
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

警察資料流出 経路解明と再発防止が急務だ


The Yomiuri Shimbun (Dec. 6, 2010)
MPD must admit leak, prevent recurrence
警察資料流出 経路解明と再発防止が急務だ(12月5日付・読売社説)

More than a month after documents related to international terrorism investigations were apparently leaked onto the Internet, the Metropolitan Police Department on Friday seized personal information and access information about subscribers of two Internet service providers.

The MPD has not yet said the documents in question are real, but it has launched an official investigation on the suspicion that obstruction of its operations has occurred.
The data leak, which took place immediately before the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit meeting in Yokohama, affected security arrangements for the summit and related conferences, as the MPD had to assign some personnel who would have worked on event security and other duties to instead conduct internal research into the leak.
(警視庁はまだリークした情報が本物であるということを認めていない by srachai)
(本来であればAPECの警備等に割り当てられる人員がこのリークを調査するために振り分けられた by srachai)

Now, the MPD has probably judged its internal probe to have been too limited to find out who responsible for the leak.

The launch of the "official investigation" seems a bit late, but the MPD has to learn the full story of the leak as soon as possible.

Information still on Net

The leaked data is spreading over the Internet even now. It has been reported that more than 10,000 people in more than 20 countries and territories all over the world have so far obtained it using file-sharing software.

Great personal damage has been suffered by the people whose names and photos are displayed on the Internet with "target of investigation" or other labels attached.

After the leak came to light, a book that included all the data in its original form was released by a Tokyo-based publisher. The Tokyo District Court issued two provisional injunctions to the publisher to stop the publication and sale of the book, based on demands from Muslim residents of Japan whose personal information was carried in it.

The court's decisions were based on the judgment that the publication violates those people's privacy. Suspension of publication is approved only in exceptional cases since such an action may violate the freedom of expression guaranteed in the Constitution. We think the court made an appropriate decision because the damage should be kept from multiplying.

However, we really do not understand why the MPD still does not admit that the data is a collection of internal police documents.

International implications

The leaked documents include information believed to have been given to the MPD by foreign investigative organizations. So the MPD seems to be worrying that Japan will lose the trust of the international community and be viewed as "a country that cannot preserve confidentiality" if the MPD admits that official documents got out.

Probably for this reason, the MPD has not demanded that the administrators of Web sites carrying the leaked data delete the information. It kept silent even when it learned the book was going to be published and remained silent when it was actually published.

However, the MPD should not be allowed to remain passively silent in the face of the ever-expanding damage from the leak.

The MPD needs to immediately admit the leaked documents are genuine and apologize to people whose personal information was leaked. It is a matter of course that the MPD must secure the safety of its informants in investigations.

Reportedly, the possibility remains that an MPD insider used his or her own external memory device to smuggle out investigation data from MPD computers. If this is what actually happened, the MPD's information management is too sloppy, and the organization must urgently correct the situation.

The MPD must trace the route of the leak and devise measures to prevent similar incidents as soon as possible. Otherwise, the country cannot regain the international confidence it has lost.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Dec. 5, 2010)
(2010年12月5日01時14分 読売新聞)