to its island neighbor, and Japan will benefit from the comparison. Japan's stock will rise.

As a particularly relevant example, consider the U.S.'s northern neighbor, Canada. It's not in such a bad position, is it?

毎日新聞 2011年1月7日 0時18分