
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )

Nagai dies for Burmese Democracy


cite from wikkipedia,


Nagai, with a camera still in his hands, after he was fatally shot by a Burmese soldier. Taken by Adrees Latif, this photo won Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography in 2008. Nagai had been in Burma covering the anti-government protests since Tuesday, September 25. On Thursday, September 27, Nagai was photographing the protests near the Traders Hotel, a few blocks away from the Sule Pagoda in downtown Yangon, when soldiers opened fire on demonstrators, killing Nagai and reportedly injuring another foreign journalist.

Reports initially stated that Nagai was hit by stray bullets fired by soldiers or possibly shot from the front. The "stray bullet" explanation was proposed by the government of Burma as an explanation for Nagai's death. However, video footage obtained by Japanese television appears to show a Burmese soldier shoving Nagai to the ground and shooting him at point-blank range.

A still image photographed by Adrees Latif showed the soldier standing over Nagai, who was sprawled on the ground and still clutching his camera.

This photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times on September 28, 2007.

A subsequent shot showed Nagai's body sprawled in the street as the soldier walked away.

Judging from the patch, the soldier responsible is believed to be from one of the Light Infantry Divisions (possibly LID 66) in charge of crowd control in Yangon at the time of protests.

At the Japanese embassy in Burma, a physician established the trajectory of the fatal bullet that killed Nagai, determining that the bullet entered Nagai's chest from the lower right side and pierced his heart before exiting from his back.
在ビルマ日本大使館によると、ドクターの所見では銃弾は背後から撃たれたもので右胸低部から心臓を突き抜けていた。(日本語版と齟齬がありますが、英語版の翻訳です by srachai)

On October 8, new footage showing how a Burmese soldier apparently confiscated fallen Nagai's video camera was revealed on a Japanese news show.

Adrees Latif's photo, depicting Nagai sprawling on the pavement before his death, won the Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography in 2008.


Reporters Without Borders condemned the killing of Nagai, noting that Nagai was carrying a camera in his hand when he was shot, identifying him as a journalist. The director of the RWB's Washington, D.C. branch, Lucie Morillon, said that Nagai was "left to die in the street."

Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda bemoaned Nagai's death as "extremely unfortunate" and Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura offered his prayers and condolences.

Machimura said: "We strongly protest the Myanmar government and demand an investigation (into the death). We demand (Myanmar) take appropriate steps to ensure the safety of the Japanese citizens in that country."

Japan's Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura stated that Japan holds Burma accountable for the death of Kenji Nagai.

According to Komura, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told him that the "international community cannot allow peaceful protesters to be killed and injured".

On September 28, Masahiko Komura lodged a protest over the killing of Nagai when he met with Burma's Foreign Minister Nyan Win at the United Nations Headquarters. In the meeting, Nyan Win apologized for Nagai's death. 9月28日、高村正彦外務大臣はニューヨークの国連本部でミャンマーのニャン・ウィン(Nyan Win)外相と会談。「平和的デモに強圧的な実力行使が行われ、日本人が死亡した。大変遺憾であり強く抗議する」と述べ、ウィン外相が謝罪した。また「報道の映像で見る限り、至近距離から射殺されており決して流れ弾のようなものではない。真相解明を強く求める」と発言した。

Yabunaka Mitoji, Deputy Minister for Japanese Foreign Affairs, left for Burma on September 30.

Although Nyan Win officially apologized, an October 13 article locally published in the government-owned Mirror newspaper offered a different view of the events. It claimed that Nagai had entered the country using a tourist visa instead of proper journalist visa and faulted the cameraman for failing to get a permit to cover the news inside Burma. It emphasized that the event occurred at the time of martial law being imposed and the soldiers could not differentiate between a Burmese citizen and a Japanese because of the resemblance in Asian looks.
事件は戒厳令下に発生した。同じ東洋人でビルマ人と見分けがつかなかった。(嘘です、一目瞭然です by srachai)

Nagai's father, Hideo, told the media: "I don't want Myanmar authorities and the government to resort to such measures. I want them to prevent something like this from happening again." According to Japan's Foreign minister Masahiko Komura, Japan is considering curbing development aid for Burma.

"The Group Protesting the Murder of Mr. Nagai by the Army of Myanmar" was founded by Japanese journalists, intellectuals and celebrities in order to protest Nagai's killing and petition for the return of his camera and tape.
By November 2007 the group collected 20,000 signatures, primarily in Japan. On November 26, 2007, the group posted an English version of the letter on their website and started collecting signatures internationally.

(翻訳は意訳です by srachai)